45676,07,05/26/92,JOHN SERRANO,ALL 2 SCSI DRIVES AND OS/2 2.0,BLAH Is it possible to add a second hard drive to a SCSI host adapter that is using the IBMINT13.I13 driver in OS/2? To be specific, I'm using a Procom Technology CCE-16 adapter in my generic 386sx-20. I have an ST-296N 83 mb hard drive, and I'd like to get a second one. Should I expect any problems? Thanks 45677,02,05/27/92,WARD CHRISTENSEN,JOHN SERRANO R/2 SCSI DRIVES AND OS/2 2.0, I know people having trouble with an IDE and a SCSI as D, but dunno about 2 SCSI's. I'll ask around. 45776,07,10/05/92,BENJAMIN COHEN,CLIFF SHARP R/DISK FORMAT SOFTWARE, Don't have any suggestions, but one of the things that I have run into is disks formatted by PS/2s to 1.44 megs WITHOUT the benefit of the second hole punch that is "standard" for high density 3.5" disks. Apparently, I'm told, IBM doesn't recognize the IBM/Sony standard in the PS/2s (or at least didn't originally) and since 'DOS will format to high density unless you tell it not to, the result is a disk that can't be read on non PS/2s without punching a hole in them. FUN! 45777,06,10/06/92,ROY LIPSCOMB,CLIFF SHARP DONATIONS OF COMPUTERS, The Information Technology Resource Center (ITRC) provides computer training and assistance to non-profit organizations in the Chicago area. They have received donations of computers in the past that they have passed on to some of their member organizations. They are located at 59 East Van Buren, Suite 2020, Chicago, IL 60605-1219. Their phone number is (312) 939-8050. 45876,11,11/09/92,ERIC BOHLMAN,ALL WHAT COULD CAUSE THIS, A client of mine has a Micropolis 1664 330MB ESDI drive with an Ultrastor controller card (the one with the small cache), and a Colorado 250 tape drive with controller (i.e. not using the floppy controller). These were originally installed in a 386DX-16 system and were moved to a DX-40 some months ago. Since the transplant, the client noticed that tape backups were taking significantly longer. While looking into some other things, I ran Norton SI and got a disk performance index of only 2.9 (the reported seek time was about right for the drive, but the data transfer rate was reported as zero) and the test took quite some time to run (no caching software was installed at the time). Has anyone run into something like this before? 45877,03,11/09/92,ROY LIPSCOMB,ANDY SHAPIRO AT&T YEAR PROBLEM, Andy, thanks for your response to my question. I was waiting to actually change the battery before I thanked you, but I haven't gotten to it yet. So thanks in advance! 45976,15,12/28/92,MICHAEL SHARTIAG,ALL LINE NOISE FIXED../MA BELL, I received a present from Ma bell on Thursay... They left a message on my answering machine telling me that they had fixed the problem with my 545/777 connections. There was a problem with the return trunk to Highland PArk via the Kedzie (and/or possibly another location) switching station. I have had 100% error free connections since then. Within 1 week of asking for a supervisor with each location (HP and Buffalo Grove) I was able to get an answer other than "we found no problem" and actually get it fixed. If anyone else was having line noise problem and its clear now you were probably feeding back through the above mentioned station. What nailed the problem down was that any call I made to a 545 or 777 prefix modem was a bad line.  on to some of their member organizations. They are located at 59 East Van Buren, Suite 2020, Chicago, IL 60605-121