46146,04,03/13/93,BENJAMIN COHEN,ALEX ZELL BULLETINS,NONE You should know by now that NOBODY reads the bulletins on ANY system. That doesn't mean they shouldn't be there. And you SHOULD put a privacy notice in the opening bulletin to obtain full protection of the Communications Privacy Act. 46147,03,03/13/93,MURRAY ARNOW,ALL VOICE MAIL, I am interested in voice mail boards for the PC. I would be grateful for any information anybody is willing to share. This is one of the many subjects I must admit to being quite ignorant. 46246,08,05/14/93,ANDY SHAPIRO,WARD FAN CLUB, Well, I'm sort of used to the fan noise now, but it still bothers me a little. My old Kaypro was such a silent sucker! I've been thinking about putting in a switch -- check for hot spots, then if I find any, fan on. I don't know. I DO know my temperature sensitivity is pretty good (anyone with two small children needs to be able to pick up +/- 2 degrees or so)! IF I try this when I get back home, I'll let you know the results... 46247,08,05/14/93,PETE CANTELE,WARD LINE FEEDS,TTTT Ward, Hi, happy to see that you remembered my name from so long ago. I've been logging in regula{ly, just not saying much.~r I{don't remember why I looked at help for line feeds; I was curious about something or I just did it by accident. It's bei]en a long time since I've done anything with my TRS@<}-80 equip. I've been working with pc's & compatsl~.{just like most of the rest of the world. I'm still hoping to see what you g#;|ook likev:~r~rt(~r; gettimg too much garbage; got to go. 46346,08,06/29/93,GARY ELFRING,WARD CHRISTENSEN MOVIES & COMPUTERS, Computer Boxes- should have read software boxes, that fancy packaging for software that users throw out, but computer stores require if you want them to sell your product. The negatives are printed from a MAC on an image setter. It's a postScript device. It does true 2400 dpi over it's entire printable area. Better than 8 bit color, don't know if it's 16 or 24 bit. These things are very ex expensive, but fairly common. 46347,04,06/30/93,CHUCK YOUNG,ALL LOOKING FOR A JOB!, I am an engineer that has been out of work for about 6 months. I hav{ a background in UNIX, C, hardware development, software development, and technical writing. I am also available to do contract work. If you have an interest in me, give me a call on 708-985-6381. { 46447,11,09/05/93,WARD CHRISTENSEN,ALL X.25=MULTI LINES?, One of the biggest surprises I recall at ONE BBSCON, was learning that folks running multi-line BBSs didn't have to have a phone line to their house for each line! Instead, they had a single say 56K x.25 line, which multiplexed multiple calls! I thought that was cool. But now that I'm back home and thinking about it (I don't mean "thinking about DOING it", just thinking about it conceptually) I realize: or more correctly, a friend asked: where are the modems? GOOD QUESTION! If you have x.25, but the people calling you DO NOT, then does the phone company have a rack of modems, turn the signals back into digital, then digitally multiplex them down the line to your house? Thanks for any ideas! 46546,52,01/04/94,WARD CHRISTENSEN,ALL CBBS 16TH ANNIV PARTY 2/19,NONE I called yesterday (Jan 3 '94), the reservation is in! Come one, come all, to the Chinet/CBBS 16th Anniversary party. 2:00 PM, Saturday the 19th of February, 1994 Barnaby's Pizza, 2832 W. Touhy (near California) (312) 973-4550 Bring your hi-tech toys, inventions, creations, etc. 2 yrs ago we had a laser, home-made chain-mail (medieval armor), a "suction cup dart gun" made from PVC that shot toilet-bowl plungers, a toy hovercraft, a remote- control blimp, an AC-only name-tag printer hacked to run off of a battery pack stored in an old software box, etc. No RSVP. Just show up. People from other systems Ward & Randy are on - AOL, BIX, etc are invited. Come one come all. >>>>>>>>>>>>>> CAN'T AFFORD IT? COME ANYWAY! Ward will buy! <<<<<<<<<<<<<< Map to chinet / CBBS-16th-Birthday, Pizza party. To Wis. | | Barnabies--. |E| ######### \_ | | /| |\T O U H Y (7200N)|_| |C| =====================|D|=======================|=|===(Splash) \| |/<---- 2.3 mi ------> |A| D E V O N (6400N) |E| ^ | | =======================| |==|====================|L|===(Splash) |N| | | | to O'Hare | | | |I| -----------. |S| ~ 3 miles | | ---------._ '-. | | | |F| '-. '-. (I94) | K '-. '-. | | | E '-. '\| | V N '-. \ N '-. '-. E '-. '-. D '-. '-. IRVING PARK Y '-. '-. =============|C|================\. \==== | | \. \. |I| I-94->\. \. | | \. \. |C| \. \. | | ADDISON (3600?N) \. \. Addison ========= E ============================\. \=== Exit | | \. \| | |R| \. | | | -BELMONT- \. \. O Kennedy to Downtown Chicago ---> (C) Copywrong 1992-4, Ward's Cartography. 46547,05,01/05/94,MICHAEL SHARTIAG,ALL RECHARGABLE ALKALINES, From the little I have read about them, they are new, specially designed or formulated battries. You have to get the batteries and the special recharger. While only assuming, if it were a special circuit in the charger alone, they would market it to the world for use with standard alkaline battries.