45774,05,10/03/92,MURRAY ARNOW,CLIFF SHARP R/BOOKS, I'm happy to learn that you were able to get something out of the discussion I think you will have trouble in purchasing the books mentioned. They have been out of print for some time. There is a chance that you may find them in a used book store ( avery slim chance). If you should be fortunate enough to find them, you may be shocked reading their prices. Good luck... 45775,03,10/04/92,ALEX ZELL,WARD THE PICTURE,NONO Yep. That's the one. I jumped up and started to throw a salute when I saw it. Didn't recognize you until I read your name on the badge. Thought it was Col. Ollie North a first. 45874,11,11/08/92,BOB SULLIVAN,ALL MODEM PROBLEM, Has anyone heard of the following problem? I have a PRACTICAL PERIPHERALS modem that is 5+ years old and used about once or twice per week for about 30 min. I have recently moved my computer station to a previous location that worked well last time. This includes the change in phone jacks. Here is the problem. After my first dial out, when I try to dial via the modem it starts ringing instead of dialing along with some other noises. I get around this by adding extra nulls or spaces between the "AT DT"and the actual number. About 30 spaces works well. Any ideas of what the cause is? Ever heard of a similar problem? Thanks for any help. 45875,01,11/08/92,TED MORAN,MURRAY ARNOW R/ZIP FILES ON MAC?, Thanks you ever so much, I have stuff it deluxe, and will give it a try! 45974,03,12/25/92,ANDY SHAPIRO,ALL MERRY CHRISTMAS, and, TO: ALL SUB: A GOOD NIGHT! 45975,10,12/28/92,MICHAEL SHARTIAG,ALL LASERJET 4M, The Laserjet 4M was in fact held up due to an enginnering hold. The person who I spoke to at HP was wrong on all fronts: The hold was due to HP's desire to get postscript on a single simm thereby giving the printer 3 open simm slots. The prototype unit used 2 simm slots. On the truetype font side: Truetype fonts are scalable; therefore downloadable intot he printer, and the built in ones are also scalable (It took some time, but I answered my own questions). Hope this might help somone else!  think you will have trouble in purchasing the books mentioned. They have been out of print for some time. There is a cha