45694,09,05/30/92,JOHN SERRANO,ALL PD TCP/IP FOR FTP?,BLAH I'm looking for a public domain version of TCP/IP that features the following items: SLIP and automatic dialing (to dial the terminal server). I guess FTP is a given. Does such a creature exist? I downloaded a package from ftp.ncsa.uiuc. edu, but it only works with network adapters, not modems. Does anyone know of an ftp site that has what I need? Thanks. 45695,05,05/30/92,GERRY SWANSON,ALL MANDELBROT,DIRK I have been using the book "The Armchair Universe" by A.K. Dewdney. I a ing to make a program that lets you zoom in on the "Mandelbrot Set" fractal As far as his program describes it I am doing everything he says. If anyone knows how to make the program (in basic) or has the book tell me. I have the IBM compatible GW-Basic. 45794,15,10/12/92,ROY LIPSCOMB,WARD/BILL CLOHERTY R/ALL COMMAND.COM'S IDENTICAL?, Ward, my DOS 5.0 also has COMMAND.COM AS 47845 bytes, but the date/time is 11-11-91 5:00. Bill, my DOS 3.3 COMMAND.COM (Zenith) is listed as 25532 in length (vs your 25644). In my edition of DOS 3.3 COMMAND.COM, the errorlevel is at offset 0BEA (when COMMAND.COM is loaded. The file offset is 100H less). Incidentally, to locate that byte, I used a trick Ward suggested years ago for locating the USER byte in the CP/M BDOS: Set the USER to one value, copy the BDOS, set the USER to another value, copy the BDOS again, compare the two copies to find the byte that differs and reflects the two USER values that you individually set. Thanks for your responses. 45795,09,10/13/92,DANIEL EVANS,RANDY SUESS QUESTION ON GUEST ACCESS, Randy, When you have guest access on 283-0559, (login evans) I don't quite understand if guests can post to the net at all (or just on weekends). Your message on this was not clear to me. If I want to post do I need contributor access, or are guests just limited to certain time slots? My internet address is evans@ihlpm.att.com. Thanks for the help. Dan 45894,05,11/11/92,AL HIGGINS,WARD CHRISTENSEN R/INTERGATED VOICE, By the way, do you still have the voice card or did you sell it? If you did sell it, is there anyone in Chicago that sells this type of product? The MFG refered me to Comp USA, they don't know what I'm talking about nor does Tiger Software. Guess I'll have to make some more phone calls! Thanks... 45895,05,11/11/92,ANDY SHAPIRO,WARD CHRISTENSEN R/DESKJET EXPERIENCES, Well, how much would you want? I'm serious, a money IS a consideration, and I trust you took good are of the critter. Remember that one of us would have to pay shipping to upstate NY. If you'd really be willing to sell the printer, call me at (518) 382-1880, evenings, until 11:00 Eastern time. Thanks! 45994,06,01/02/93,WARD CHRISTENSEN,BENJAMIN COHEN R/NEW TOYS?, I, too, got a Sportster 2400/9600 modem (for work), and WinFaxPro, but it would NOT work under OS/2. I understand release 3 should work, but instead I took it back and bought PM FAX, which I've not had time to try. MTEZ is kind of funny - not sure I understand it. I know that higher levels of MNP implement synchronous transfer, to avoid the time wasted by sending start and stop bits, and obviously software can't do that. 45995,08,01/02/93,WARD CHRISTENSEN,ANDY SHAPIRO R/RE: TOYS, I gave my brother a Sharp 5200 for Xmas - the only reason I did was that he was interested in a "Brother" or "Royal" or some "off" brand, that was about as big, but not as full featured. This way I can back his up (occasionally) when I visit, etc. Also I can help him with usage tips (and he taught me a thing or two by more patiently reading the book). SMALL - "really small" - would be a distinct advantage - and being able to hook to a PC is important (but typically, expensive: nearly $100).  message on this was not clear to me. If I want to post do I need contributor access, or are guests just l