45672,29,05/25/92,ANDY SHAPIRO,WARD/ALL COMPUADD EXPRESS, Pardon the noise, but it's abad line from Schenectady... Ward, I'm in love with my CompuAdd Express machine! Not only is the machine GREAT, but their SERVICE is good, too. When the machine first arrived, it hgad some monitor problems (image tilted slightly). I called them, and the next day a new monitor (better quality) arrived from Texas, with prepaid airfare for its sibling to go back to texas. WOW. A week later I gave up on trying to fix a problem with clock drift. I called -- and once again, they sent me out an upgraded machine (2 extra MB of RAM). Thewy're fast, DR DOS is SUPERIOR to MSDOS (hey, I used to use CP/M -- I'm surprised, too!), and the machine (now that teething is over) is very nice. The Canon double drive is also neat -- works just fine, and saves a drive bay for other goodies. I did get to do a little hardware hack (external). My office hooks up to a VAX cluster through a Develcon Dataswitch. Now, the DSW only looks at the following RS-232 lines -- TD, RD, Sig Grnd, and DTR. DR DOS has a built-in task switcher (speedy with all that RAM!), but it forces DTR low when you switch away from a COM task. That meant that the Dataswitch was hanging up on me, so backgrounding wasn't too useful. My fix was to disconnect DTR from the computer, and wire the Dataswitch end of DTR to a small Radio Schok power supply (nominal; 6 VDC). Now I have an eternal DTR ready! I LIKE THAT MACHINE (too bad all I have at home is an original XT!). 45673,12,05/25/92,BOB LUND,ALL 6809/FLEX/FOR SALE, hI- For sale A full Mot. 6809 system. HELIX 6809 based system - 2- 5.25; 2- 8in disk drives Complete with scads of 6809 development software - C, Pascal, Basic, etc. All under FLEX operating system Was real neat system in its time! - Still is for the most part! - Make me an offer somewhere around ??? Message here - Bob Lund 45772,01,10/02/92,ALEX ZELL,ALL WARD, Ward is on the cover of Boardwatch magazine. 45773,03,10/02/92,WARD CHRISTENSEN,ALEX ZELL R/WARD, What Again? (just kidding). Is it as goofy as last time? Or is this the one with Dvorak handing me the award while I look off in space? (There was camera trouble, I wasn't ready...) 45872,07,11/06/92,BENJAMIN COHEN,WARD CHRISTENSEN R/KEYBOARDS AGAIN, I just got a new Northgate 102, and the dip switches are all in a little opening that's on top of the keyboard. There's also a little orange key that lets you make some changes on the fly. I'm not sure whether it lets you change CTRL-CAPs Lock on the fly without looking atthe manual. (Sorry, but I like the large Enter key -- I use SmartKey to move /\ to locations that I want (in place of '", but then I use Dvorak layout, which changes lots of things!) 45873,13,11/08/92,TONY ANTONUCCI,WARD CHRISTENSEN FAX, Just got Faxability With OCR. Send/Recv'd a few FAXes with a friend of mine today to test the OCR. We tried pages with several different fonts and size sizes. It did pretty well, much better than I thought it would. With a fixed pitch font (about 12pt) it only had 2 or 3 errors on the page. The software can put a "~" char before every char it is not sure of. And it did put a "~" before every char it got "wrong", but also a few that were correct. The software can save the OCR output into about 30-40 different formats which is nice. I saved it into Word for Windows format, doctored it up, and retransmitted it all in under 5 minutes. The OCR is pretty slow, with it taking 45-90 seconds per page (lots faster then I can re-type! ); ) It works with many different FAX boards, not just Intel's (but I do have the Intel). 45972,01,12/23/92,DENNIS STAHL,TONY ANTONUCCI R/LAPTOPS, Thanks Tony, I'll spread the availabilty around. 45973,14,12/25/92,ANDY SHAPIRO,WARD CHRISTENSEN R/DISK CLEANUP TIP, I meant, "what if you have two files of the same name and you move them (sequentially) to your \sys\bin\unused? For example, what if y had, in different directories, d.com (a GIF file viewer) and d.com (a replacement for DIR)?" The problem would occur in moving files to your 'unused' directory, since the second would overwrite the first, etc. Of course, you may not have this problem! I load many executables via ALIASES, and the aiases sometimes have names different from the commands themselves. In some cases, the directories don't have to be on the path (e.g., for graphics stuff), so I may end up with multiple executable files that share a name. In any event, MERRY CHRISTMAS, Ward! whether it lets you change CTRL-CAPs Lock on the fly without looking atthe manual. (Sorry, but I like the large Enter k