45642,04,05/04/92,WARD CHRISTENSEN,STEVE FARMILANT R/3.5 TO 51/4 CONVERT???, I think you can XCOPY with the /s option to include subdirectories - to copy between different sized media. Then, if you need a volume label, you can use the DOS Label command to put in the label. If the diskettes are copy protected, you're probably out of luck. 45643,02,05/04/92,MICHAEL SHARTIAG,RICHARD HINTON R/4 MEG DRAM'S?, I have not seen dip memory in the 4 meg chip, but they are readily available as 4 meg simm memory modules. 45742,08,09/24/92,ERIC TOLL,WARD CHRISTENSEN R/THANKS, You'll never be able to reply to me, but Picture Publisher and Coreldraw! 3.0 Photopaint Is Execellent. With Picture Publisher one can Select an area of a Graphic to Manipulate. I chose a flat chested woman and gave her nice healthy ones! I Printed It out a 1200 Dpi with a H] HPLJET III (Grafting Is Fun Also) I Got a Targa+64 A $8,000 SVHS Camera Etc.... 45743,07,09/24/92,NORB DEMBINSKI,WARD CHRISTENSEN R/TELEBIT QBLAZER MODEM, Ward: Thanx for the info. Decided not to get the QBlazer. I took US Robotics on their offer of a trade in on a new DS 16.8K. The cost was a few $$ more and I gained a great deal of compatability. Norb Dembinski 45842,01,10/31/92,WARD CHRISTENSEN,TED MORAN ZIP FILE ON MAC, 45841 is for you (Morray ignored my "Please "E"nter a msg right to Ted..." 45843,08,10/31/92,WARD CHRISTENSEN,ALL KEYBOARDS, Anyone know a PC keyboard that is 100% compatible with IBM's enhanced layout (I don't want \ key in funny place - I want it below [ <- ]) and I want a "small" enter key (for if I have a large enter key, then \ gets put somewhere "funky"). ===> AND... that has a switch for swapping control and caps? ..and that does NOT do ANYTHING funky like add a left column of PC-style function keys? I'm tired of inconsistency in how programs handle ctrl-caps swapping, particularly under OS/2. 45942,01,12/09/92,DENNIS STAHL,WARD CHRISTENSEN R/CARDINAL CLONE - DRDOS VS. D, Hmm... I didn't think of FDISK. Thanks! 45943,10,12/09/92,ANDY SHAPIRO,DENNIS STAHL R/CARDINAL CLONE - DRDOS VS. D, Why do you want to get rid of DRDOS? It'll run everything you can run under MS-DOS, and has a number of benefits. As far as I can tell, you'd only be LOSING functionality by going to MSDOS 3.xx. Of course, I'm assuming that you're talking DRDOS 6.0, which has all that MS-DOS 5.0 has and then some. DRDOS 5.0 was supposedly the motivating force behind MSDOS 5; But if you DO want to replace it, I'm pretty certain that you can boot up from an MS-DOS (3.31+) floppy and just FORMAT C:/S to start things anew. ut Picture Pub