45670,06,05/23/92,WARD CHRISTENSEN,SHAWN BRYANT FILES, CBBS had really never had file transfer - it keeps people who have messages to send or want to help answer, from using the system. Since this is the world's first BBS, I'd rather people get a chance to sign on and see a bit of history, than get a busy signal because someone is DLing something they could get from any of thousands of other places anyway. 45671,15,05/23/92,WARD CHRISTENSEN,ARCADY KHOTIN R/HELLO FROM RUSSIA, Oh, that's a big request - I'm not into writing long articles, and really don't have thoughts about what's happened to BBSs. Unfortunately, in a way, my "fame" has allowed me to be a guest on Compuserve and BIX, and because of that I've spent virtually NO time on any other BBSs than this one. What do I think of the changes in your country? Well, sounds strange, but I think the best is over. The "peak" was in overthrowing the old structure, but now you're faced with reality of a -relatively- free-market society. Heck, here even the company I work for has an office with a couple hundred people and I think we've declared 27 people "surplus" and they'll be offered other jobs in the "midwest area" (meaning up to hundreds of miles away), and others encouraged to take an offer of compensation and leave the company. I personally have been declared in the "upper half" of ranking so am not worried, but things are MUCH tougher with a lot bigger emphasis on selling our services. How does Clipper handle Cryllic? 45771,04,10/01/92,ERIC BOHLMAN,CLIFF SHARP GOOF-PROOFING, Give Jerry Olsen a buzz over at the Advocate, 312-939-4411 by modem (he often logs on here, but I think he's up against some article deadlines). A few years back he wrote a hard-drive lockout program that might be of use in this situation, 45870,09,11/04/92,ANDREI SCHEINKMAN,WARD & RANDY SUBJECT: AN INTERVIEW W/ WARD/, Ward and Randy. I need to ask you two some question about your BBS and some am going to send it to an Illinois Historical magazine for a special Mass Mass media and telecommunications edition. I would really appreciate an interview with you guys, or one of you guys, or anyone knowlagable on the subject. Please leave me a message abt when a good time is. (or call me on voice (363-8903) and leave a message. I would be very thankful and will surely mention your CBBS in my article (or bibliography). THANKS! SEE YA Andrei Scheinkman 45871,04,11/06/92,JIM FLANAGAN,ALL WORDSTAR TRAINER NEEDED, I have a consulting client who needs a trainer for Wordstar (possibly someone to move them to a new Wordprocessor as well. The person must be excellent in Wordstar and good at training. Please leave a message here or call me at 312-275-3081. 45970,08,12/21/92,ANDY SHAPIRO,WARD CHRISTENSEN R/DISK CLEANUP TIP, Sounds good -- but what if you had two progams with the same name? Then you'd still have the second one, but...! Of course, I expect you keep backups :-). My solution to staring at file names is to use 4DOS's description function so that I have a description for all of my files that are 'non-obvious' -- \bin\util, \bin\graphics, etc. The description comes up when I do DIR, and is also present if I use select del (*.*) to do some up- cleaning. 45971,18,12/22/92,WARD CHRISTENSEN,ANDY SHAPIRO R/DISK CLEANUP TIP, > What if you had two programs with the same name? I don't get it. How could I? I moved ALL my executable utilties down to a \sys\bin\unused, then move 'em back as I need 'em. matter of fact I wrote a little "I.bat" that looks first for a .COM, then a .EXE, then a .BAT, and if finding one, moves it back from ...unused to \sys\bin. You say your solution is to use 4DOS's description function - my problem isn't that I don't know what they are - it is that it would be a big process to sort thru 300 executable programs trying to decide which you really use. With my trick, if you try to use it, you have to "bring it back" from the ...\unused directory. Actually, I have MEGABYTES to clean up on another system - but it is not a matter of not knowing what it is, it is a matter of trying to decide what to keep. I have a large neough hard disk that I've become a pack rat - I have Turbo C, 1.0, 20, Turbo C++, Borland C++, etc. Actually, the only one I use it Turbo C 2.0, so I'm wondering if I should just "Blow the others away". But then again might be nice to keep 'em around in case I "grow" into C++.. 871,04,11/06/92,JIM FLANAGAN,ALL WORDSTAR TRAINER NEEDED, I have a consulting client who