45684,02,05/27/92,MURRAY ARNOW,ALL CHICAGO ONLINE, I just received a flyer to join Chicago Online. It is apparently a Tribune connected BBS. Anybody have any further information to share? 45685,03,05/27/92,WARD CHRISTENSEN,GREGORY ARENA R/JUST DROPPING BY.., Dear Sysuser: Sure, an ad for your BBS would be welcome. Just leave out the "noise", i.e. my preference is for no ***'s, ---'s, etc. Just info. ;-) 45785,07,10/07/92,JIM POLOUS,ALL TELNET/FTP ACCESS,@@@@ Can anyone inform me of any service LOCAL to the Chicago area which provides TELNET or FTP access to the Internet? I have a subscription to WORLD (Software Tool and Die) as well as EMAIL capabilities, however, I would like off-prime TELNET if possible.. Thanks in advance, Jim Polous polous@ymcausa.chi.il.us 45884,22,11/09/92,WARD CHRISTENSEN,ROY LIPSCOMB R/WIERD PROBLEM SOLVED., That (8000 as the # if reserved sectors or whatever it was) IS very strange! I should shoot you a copy of my DISKPARM program that quickly dumps the disk parm block off of any floppy or hard disk: DiskParm 9/10/88 by Ward Christensen Defaults to A: drive, or specify a drive: DiskParm c: 00 02 01 01 00 02 E0 00 40 0B F0 09 00 12 00 02 00 00 00 ~~~~~ ~~ ~~~~~ ~~ ~~~~~ ~~~~~ ~~ ~~~~~ ~~~~~ ~~~~~ ~~~~~ 512 bytes per sector 1 sectors per cluster 1 reserved sector 2 copies of fat 224 root entries 2880 sectors per disk F0 media descriptor 9 sectors per fat 18 sectors per track 2 heads 0 hidden sectors Actually if there were an 8000 in hidden sectors or reserved sectors, I don't know if it would say "32768" or not! But the HEX part would have shown you it anyway (I wrote it sort of as a tutorial, i.e. so you could see the hex corresponding to the appropriate decimal values). 45984,08,12/30/92,BILL MATTSON,WARD MODEM PROBLEMS, Ward, have been having problems getting into CBBS recently. Last night and again today. Not Compuserve, Ward Board, NOWAR...just CBBS. Seems to answer OK then either never sync up, or the link is actually made but the parameters aren't right. Changing the comm parameters on my end interactively doesn't seem to help. I get garbage at 2400, 1200, 8, 7, 1, none, odd, even, etc. (I always come in at 2400, 8, 1, & none) Tonight I got in without problems, but when I called back to leave this message I had trouble. Could be my modem, but seems isolated to CBBS??! 45985,07,12/30/92,BILL MATTSON,ALL MSC 7.0 & IBM C SET/2, Any body have a handy converter to allow easy correlation of MSC 7.0 window functions to C Set/2? I'm looking for some kind of cross reference between the two from hard copy. Migrating seems to be pretty mysterious some times. Has such a document ever come to light? On a related topic, anybody had any fun chasing undeclared extern's that pop into the error log for C Set/2 compiles/links of migrated code that you thought would compile without a hitch?