45668,05,05/22/92,BILL WOLFF,WARD CHRISTENSEN R/HELLO FROM RUSSIA, Hi Ward! I use Internet from CompuServe once in awhile. The syntax is: INTERNET:whatever-the-internet-address... and that's it. To send a message from Internet back, the syntax will be the following: ????.???@CompuServe.com. <<<< The ??? characters is the user ID of the CompuServe user. Pretty simple, huh? 45669,13,05/23/92,MARTY DIPPEL,JOHN STAPLES CHINET LOGIN, I hope you've had better success at logging in to Randy's board. Usually 7-1-E does the trick; terminal emulation doesn't matter unless you're going for ANSI graphics output. Once connected, changing parameters on your end doesn't matter; you have to call in again with the new parms on your terminal emulator. Sometimes the lines are flakey on chinet; I can't always get in either. Persevere. I hope you take the time and effort necessary to log in; I'd really enjoy exchanging EMAIL. If you like, I can also give you an account on the Silicon Graphics system at work. -not much there for PCs, but we do have a USENET connection as well as being an INTERNET site. Hope to see you at the bike trip in June. John said he wasn't sure if you could make it or not -hope so. I plan on it so far- if I make it, it'll be the first one in about three years. It'll be good to see the gang again. 45768,09,10/01/92,CLIFF SHARP,ALL COMPUTERS AVAILABLE (MAYBE), As I was talking to the Schiller Park Library staff yesterday, it came up that there are "several" computers (at this time, type unknown) in their basement, gathering dust, because no one knows how to use them. The staff was VERY receptive to donating them to a worthy cause, and I've seen all too many messages in the past year asking for used computer donations to help the handicapped, etc. Just in case I see anything worth salvaging when I hit their basement today, does anyone know of any WORTHY causes (they have to be worthier than "The Cliff Sharp Computer Foundation") that could use a computer or two, in working condx, no matter how obsolete? 45769,03,10/01/92,DONALD HIRATA,ALL 16550AFN UART, What is the difference between 16550 and the 16550AFN UART chip an and how will affect me if I own 386-33 or 25mhz. I'm considering buying V.32 BIS/HST modem perferably an external. 45868,13,11/04/92,JOE SEROCKI,ALL HAM PACKET STATION 4SALE,OPIE Packet Package I have the following packet package for sale. It can be broken up, but the radio MUST go before the TNC. RADIO: Kenwood TM221A. Modified for out of band xmit and receive. 60 watts out. Excellent condition. New lithium battery and panel lamps. $250 TNC: New KPC-3. Excellent condition. Original ram. Internal battery not installed (I didn't trust them not to leak). $100. ANTENNA: Hy-Gain 3 element 2m beam. Up in air for two hours. $50. Contact me at 708-402-7119 anytime. I will probably not be there, so leave me a message and I will call you back. 45869,06,11/04/92,WARD CHRISTENSEN,ANDY SHAPIRO R/KEYBOARDS AGAIN, Thanks! I tried the Northgate back when I first bought my AST premium in '87, but they had the enlarged enter key and "lost" \ key. I must presume they have changed a lot since then! Do you know if any have the ctrl-caps switch on TOP so a machine with multiple users can have each switch it to their preference? Thanks. 45968,02,12/20/92,ALEX ZELL,WARD NAMES,NONO That's probably Jean Barber. She has logged on here a couple of times in the past year. 45969,14,12/21/92,WARD CHRISTENSEN,ALL DISK CLEANUP TIP, Heh. I needed to clean up my system disk. I had about 350 programs in it, i.e. little (and some not so little) utilities, bat files, etc. I was trying to figure how to clean it up without removing something important or having to stare at each name... I finally decided to create an ..\unused subdir under the directory (called \sys\bin), and move all my files to it, then move back the ones I KNOW I use a lot. The first day, I kept getting errors as things I use weren't there - so I popped into TREEVIEW to move what was missing back. The next day only a few showed up - fewer and fewer each day. So now, I've got about 75 files in my directory, and 275 in the ..\unused directory! Seems to be working out just fine! em perf