45666,11,05/20/92,ARCADY KHOTIN,WARD CHRISTENSEN R/HELLO FROM RUSSIA, Hi, Ward! Great to hear from you! You are very famous in my country - phone lines are poor, we have to use protocols very wide . So, your protocol is taught at every computer science college we have. Many thanks for your comments, appreciate it. Since I'm running BBS, I'd appreciate if you'd write a few words to my users . We'd like to hear your ideas about BBS history and evolution, future. What business are you in now, what plans do you have, what do you think about changes in our country... I know, I ask a lot - but hope you'd find some time to answer. Hope to hear, Arcady Khotin. Software developer, President of Clipper Users Group in St.Petersburg. 45667,01,05/20/92,RICK NOWAK,CHARLIE KESTNER R/CHICAGOLAND BBS LISTING, Thanks! 45766,15,10/01/92,CLIFF SHARP,ALL GOOF-PROOFING SYSTEMS, I'm trying to make the systems at my local library as cracker-proof as I can manage. One idea I've had is to make the systems unreadable by most all software, by munging the partition tables of the hard drives and forcing the use of a floppy to get the system on-line; of course, in order to get the system running, the person would have to enter a valid SLS Inter-library code. I'm open to any and all ideas. To express a few initial ideas of my own, I've thought about forcing the use of a specially-formatted floppy to gett the hard drive on-line, and to load a device driver which would prevent hard drive access without proper authorization. Etc. Etc. The long and short of it is, I'd like to have them be able to loan their computers to people with confidence that they won't end up with several directories full of data deleted, the operating system removed from the HD, etc. ANY and ALL ideas are DEFINITELY appreciated. 45767,04,10/01/92,AL HIGGINS,WARD CHRISTENSEN R/PC MAINTENANCE PRICING, I've been using both Memorex Telex and IBM domestically. However, as the Qty. of PCs contine to increase, my maintenance budget has gone thru the ceiling. As a result, I'm looking for other alternatives..... - Al - 45866,06,11/04/92,ANDY SHAPIRO,WARD KEYBOARDS AGAIN, Ward, try NORTHGATE. They have a 101-key keyboard that fits your specs and ALL of their keyboards have a bank of switches that allow things like custom placement of the control key. I think they sell for around $100 or so, and they have a nice touch -- a lot like the original PC keyboard. If you really need what you asked for, that's the way to get it. 45867,02,11/04/92,JOE SEROCKI,WARD CHRISTENSEN R/DESKJET CARTS&DISKS 4SALE, Sorry. Deskjet black ink carts. $10 each new, $5 each expired (seems that al all expired good anyway). Call me at 708-587-2388 if interested. Thanks 45966,16,12/17/92,WARD CHRISTENSEN,ROY LIPSCOMB R/CBBS 15TH *PARTY*, I found my Jan '78 listing! That listing was made at the time of CBBS' invention, should be a good one for a 15th anniversary! Gee, many of the names ring a bell - but of those that still ring a bell -John Arquero, Al Baker, Cliff Bafber, Mrs. Robert Barber (what was her name?), Bill Bassett, John Beal, James bell, Barton Berndtson, Chris Brewer, John Burke, Bill Burtner, Glenn Butler, Edward Byrne, John Byrnes, Davie Chesak, John Clark, Ed Curtis, Owen Davis, Tom Digate, Charles Douds, Jay Dresser, Tom Dunsheath, Forrest Duston, Herb Elliott (Gee, I think that is the guy who borrowed my Jan '75 Pop 'tronics with the ALTAIR on it!), Alex Ellingsen, Roy Emerson, Helmut Epp, Shel Epstein Cary Eskow, Jacob Farber, Clyde Forrester, Lou Fulton, ... Switching only to those I've seen in recent years... Shelly Harris (Randy's lawyer friend), Bill Hersh (now works @ Leo Burnett), Fred Kahl (Bill Precht is still in touch with him), Bill Precht, Randy Suess, Robert Swartz, Gerry Swetsky, Jack Wierda. The bottom of my listing says "326 active, paid members" 45967,10,12/19/92,TONY ANTONUCCI,DENNIS STAHL LAPTOPS, The 286 Zenith is a SuperSport with a NEW 40 Meg HD (stacker-ed to 80Meg) Not sure I can recall any other Model number....its the one with the ca clam shell case.....I would like to get $700 at leaset for it. The 386 is the TurboSport with a 108 meg HD (stacker-ed to over 200 Meg) Both have internal 2400 baud modems...I would like $975 or better for the 386. I also have a brand new, shrink wrapped copy of Intel Faxability Plus software I would sell for $40 (1/3 the store price)  lot like the original PC keyboard. If you really need what you asked for, that's the way to get i