45659,02,05/16/92,WARD CHRISTENSEN,BILL WOLFF ANN PELZ, Ya, funky. Ann Pelz is a 15 year old guy named Brandon Ellison. I don't think he catches on. Promised not to use Ann's name again ;-) 45758,10,09/29/92,WARD CHRISTENSEN,ROY LIPSCOMB CRC, There's also a "crcfast" that uses a pre-computed table to do the CRC. Also there's a CRC routine that uses it on the Ward Board (708) 849-1132, in one of the low #'d msgs, like msybe 7 or so? Basically a CRC is the remainder when a message, treated as a HUGE number (128 byte msg = 128 x 8 bits = 1024 bit long NUMBER) divided by a polynomial like x^16+x^15+x^2+1. However, it can be computed by shifting a bit at a time and doing XORs and other tricks; then others have figured how to do it 8-bits at a time (instead of a loop shifting each bit in a byte). Actually I don't undersatnd it as well as it may already sound, and cannot elaborate on what I've already said. 45759,06,09/29/92,ERIC BOHLMAN,CLIFF SHARP OVERNIGHT, For what it's worth, a client of mine has been leaving one of their machines on overnight for over 4 years now, and nothing bad has happened to it. You can mention that to your client (might want to tell him it would be a good idea to turn off the monitor to prevent phosphor burn, both because it is a good idea and because you're subtly pointing out that one of his concerns was valid (and coming up with a workaround for it)). 45858,14,11/03/92,WARD CHRISTENSEN,MAX KOHN R/80287 COPROCESSOR PROBLEMS, DIP = Dual Inline Package. Means a typical "old" chip. Newer chips such as 386, 486, etc are something different - Pin Grid Array or something like that. DIP's "dual" means two rows of pins, "inline" means all the pins are in a row (on each side) - I don't know, I recall there were packages that had staggered rows of pins, perhaps that's why "inline" was part of the name. An 8087 is a DIP package - 40 pins or more. SO my reference was that if you have a pin grid array package, it would be harder to unplug and reseat. How'd I know you wanted help on "LAST"? In an effort to supply a more usable system, I logged the missed help words. This was very helpful in the early days when I was building the help file. It didn't do any good to have someone asking for help on something logical to them but that I hadn't thought of, so the idea struck me to go ahead and see what things folks were asking for that wasn't there. ;-) 45859,02,11/03/92,WARD CHRISTENSEN,JOE SEROCKI R/DESKJET CARTS&DISKS 4SALE, Deskjet font cartridges? Deskjet Ink Cartridges?. If the latter, black? Color? If black, regular or long life? Cost? 45959,08,12/13/92,DAVID GIBBS,ANGELA ALLEN R/AS00, Angela: What kind of 'clues' are you looking for? You are welcome to give my sy a call... we cater to AS/400 and other Midrange professionals. The numbe 708-776-1062. David Gibbs The Midrange System ady sound, an