45750,02,09/26/92,MATT SANNER,ALL MAC NEEDED, Help, I need to find a MAC CX cheap! I'm looking for a machine w/ 4 meg RAm and 80 meg HD. Will pay $2,000. 45751,12,09/27/92,CLIFF SHARP,WARD CHRISTENSEN R/COLORADO TAPE DRIVES, A good idea, but this guy is paranoid about his 100% UL-approved, surge-protected, superdeluxe Epson catching fire overnight and won't hear of having the computer on after hours. There are a LOT of things that this inconveniences, especially the installation of a new revision of his sales tracking software that will take over ten hours to install, meaning that I'm going to have to get up at 5:00 one morning (yuck) to be there before 7 AM to begin the install. He's usually an intelligent guy, but he has his quirks. I've got to find a way to make that one a costly quirk, since this install could be started at 3 PM and left to finish itself overnight, too. Oh, well, at least his secretary has learned to format tapes so I don't have to make a special trip to do it for them... 45850,06,11/01/92,DAVID JOHNSON,ROY LIPSCOMB R/INTERNET VIA PUBNET?, Although I wouldn't call it a "Pubnet", CPSnet (Chicago Public Schools BBS) currently is allowing access to Inet (E-mail, Telnet and FTP by mail) for free. The system is running Magpie software under Unix. Number is 312-535-8513. I manage the Internet Issues board over there (messages are stored on a tree basis). If/when you log on, enter "29 J" without the quotes, and you'll get to my subboard. 45950,06,12/10/92,MICHAEL SHARTIAG,ALL 1.44 FLOPPY NOT BOIS SUPPORTED, In attempting to upgrade a WYSE 386 PC I have come to a slight problem. The BIOS does not hjave support for 1.44 meg, only 720K. The setup program was supplied by WYSE and uses PHEonix bios. If indeed there is no setup for 1.44 meg, can a driver be loaded to allow it? hnology has reached an interesting point