45644,06,05/04/92,WARD CHRISTENSEN,SHAWN BRYAND CALL, CHAT isn't very useful here on CBBS - the system is in a rack with no direct access to it, and if you were talking about a chat with ME, that is quite tough, as I'm about 40 miles from the system. I'm not returning your call, sorry, very busy. Watching an educational video tape (at 11:58 PM) - working long days), etc. If you want to leave a question, I'll answer it - each of us in our own good time. 45645,03,05/05/92,ROY LIPSCOMB,ALL SOURCE FOR 8.5" X 7" PAPER?, Anyone know of a supplier for 8.5" X 7" paper? It's not easy to get a precise cut using 8.5" X 14" paper. (Pages that are precisely matched in width can be bound with silicone glue into book form.) 45744,05,09/24/92,NORB DEMBINSKI,WARD CHRISTENSEN R/HP PAINTJET XL300 PS, Ward: Thanx for the info. I called a few places and they have them in stock. I will wait to get a few more replys. Norb Dembinski 45745,02,09/24/92,WARD CHRISTENSEN,GEORGE LIMBERG R/MNP TECHNICAL DATA, I have received the MNP data from a friend at Hayes. I'm working on scanning it in and converting to ASCII. You still interested? 45844,12,10/31/92,DONALD DOCKMAN,JERRY HASLETT R/GEOWORKS, I'm glad you asked. I have been a Geoworks user since the product was introduced in 1990. It is the only GUI that can multitask on a XT. The Pro upgrade incorporates a Quattro Pro file viewer so your work done there can be used in your documents. The word processor is moderately good to great, lacking a thesaurus and mail merge capabilities. Geocomm, the communications software is great (I'm calling here on it!), and the rolodex-like GeoDex interfaces with GeoPlanner for great appointment and task tracking. GeoDraw has powerful graphics features. You can import import PCX or TIF bitmapped pictures easily. They just came out with a software development kit, so vendors will begin to write programs for it soon (the Geoworks people say to me...). I know I'm looking forward to that. Try it out and let me know what you think of it. 45845,05,10/31/92,MAX KOHN,ALL 80287 COPROCESSOR PROBLEMS,SAVE I just bought a 80287 coprocessor today. Upon bootup, I get a 80287 internal register error. I have a 1989 Quadtel Bios and there is no place on the setup to initialize for the coprocessor. In fact, the manual that came with the coprocessor says it should be automatically detected by the system, and it is. So what's with this error and how do I fix it? 45944,07,12/10/92,TONY ANTONUCCI,WARD CHRISTENSEN FAX, There is no simple editor shipped with Faxability. But since its a windows app. You could use just about any windows editor. Such as notepad for text and paint (Windows Paint) for graphics. I personally use Word for Windows and Micrografx Draw or Paint for images. Now having a fax board for a few months I find its best use is to fax a quick note to a client or associate to AVOID a phone call! Seems that every phone call turns into 10-15 minutes....a fax only takes 2-3 minutes! 45945,08,12/10/92,TONY ANTONUCCI,ALL FOR SALE, I have a couple of laptops for sale. Both are Zeniths. One is a 10Mhz 286 with 40 Meg (80 w/Stacker) hard disk, and a 2400 baud internal modem The other is a 12Mhz TurboSport 386 with a 104 Meg hard disk and a power saving internal 2400 baud modem. Yes, I want to save up and get one of those nifty new color notebooks...but need to sell off these. I also have a Xircom "pocket" ethernet adapter I could bundle in with either one if your interested. But are in perfect working order. Leave message here, or on my BBS at 991-3894 ommunications software is great (I'm calling here on it!), and the