45696,20,05/30/92,JOE SEROCKI,ALL LAPTOP FOR SALE,OPIE I have a Zenith laptop for sale or trade. This is the 184 series, 8088, 640k, CGA compatible graphics, 20m hard drive and 720k floppy, 1200 baud internal modem. It is in excellent shape, with a new hard drive and controller card, and new battery pack. It operates on internal batteries or 12vdc, making it an excellent packet rig. Includes soft case, power supply, and battery pack. I figure it's value to be about $500 or so. It would not be so much except that all the critical parts are new. I am looking to sell it outright (preferrably) or to trade it for an HF rig of some sort. The rig must be 12vdc, can be a QRP rig such as the Ten-Tec Century 22 or Heath HW9 series (with a little cash or ?? thrown in) or a low end HF rig such as the 747GX, 725, 730 or so. If are interested in a purchase or trade, I can be reached at 708-632-8723 or at N9IFG@W9ZMR.IL.USA.NA. Thanks es 73, Joe... .-. 45697,03,06/01/92,GERRY SWANSON,ROGER PENROSE R/QUERY ABOUT BBS'S, Temporal Insanity is great. I can be reached there under the handle "Dirk Gently." The other two didn't work (Busy Signal. Thanks 45796,04,10/13/92,WARD CHRISTENSEN,DANIEL EVANS R/QUESTION ON GUEST ACCESS, Sorry, Randy doesn't call in here any more (compared to chinet, it is "boring"). I don't THINK any non-contributor has access to the internet, but I'll pass your msg along to him when I call chinet this evening. 45797,06,10/13/92,WARD CHRISTENSEN,ERIC BOHLMAN 9600 BAUD, I know it isn't all that fast (because of local echoing of the screen) but is 9600 working OK for you? At CBBS' 12th or so anniversary, USR gave me two HST 9600s, one for CBBS, one for me. Randy "usurped" one when CBBS died, and I had to give mine up to get CBBS going again, so I can no longer get in over 2400, and am just wondering if it is OK. Thanks! 45896,03,11/11/92,DON COLEMAN,ALL XEROX 2040 PRINTER HELP, I have a Xerox 2040 Printer and I cant make it work with Windows 3.x. Does anyone out there have any info, MANUALS, etc to help. Any info would be most appreciated!!! Thanks.. Don Coleman. 45996,07,01/02/93,WARD CHRISTENSEN,ELI LEHRER INTERVIEW, Tell me more about the "research", please. Ask a few questions, I'll respond online. Kind of burned out on the interview process, what with having invented BBSs (and coined the term "BBS"). I DO presume you know this is the worlds first BBS, about to celebrate its 15th anniversary in February. What is your research for? A write-up? A magazine? Club newsletter? Where is 203? 45997,06,01/02/93,BILL MATTSON,WARD CHRISTENSEN R/MSC 7.0 & IBM C SET/2, No, I was referring to use of equivalent calls in each of the two systems, MSC SDK, and IBM C Set/2. There seems to be similarity, as one would expect, but still lots of naming difference to keep us busy. Not calls for Windows, but window calls as in window function calls, handles, creates, messages, etc. I have the SDK also, and have found some of Microsoft's sample programs to be more functionally complete than IBM's. I can be reached there under the handle "Dirk Gently." The other two did