45662,09,05/17/92,CHARLIE KESTNER,ALL CHICAGOLAND BBS LISTING, Folks who desire a listing of area bulletin boards are advised to call Stillwaters BBS (708-403-2826) and get a copy of their listing. It covers all of 312 and 708 area codes, as well as some 815 and 219 systems. Stillwaters lets you download the listing even if you aren't a subscriber to their system. Those of you who have Internet/Usenet access can obtain the list by reading the alt.bbs.lists newsgroup. The list usually gets posted there around the end of the first week of the month. 45663,01,05/18/92,WARD CHRISTENSEN,RICK NOWAK SEE MSG 45662, That msg has the BBS list info you were asking for. 45762,03,09/30/92,WARD CHRISTENSEN,ALL C-SET/2 ARRIVED, Just going thru an install of C-set/2, the 32-bit programming environment for OS/2. I did a show once where I ran the "station" for C-set 2, and it was sufficiently interesting that I ordered it. Working on the install now. 45763,10,10/01/92,CLIFF SHARP,ERIC BOHLMAN R/OVERNIGHT, Thanks for the input, Eric. I'll pass it along. For what it's worth, I've already told him that I've left my machine on 24 hours (except for the monitor) for no less than eight months, and it doesn't make an impression on him. UL approval doesn't, either, and that's part of his livelihood; he should understand that. Finally, having known me since the fifth grade, he should be able to trust my instincts, especially when I can back it up with my own computer usage, my 25 years of electronics experience (professional only; amateur goes back farther), etc. etc. He just won't be persuaded. Unfortunately, I've agreed to this job for a fixed price, so I can't change his mind that way either. 45862,17,11/03/92,TONY ANTONUCCI,WARD CHRISTENSEN FAX, I have the Intel Satisfaxion board. I have the older one with a 2400 baud modem. I just did "upgrade" it from Intel. It now has the ability to switch "auto-magically" between FAX/modem calls. I used to use FAXit from Alien computing...came with the board. Its a Windows program. (I have never used the FAX under DOS, but the Intel software claims to be able to. With the "upgrade" I got Faxability Plus...a somewhat better package under Windows. Has a database of fax destinations, can add cover sheets (with artwork), keeps logs of in/outbound faxes, delayed sends, etc. Its pretty nice. I have limited fax needs, but will admit to not being able to live witout it now! Its nice to be able to fax directly out of any windows app. that can print. Sometimes I am on the phone with an associate and we are taking about a data structure for example. To be sure we both understand the format we fax a quick sketch, while still talking. (I'm gettin some line noise!) L'me know what else ya wanta know. Again, good to have CBBS back! 45863,09,11/03/92,TONY ANTONUCCI,WARD & ROY COMMAND.COM, All COMMAND.COMs are not created equal. I wrote a quick & dirty little program that checks the 32 CRC value of command.com when run. I put this in my AUTOEXEC.BAT to check command.com everytime I boot. About 30% of all computer viruses attack/attach to command.com. If your interested in the program its available on my BBS at 991-3894 or 991-3895. All CBBSers are welcome there. I will post a bulletin to sent callers to CBBS. I want to see the "history" continue, plus I am a piece of history as I think I am the first asst. sysop on the world's first BBS! 45962,04,12/14/92,BILL MATTSON,WARD CHRISTENSEN R/DUAL IDE DRIVES, Yep...I had the same kind of problem with a pair of 120M cumulus drives and resorted to the same solution (set jumpers until it all works). I had instructions but were ambiguous about the slave jumper on/off, slave or master. 45963,01,12/14/92,WARD CHRISTENSEN,ALL CBBS 15TH *PARTY*,NONE Come one, come all, to the Chinet & CBBS 15th Anniversary party. Bring your hi-tech toys, inventions, creations, etc. Last year we had a laser, home-made chain-maill (medieval armor), a "suction cup dart gun" made from PVC that shot toilet-bowl plungers, a toy hovercraft, a remote- control blimp, an AC-only name-tag printer hacked to run off of a battery pack stored in an old software box, etc. No RSVP. Just show up. ====> P.S. Please also consider this a CACHE REUNION for folks from say 12-17 years ago (those who remember the era of Ward Christensen, Randy Suess, Bill Precht, Lloyd Smith, Paul Krystosek, Bill Basset... and a LONG list of many more... Map to chinet / CBBS-15th-Birthday, Pizza party. Barnabies Pizza, 2832 W. Touhy (near California) (312) 973-4550; 2:00 PM, Saturday the 13th of February To Wis. | | Barnabies--. |E| ######### \_ | | /| |\T O U H Y (7200N)|_| |C| =====================|D|=======================|=|===(Splash) \| |/<---- 2.3 mi ------> |A| D E V O N (6400N) |E| ^ | | =======================| |==|====================|L|===(Splash) |N| | | | to O'Hare | | | |I| -----------. |S| ~ 3 miles | | ---------._ '-. | | | |F| '-. '-. (I94) | K '-. '-. | | | E '-. '\| | V N '-. \ N '-. '-. E '-. '-. D '-. '-. IRVING PARK Y '-. '-. =============|C|================\. \==== | | \. \. |I| I-94->\. \. | | \. \. |C| \. \. | | ADDISON (3600?N) \. \. Addison ========= E ============================\. \=== Exit | | \. \| | |R| \. | | | -BELMONT- \. \. O Kennedy to Downtown Chicago ---> (C) Copywrong 1992, Ward's Cartography. ked to run off of a battery pack