45692,02,05/29/92,BILL WOLFF,JERRY OLSEN IDE TROUBLE OVER, Thanks and never a dull moment trying something new to work with something you already have. I guess it's just comes with the job! 45693,23,05/29/92,ANDY SHAPIRO,WARD CHRISTENSEN R/COMPUADD EXPRESS, of course i could do that, but I have no need, nor budget. More to the point, havinf this old creature feature at home helps me to appreciate the 386 at work. you mentioned 'memory interleave' in another posting -- what's this, and how does it speed things up? On another note -- I can't imagine working without DR DOS 6.0! I will never go back to MS-DOS. The memory features are nice, the disk cache is quite good, and the task switcher makes even bad software look good. For example -- the American Heritage Dictionary (AHED). It comes with two versions, both TSR. One is small, but activating it just loads up a large program from disk, so it's SLOW. Then there's a second TSR that gets you into AHED fast, but which eats some 150+K. So whaty do you do? With the DRDOS task switcher, you just load AHED as a task and swap it out to extended memory. Then, when you need it, it's easy as pie to switch tasks, the whole thing is there NOW, and it takes no memory away from your real session. IT's cute. It also works well for debugging -- if a program locks up the machine, all it's really locked up is the one task session, and you can terminate that and still have a functioning system. Try it -- it's so much better than MS-DOS that there is no comparison. Of course, with 4DOS on top, it's even better... 45792,02,10/11/92,WARD CHRISTENSEN,BILL CLOHERTY R/CRC-32 (CCITT), What is that particular CRC used in? Might be easier to find if I knew in what context it was used. Thanks! 45892,04,11/10/92,WARD CHRISTENSEN,MIKE WISNIEWSKI FILES?, Nope. CBBS was never for file transfer. On a single-line system, it ties things up too much, so when Randy & I invented the BBS, it didn't do file transfers, even though I'd invented what became XMODEM about 6 months before. Sorry. 45893,10,11/11/92,AL HIGGINS,WARD CHRISTENSEN R/INTERGATED VOICE, My wife has started a small business, and produceses several different products. We've tryed an answering machine and that doesn't work..... People that are calling for product A dont want to listen to a short script for product B or C. Likewise, people who are calling for everyday business related activities DO NOT Want to listen to the advertising...... Based upon that, I thought the easiest way to sole the problem would be to use a interactive voice card. I have the sapre PC so I can use it for voice messaging and faxing and unload my other machine of those tasks And last bt not least, the PC add in cards are economical as compared to the commercial units range from aprox. $5,000 to $50,000. 45992,02,12/31/92,BENJAMIN COHEN,MICHAEL SHARTIAG R/LASERJET 4M, Funny, I was at an office last week where there was a big box that said LaserJet 4M on it. When was the hold released...\ 45993,11,12/31/92,BENJAMIN COHEN,WARD CHRISTENSEN R/NEW TOYS?, Actually got a few weeks ago, Zoom V.32bis fax-modem. Seems to work nicely, though I haven't yet tried out the fax receiving software. A friend of mine got a USR Sportster: the furnished software won't send out a fax that has been received. He tried WinFaxPro, but I'm the only one who can send him a fax from a fax machine; others have tried but the software refuses to accept them! Zoom provided MTEZ, which seems to work reasonably well. I used WordStar 7's fax printer driver, which has the same fonts as a LaserJet 3. It 'prints' the file to a PCX file and MTEZ nicely converts that to a fax. And downloading at 14.4 yields about 1600 cps vs about 230 at 2400 (as reported by ProComm). 'Tis a joy to the phone bill....  WISNIEWSKI FILES?, Nope. CBBS was never for file transfer. On a single-line syst