45690,30,05/29/92,JERRY OLSEN,ARCADY KHOTIN R/HELLO FROM RUSSIA, I was delighted to see your messages here. Most of my work these days involves writing for computer magazines, including a column about international computer issues which is syndicated in England and Australia. Because of this I have set up and keep in contact with about 300 sources around the world. Through that process I of course have learned quite a bit about some of the questions you raised in your first message here--too much for a single message, in fact. We could continue exchanging messages here, if you plan to continue calling; but I sometimes can't call here for weeks at a time. One option might be to use my BBS (in the same city as this one) at 312-939-4411 (up to 2400 bps), which I monitor several times each day. Another possibility might be via Internet, which you mentioned. But it will depend what local node you use to access Internet. Some nodes in the Commonwealth countries are extremely expensive--not for you, but for us in the States. The reason is that WE get billed for messages to you AND from you--and all are quite expensive. So if you currently have personal access to Internet, you might leave your Internet address here or on my BBS. I'll respond with one message on Internet despite the costs. (I'm sorry to be particularly concerned about this, but with the large network of international callers I constantly maintain at my own expense, I must be!) I look forward to hearing from you and exchanging messages, whether here or elsewhere. I'll respond to some of your questions and perhaps you would be kind enough to respond to some of mine for use in my column. Best wishes. 45691,14,05/29/92,JERRY OLSEN,BILL WOLFF INTERNET,JWOA Just a quick addition to your comments, in case others try to use them.... From CIS and other systems, you must remember to precede the Internet address with a ">" redirection symbol--followed IMMEDIATELY by "INTERNET:....." (A few systems will generate the redir symbol for you and remove extraneous spaces, but CIS doesn't.) Secondly, you of course correctly showed the correct address format for messages back TO CIS (other than the ">INTERNET:" preface which most systems require that you enter manually), but it bears emphasis that the comma in all CIS addresses must be changed to the period which Internet understands. (Most systems WILL do this conversion for you .) On a separate note, glad to hear the IDE woes you mentioned here and on my BBS are fixed. Regards. 45790,01,10/11/92,BILL CLOHERTY,ALL CRC-32 (CCITT), Can anyone give the slow algorithm for CRC-32 (CCITT)? 45791,03,10/11/92,BILL CLOHERTY,ROY LIPSCOMB COMMAND.COM, COMMAND.COM for DOS 3.3 is 25644 bytes long and is dated 7/26/90 3:00 PM. 32 bit CRC is A95CFB19. What position in the module is the error level located? 45890,21,11/10/92,AL HIGGINS,ALL INTERGATED VOICE,DEVO Does anyone out ther have any experience with PC add-in cards that will provide Voice Mail??? I have found several products recently, however, I have found verry little discussion in the trade mag. discussing the topic. The vendors I've found are: Prometheus - The Home Office. $299 or 539 The Complete PC - The Complete Ans. Machine $399 Natural MicroSystems - Watson - $249 Talking Technology- Big Mouth $ 295 Most of these cards provide the basic answering machine tasks, have a built in modem and some can do FAX sending. What I'm looking for is a board that will allow me to provide a general greeting, followed by an option message, based upon the message, the customer will be able to input a selection (1-4) for a more detailed msg. I have the MFG technical data sheets on all the products, however they all clame to perform just about the same features. (Except Big Mouth it can perform outbound telemarketing). Any thoughts or comments would be appreciated bucause i'm at the point I need to make a decision and purchase one of them.... If anyone would be intrested in the results once I've purchased one, I'd be more than happy to share the experience with them.... - Reguards! - 45990,18,12/31/92,ANDY SHAPIRO,WARD CHRISTENSEN R/DISK CLEANUP TIP, CED -- OK, but it can't do what 4DOS does! But on the other hand, you're right. When I'm working on someone else's machine, it's a PAIN not to have the stuff I'm used to. The BMT file I set up for 4DOS sets up the DJ500 in a neat way (I think): It gives you a menu for basic functions (reset to [my] defaults, set margin, do an envelope, or choose a font). If you do 'choose a font,' you get a drop-down menu of all the useful fonts (internal and those in the Prestige Elite cart), and just highlight one to load it. I really like the DJ, but HP's PCL is a royal pain at times. Order of commands is a real big factor. Having the ability to just pick a font off a menu makes it a whole lot easier to deal with. I keep hearing about PMATE, BTW. It sounds nice. I use MicroEMACS for my main editor/word processor/etc, and recently added a macro to call a high-speed text searcher (MasterFind) and dump the search results to a new buffer. You're right -- given a good hammer... 45991,07,12/31/92,ANDY SHAPIRO,WARD RE: TOYS, I didn't get one, but I saw today a little Casio 4300 'pocket book.' It's nice. For $69 you only get 32K, but the keyboard is good, th the whole thing is SMALL (REALLY the size of a pocket calendar, not a day-runner), and you can hook it up to a PC. If I had the $$ right now I think that is the way I would go. Oh yes -- the screen is quite readable, too, and it has a QWERTY layout. stomer will be able to input a selection (1-4) for a more