46214,02,04/22/93,ERIC BOHLMAN,BILL MATTSON 68000, I can do you one better: I've still got a 4-MHZ one lying around (no plastic box, though). 46215,13,04/22/93,ERIC BOHLMAN,WARD/ALL VOICE INPUT, I've had a chance to play around a little with Voice Blaster, a hardware/ software combo from Covox that lets you use a SoundBlaster or clone for voice input. It can recognize up to 1023 words at a time (though they admit that speed and accuracy will be poor with such a large vocabulary). It's speaker-dependent and requires training. I've had mixed results with it, but they admit that support for the PAS-16 sound card that I have isn't quite there. I haven't had time to open up the machine and stick the old SoundBlaster back in and try it out (it has a test function that lets you play back the word that it tried to recognize, and I found that with the PAS it was chopping words up). Cost $69.95 at Comp Usa. Might be useful for entering control-key sequences or the like without straining the wrists (it also works well with a word-predictor program I sell). Current support is DOS only, though they've promised a Windows version. 46314,01,06/09/93,WARD CHRISTENSEN,RANDAL CRAIG R/COMPUTER CHRONICLES, Thanks! I wanted to know if Gates had the date right. Owell. 46414,01,08/11/93,PAT BALL,WARD CHRISTENSEN R/WINDOWS TERMINAL, I think I will continue with Procomm. Thanks for help. 46415,04,08/11/93,PHIL SCHUMAN,ALL MCIMAIL-->ATTMAIL/LAN, we have our MSmail system up and running with a gateway to ATTMAIL. I can exchange mail with compuserve via the X.400 interface, and the internet too. I would like to try and figure out how to exchange msgs with someone on MCImail - or even better, a LAN with a gateway to MCIMAIL. 46514,22,11/24/93,RICHARD PAQUETTE,WARD CHRISTENSEN HELLO,EXPO Ward.. Hadn't heard from you and thought that maybe you had decided to not discuss with me a possibility that we could see you at BBS EXPO! Hope that isn't the case.. because I think that you would see that the part of BBSing you started is what we are aiming at with this EXPO.. getting back to the basics of BBSing Today and Tommorrow. Please leave me a voice number to call you and I will be glad to get in touch with you at hours you feel are the easiest to reach you... or... I can be reached all week at home starting at 4pm est today... 609-231-1757. Happy Thanksgiving day and thanks for considering talking to me about our upcoming BBS EXPO in Washington DC on April 5, 6 and 7 of 1994! Talk to you later or will check back here for a number to call you. Thanks again.. Richard Paquette.. BBS, The Bulletin Board Systems Magazine 46515,13,11/24/93,AL HIGGINS,ANDY SHAPIRO R/DJ HICAP, I was able to peel the top off several cartirges but one needs to be carefull. I placed the cartridge on its side and used an exacto knife to score a like down the seam where the cartridge is glued together. After the line was scribed, I was able to find a few small places where I could get the blade all the way through. Then I used a hammer and tapped the exacto blade down the cartridge, and was able to pop it open. Sometimes it wont pop clean and leaves a raged edge. I used a new exacto blade and cleaned it up, or a dremo drill. Occassionally, you will find one that's impossible to open, they used ALL the glue on that cartridge that they left out of the others. I've also opened the color cartridge, and have refilled it three times. Once you refill it, use a little ruber cement to hold the top on. Works great! Have fun! hange mail with compuserve via the X.400 interface, and the internet too. I would like to try and figur