46211,14,04/20/93,MICHAEL SHARTIAG,WARD CHRISTENSEN VESA ???, Ward, My information says that VESA stands for Video Extended System Arch- itechture..... I have also seen reference to VESA signals on the VGA adapter connector that is found on IBM VGA cards, and copied by many of the 1st generation VGA cards by others. I do not know what they may have to do with todays's VESA.... Also, with caching disk drives, controllers, system software (smartdrv, etc.) Netware, and motherboards, have we reached a point where we are CACHED OUT and actually losing performance by everyone trying to guess ahead for what we may want? Most seminars I have been to say not, but with 4 levels now possible in most machines it seems to be possible that with all of this going on it could take longer to get something than having none of it, or just one. 46310,04,06/08/93,RANDAL CRAIG,WARD CHRISTENSEN R/COMPUTER CHRONICLES, The question was what was it Ward Christensen and Randy (I forgot his last name and erased the tape) established in (date)? No one had a clue on the two pannels. I was not impressed by their knowledge of the trivia this time. The people are interesting in a very strange way. 46311,02,06/09/93,TOM YABLONG,ANDY SHAPIRO R/FAN CLUB :-), Radio Shack uses a termister in their puters: part# DBT103J-U. Their fan turns on when the disk drive is going. 46410,16,08/08/93,MICHAEL SHARTIAG,ALL DIVERSIFIED TECH-COLOR CATCHER, A freind pickup upa large blue box ( alnost looked like an IMSAI) The box and assocaited stuff says: Diversified Technology, Inc. Color Catcher, the internal cards and the back say: @1986 Frederiksen & Shu Laboratories Inc. There were 3 PC/XT cards ( 8 bits) with a switch that setup for XT vs. AT (so AT's existed) It takes a 50 pin twisted pair ribbon cable from the card to the box (only one connector) It takes NTSC in, and output RGB, SYNC, Sub-carrier out and NSTC out. I'm sure it had software but nothing came with it. I have been able to locate a Diversified Technology in the south somewhere but they only make industrial rack mount computers and never made this: So what I need is: Can anyone tell me what this thing does/did ? (is it worth even pursueing)? ANy phone number for this company or who ever might have bought them out ? 46510,18,11/16/93,RICHARD PAQUETTE,WARD CHRISTENSEN R/INVITATION, Can understand how you feel.. although I may not have explained BBS EXPO w well enough to you... We are attempting to gather the "other" end of BBS'ers.. the so called "hobby" people and folks that just bought a modem and have no idea what to do with it etc... If you would take a minute to call.. I can most probably explain ourselves much better to you.. Also.. if you haven't seen recent copies of our magazine.. I would like to mail you the past six or seven copies for your review and then you would see the "type" of bbs'er we are talking to via the magazine and the "type" we are gathering for this convention.. If you would like.. I can be reached in the evenings at: 609-231-1757 and please feel free to call collect.. daytime: 609-953-9110 ok. Thank you for taking the time to explain your feelings and hope to hear from you soon.. Richard Paquette, Publisher, BBS Callers Digest 46511,06,11/18/93,ANDY SHAPIRO,ROY LIPSCOMB DJ HICAP, I've seen refills for it, so it must be. At least one of the refills for the high capacity cart includes a specially modified cartridge, whatever that means. I dunno; at $22, it's almost not worth the trouble. I just had one run out after six months and a lot of paper. Of course, I print mainly text; if I were doing more graphics stuff, I suppose it would have run out sooner...  bits) with a switch that setup for XT vs. AT (so AT's existed)