45699,05,06/01/92,WARD CHRISTENSEN,GERRY SWANSON R/MANDELBROT, Gee, do you have a VGA? You ought to get Fractint. It is an incredibly fast fractal program, available on most of the boards. Actually it will run on a CGA even (I've used it on an XT-compatible laptop, years ago) and the features are just outstanding. The speed makes it practical to do a lot with it. 45798,01,10/14/92,MURRAY ARNOW,WARD CHRISTENSEN R/9600 BAUD, 9600 is working fine for me. 45799,05,10/15/92,WARD CHRISTENSEN,ALL DATA ON FM SUBCARRIER?, I thought I once heard something about data being broadcast on those SCA thingies (Sub Carier Authority) - like how Muzak gets broadcast? Anyone have any details? P.S. CBBS co-founder Randy Suess just got a satellite hookup for the news feed for his Unix system! 45898,12,11/11/92,WARD CHRISTENSEN,ANDY SHAPIRO R/DESKJET EXPERIENCES, Upstate NY? I'd forgotten! I'm going to a meeting tomorrow where I might commit a lot of funds, I'll probably just keep what I've got - it is pretty new and lightly utilized, so I should probably just keep using it instead of pressing my nose on ElekTek's window looking @ THE DJ550C... Gee, just went to see what t new one would cost - the doggone ElekTek has the DJ as "fair traded" or whatever it is that makes it NOT a catalog item! Lets assume I'm just going to keep it - if something comes up soon that makes me want to go to the new one (like a particular task better suited to the mixed black/color environment) I'll see if you've done something else or not. 45899,02,11/12/92,ROBERTO IRWIN,ALL LAPTOPS & MONITOR FOR SALE, Tandy TRS-80 models 100 & 200 w/modems, 1400 laptop two disk drive and mode m, Tandy CM5 color monitor for sale. Cheap! call 312 929-0258 ask for Rob. 45998,09,01/02/93,ANDY SHAPIRO,WARD CHRISTENSEN R/RE: TOYS, Yeah. You're right about the PC hookup -- I was amazed when I saw the price (today). Still, it's a really nice little critter. Keyboard has little rubber keys, a one-time SHIFT as well as a CAPS LOCK. Everything beeps when you hit it, don't know if it can be silenced, but the beep is nice with something that small. The screen was good and I THINK it had adjustable contrast. Once nice feature (from my point of view) was that there was nothing electronic in the TOP of the case -- it was just a door, with some instructions pasted in it. That helps make this a thin little unit. 45999,10,01/03/93,TONY ANTONUCCI,WARD & ALL TOYS, I got a Fotoman (actually I bought it a few weeks before Xmas). Takes up to 32 pictures (Black & White) which then download into the computer via a serial link. You use a Windows program to preview & edit them. Pretty nice. Needless to say this years Xmas cards included the dreaded Xmas letter With PICTURES! I'm learning there is quite difference in taking photos with the Fotoman then a real camera. It will be making an appearance at the CBBS birthday party. I would like to know if anyone will be bringing a laptop/notebook that is capable of running Windows?? If so I will bring the software and we can view/edit the pictures...right away! Perhaps a "group" photo of those that attend! ng @ THE DJ550C... Gee, just went to see what t new one would cost - the doggone ElekTek has the DJ as "fair traded