45680,12,05/27/92,GREGORY ARENA,SYSOP JUST DROPPING BY.., Hi, there, I was just dropping by.. Saw your system's number in an old issue of Boardwatch magazine, and I wanted to see what the the first BBS system looks like. I see you have been here for many years whereas I have just gotten into the business of sysoping a year ago. Very nice system and hope to see it last! I also want to ask, is BBS advertising permitted? Since you have users interested in programming, they may be interested in my system (a programming-oriented system). Type to ya later! Gregory Arena Sysop, Programming Lynk (609) 582-4753 D/S 45681,05,05/27/92,RICHARD GOZDAL,ALL MS C, Anyone else get the MS C/C++ 7.0 & Windows SDK 3.1 offer in the mail for $139 (plus S/H and tax)? Sounds good to me, especially with the graphics tools I have (multi language). Called around and even Egghead won't carry that locally with the special price, have to get it from MS. 45780,03,10/06/92,CLIFF SHARP,ROY LIPSCOMB R/DONATIONS OF COMPUTERS, Roy, THANK YOU for the tip. I will call them today and see if they might have some spare tape backups. (I will also keep them in mind if I find a benificent donor who might have some "obsolete" equipment.) 45781,18,10/06/92,CLIFF SHARP,MURRAY ARNOW R/BOOKS, I kinda figured that those books, being as valuable as they were, would be really difficult to get. Unfortunately, the SLS, which got the books on loan for me, is running into financial difficulties and now has to charge a $10 fee for taking a book from one library to another, so I may not get another chance at them for some time to come. I was REALLY surprised at the statement in the "Vacuum" book that not only X-rays, but electron bombardment, can cause outgassing! No small wonder the getter is needed. As for other incidental knowledge I gleaned from those tomes, I always thought Pyrex glass was a trademark for a glass that was resistant to cracking on expansion by temperature changes, and noted in a footnote that "Pyrex" is actually a generic term for any of 150 different glasses. BTW, it also improved my conversational ability with a friend who's a plastics expert; now I can understand what he's saying to a better extent, and I can even provide him with an occasional bit of knowledge he didn't have! Neat. If for some reason you find any of those books in a used book store, PLEASE let me know immediately! Thanks for the tips; VERY good reading. 45880,15,11/09/92,WARD CHRISTENSEN,ANDREI SCHEINKMAN R/SUBJECT: AN INTERVIEW W/ WAR, HI, sorry I am seeing your questions for the first time - I just got back from an out-of-town trip to the "Hacker's Convention" that is an invitation- only conference among industry pioneers, etc. I was really humbled by the list of folks there. You are asking when a good time to ask a few questions would be. Well, it would have been days ago when your first called! A BBS is a way for people to be in contact without having to be on the phone. SO, please ASK your questions at YOUR convenience, and I'll answer them at MY convenience. YOU don't even have to take notes then - you'll have verbatim quotes. So when would be a good time to talk? Right now for the time being there wouldn't be a good time. ...by VOICE... but ANY time is FINE by modem to CBBS. Also though I don't plan to call, I wouldn't even if I wanted to - you didn't leave an area code and I'm not about to "try" to see where you might live! Owell, gotta run. 45881,03,11/09/92,WARD CHRISTENSEN,ANDREI SCHEINKMAN CBBS, By the way, "Subject:" is part of - if you stop to think about it logically - the header information CBBS supplies, you don't have to put it in YOUR subject. 45980,06,12/30/92,WARD CHRISTENSEN,MICHAEL SHARTIAG R/LINE NOISE FIXED../MA BELL, Hey, congrats on solving the line noise problems! Illibelltelco comes thru! It would be nice to find the exact person who fixed it for you - the way I knew who fixed my problem - and at least phone in a personal "thank you". Phones ARE something we take for granted - like power, energy (gasoline, natural gas), water, toilet paper, etc (grin). 45981,08,12/30/92,WARD CHRISTENSEN,STEVE MOYZIS CPM-86/80, Sorry, you left no msg. Please try again. Leave a msg for ALL or for "Ward". CBBS' editor is quite easy - type, backspace to correct, press enter on a blank line to go to the edit sub-menu, from which you can re-type lines, or do a char substitution (/old/new/ type) fixes, etc. Please don't ask me to call. I don't return calls very often. P.S. I've never used CP/M-86, but did of course use a LOT of CP/M-80, and as a matter of fact, this BBS is still running in 8080 code, though admittedly on a PC running a CP/M-80 emulator. pioneers, etc. I was really humbl