45660,05,05/16/92,WARD CHRISTENSEN,ALL HEATHKIT DEAD?, Just heard that Heathkit is now gone! Bummer! Not that I've used 'em much since the mid 70s, but still too bad. I once read something that to make a kit, they had to charge quite a bit more than if they sold it built - to cover the engineering of the kit building, warranty returns, etc. 45661,03,05/16/92,BILL WOLFF,WARD CHRISTENSEN R/HEATHKIT DEAD?, Heathkit isn't gone yet... in fact order the catalog as a collectors item. Yea... I got mine right next to me matter of fact. They even sell Windows for DOS, can you believe it? 45760,07,09/30/92,WARD CHRISTENSEN,STEVE BOGOLUB CACHE REUNION, Gee, sorry, didn't mean to not include you - just quick whipped up a few names of folks I'd talked or who had been on CBBS recently. What do you think of the idea of a reunion? Yours is the first comment on it (and for those who are "reading over our shoulder" Steve wondered if he was too late, and the answer is no, since I'd not heard from anyone at all! P.S. nice to have you back! 45761,08,09/30/92,WARD CHRISTENSEN,GLEN PARK INVIZOBOBBLE, If CBBS was not echoing what you were typing, then you probably were "experimenting" by typing different things without knowing what they do, or a line glitch or typo caused you to key the (now obsolete, but still there) "D" command, which switches you into half-duplex, a mode whereby YOUR TERMINAL program or modem echo characters so you don't want CBBS to do so also. Sorry for the problems. Stop back, jump in the conversations. What are you running, what are you "into"? 45860,01,11/03/92,ROY LIPSCOMB,DAVID JOHNSON R/INTERNET VIA PUBNET?, Thanks, David. I'll give it a try. 45861,25,11/03/92,ANDY SHAPIRO,WARD CHRISTENSEN R/KEYBOARDS, Ward, you sure don't ask for much, do you? I'd try calling the nice folks at Lexmark. I didn't think I liked them, at first. You will recall how much I liked the kb that came with my CompuAdd Express machine -- made by BTC, very solid. Well, I ordered another for my home machine, and got a Lexmark keyboard instead. It seems the Express folks switched sources because Lexmark is trying to get into the businss bigtime (cheap). Anyway, the feel is nice (about like an IBM, but quieter). It's rubber dome or somesuch, with a nice feel. Well-laid out, a nice long (straight/flat) cable, and fairly light, but with a solid feel. The one thing it lacks is your (and my) choice of control key, and of cours it has no switch. But Lexmark is advertising for the retail market these days, and may have something more to your liking. To be honest, I think that I've finally gotten used to the lower-left control key. I have a program to switch things on my work machine, but I seldom use it. Just like I got used to the F-keys across the top -- but then I have large hands, which may have made the switch easier. The only thing I can't get used to is GUIs. Maybe if I had a touch- screen they'd make sense. Right now, I'm in the process of paring down a Windows 3.0 installation so I can run the occasional bit of software without 5 MB of junk. OS/2 sounds pretty good, though. Have you taken a look at 4OS/2? It's from the same folks who make 4DOS, whic is a MUST for DOS. 45960,14,12/13/92,WARD CHRISTENSEN,ALL DUAL IDE DRIVES, Well, today wasn't a good day - and not only because of the sore throat, but because of the frustration of dual IDE drives. I got a new WD Caviar 200M to replace my 120M Seagate ST1144. What I wanted to do was put both in the system, with the WD as master, so I could later remove the Seagate, and move it to another system whose old MFM drive/controller failed. Do you put on the "master" jumper on the master, and the "slave" jumper on the slave? No! In spite of the ST1144 having a "master" jumper originally, it turns out (no docs came with drive!) that "slave" means "Slave PRESENT" and is only to be used when the drive is a MASTER! SO the "master" jumper on the WD was what worked with both, and after moving things over, I had to remove THAT to allow the drive to work alone. Randy's suggestion of leaving both drives OUT OF THE CASE until the problems were solved, was a good one! 45961,01,12/14/92,DENNIS STAHL,ANDY SHAPIRO R/CLONE AND DRDOS, Thanks Andy!