45648,02,05/06/92,AL HIGGINS,ERIC BOHLMAN R/ARCNET INSTALLATION, Thanks for the reply, hope to work on this in the upcomming week! Thanks for the response!!!!! 45748,03,09/25/92,WARD CHRISTENSEN,CLIFF SHARP R/COLORADO TAPE DRIVES, I format them overnight - you might suggest the same. Just start a format before going home. I think that's safer anyway because it ensures the tape is exactly aligned with the drive. 45749,14,09/25/92,ANDY SHAPIRO,WARD/ALL WELCOMEK, I dunno when yougot this thing back up, but THANKS. CBBS was the first board I ever called, I _think_ back in 1984 (it was in the dialing directory of a copy of MDM something-or-other (CP/M) that a friend had given me. Helped me a lot in them days. I'll try to come up with a good topic or two. Right now, I'm playing around with task switchers, though I don't know if that's a good topic or not. ALSO, I'v gotten into mapping social-science data geographically. I've found some neat stuff! Right now, I'm working with a cheap but good program (EXPERT MAPS -- $10.00 or so), but I'd like to find something that works at the COUNTY level for the US. Has anybody seen such a critter? I'd like to be able to assign levels of a given variable to counties/groups and look at the results in glorious VGA color, but can it be done for less than $100?? That's probably the real question... 45848,05,11/01/92,WARD CHRISTENSEN,MAX KOHN R/80287 COPROCESSOR PROBLEMS, It really DOES sound like your chip has a problem! Try re-seating it, maybe even check if you accidentally bent a pin under ('287s are a DIP type chip, right?). No problem dropping by only when you have problems... Just glad to have you here at all ;-) 45849,06,11/01/92,WARD CHRISTENSEN,MAX KOHN HELP, You asked for help on "last". Sorry, that IS a logical keyword, but I'd not put it in the help file. The way you find your last call is that it is symbolically called "*" for the high msg, or # for info on your last call. Thus you can do "r" then when asked for a msg #, you can reply *, and if you just want to find statistics about your last call (date, time, hi msg #) then use the "#" command. 45948,02,12/10/92,ALEX ZELL,ALL R/TELCO QUESTION,NONO None of the *dial-in* phone lines at Chinet and CBBS have tone (DTMF) dialing. 45949,11,12/10/92,MICHAEL SHARTIAG,WARD CHRISTENSEN R/HP LASERJET4 & TRUETYPE, Ward, Trutype can not be simply rasterized. AS they are scalable fonts, one would tell the lser which fiont and what size to make it. I don't think this person at HP knew what they were talking about. This wories me for another reason: I was told by a distributor that the HP4/M was on an engineering hold and none were available I was told that this was not true, but that several people had called with the sa,me story from around the country. I have the feeling that she might have had all the wrong answers ,