45640,04,05/02/92,STEVE FARMILANT,ALL 3.5 TO 51/4 CONVERT???,GLOB Is there a way to use copyiipc to backup a 3 1/2" disk onto a 5 1/4" disk? I've had no success after 6 hours of popping disks. The 3 1/2 inch drive is formatted at 1.44 mb, even though the disk itself is only 720... the 5 1/4 disk drive is formatted at 1.2. Any ideas? 45641,05,05/03/92,BILL WOLFF,STEVE FARMILANT R/3.5 TO 51/4 CONVERT???, Why use copyiipc? Just use the BACKUP command from DOS if all you want to do is really backup the files? Or better yet, just ZIP them into one neat little file and then save the new file to disk. If you really want to make a running copy of some protected software... then good luck! 45740,16,09/22/92,WARD CHRISTENSEN,ALL CD-ROMS, Any thoughts about CD-ROMS? I see many bundled with their own controllers - are many of them SCSI? I have an IN-2000 SCSI controller, but might like to go for a faster one and one supported by OS/2 such as an Adaptec - lets see (scratching head)... 1542B? Then the ROM itself: OS/2 only supports IBM and Toshiba, though "some" others work by patching the name of the drive mfgr into the support module. I'd like music, and I'd like NOT to buy in on the "trailing edge" of an era - sounds like the double-speed, or even quad-speed CDs are right here now, though not completely taking over the market. Lets put OS/2 out of the picture for now - Just windows (currently 3.0, but with 3.1 on the shelf). What drive would work on my IN-2000? Thanks! P.S. lets get some messages going here! I sure would appreciate it! I know with all the outages, CBBS will never see 50 calls a day again on its one line, but perhaps we can get a bit of "critical mass" to keep it alive as a piece of working history! Thanks! 45741,20,09/24/92,JERRY OLSEN,WARD CHRISTENSEN R/CD-ROMS, I just wrote an article about multimedia-related hardware, including CD-ROM drives. This was for a shareware mag, so I didn't look at the high end. OTOH, I disregarded the true low end too. I focused upon those that were fully compatible with Win 3.0 with MM extensions and 3.1. The hands-down winner was Sony's CDU535. (Among the best sources I found was FastMICRO. About #350 to the door, very fast service, a sales staff which knew what it was doing, etc. BTW, I too am very glad you're back up, not only because this has been my favorite BBS since my first modem in the early '80s (well, except for my own BBS, of course ) but also because I slipped this phone number into an article about shareware's first decade. (Remember that we spoke briefly about that a couple of months ago?) That article is turning into my most-sold piece ever--in the U.S., U.K., Australia and Canada. (The latter is a mainstream pub, but they still were interested.) Also, some writer in Texas wants to excerpt the section about CBBS and MODEM/XMODEM this week....So you may get a healthy number of additional callers as a result. Regards. 45840,11,10/29/92,WARD CHRISTENSEN,ALL ZIP FILES ON MAC?, Ted Moran called CBBS but goofed and left a comment instead of a msg, so I'll leave the msg for him. Please "E"nter a msg right to Ted if you have an answer: -- comment follows -- 10/29/92,03:25:04,227793,1,TED MORAN,CHGO/IL,11 ]This is way cool board. I am looking for a Mac program or method to read those damned PKZIP files on other boards. Can anyone help?? I need to be able read text files and/or download them, but almost everything these days is all zipped up, and my mac does not seem able to handle them. Help, please!! TED MORAN 45841,03,10/30/92,MURRAY ARNOW,WARD CHRISTENSEN R/ZIP FILES ON MAC?, I asked a Mac guru at work and he said there is a commercial program called Stuff It Deluxe that is available. He also said that there were a number of shareware programs one of which is called DEZIP. 45940,04,12/08/92,DENNIS STAHL,ALL CARDINAL CLONE - DRDOS VS. DOS,NONE Scenario... Clone machine (Happens to be a Cardinal) XT processor with DRDOS installed on hard drive. Question... Can I pop a DOS 3.3 diskette in and just format and sys the hard drive, or is there more to do? 45941,07,12/09/92,WARD CHRISTENSEN,DENNIS STAHL R/CARDINAL CLONE - DRDOS VS. D, The more usual way would be to check out FDISK first - that way you know if the drive is DOS compatible. You could remove the partition, add it back, format it /S and go. P.S. you said "format & sys", I presume you know that format /s does that. What I'm not clear on is under what condx COMMAND.COM gets copied over. One does, one doesn't - i.e. like sys c: doesn't, but format c: /s does. 46040,07,01/20/93,ROY LIPSCOMB,KEN STOX RE: MODEM PROBLEM, The modem initialization string is !ATZ &C1 &D2 S0=0 S7=8! Makes no difference if I use &D0 or &D2, or leave off the initial "!". A friend (whose modem this is) says she has the same problem dialing out with a non-Procomm program; likewise, if she exits from the program and then reinvokes it, she has greater success in getting connected. (Her program is a dedicated application, and gives only sparse clues as to what's happening with the line or modem).