45638,06,05/02/92,RICHARD FERGUSON,ALL NEED PROGRAMS FOR Z80 S-100, i am in need of software for my system. i have complete utilities and programs for the 1.41+ bus. am willing to trade or work other arangements out. i can design hardware for the s-100 if needed. call me at (402)532-2300 voice line colect if needed. thank you signed richard l. ferguson 45639,07,05/02/92,BILL WOLFF,ALL MARS-BBS Z-120, A friend of mine appears to have taken on a task bigger than he can chew. He is helping another friend take a Zenith Z-120 and trying to use it as a BBS on packet radio for a MARS station. It appears this Zenith won't run PCDOS and nothing is available for BBS work in ZDOS. So CP/M seems to be the only hope right now. Zenith mentions CP/M v2.2.101 for running CP/M. Anybody out there that can help, please EMAIL me some information to pass on to him. And thanks! 45739,06,09/22/92,WARD CHRISTENSEN,JOHN ZWIERZYNA CBBS, Yes, it is nice to be back - and to have you back! Contribute? Ya! What we need is some "message topics" to bring on the threads (to use the term loosely - CBBS doesn't currently support "threads" i.e. keeping track of replies - but you can use summary commands to read all msgs of a given topic). I think I'll start with the next msg - about CD ROMS. 45839,13,10/29/92,ROY LIPSCOMB,ALL INTERNET VIA PUBNET?, Does Chicago have any "Pubnets" for accessing the Internet? An article in ONLINE ACCESS, in the Fall 1992 issue, gives three access routes to Internet: Local universities, commericial BBS's, and Pubnets: "The third, and often the cheapest route, is through public access networks, often referred to as Pubnets. There are hundreds of Pubnets spread throughout the world. A Pubnet can best be described as a noncomercial BBS specializing in providing Internet access. Charges are nominal; in fact, in many cases, access is free. Pubnets grew out of the ideal that internet access should be available to all...." "To find out more about Pubnets, and to find your nearest site, subscribe to the Pubnet mailing list by sending an e-mail message to: pubnet-request@chinacat.unicom.com ...." 45938,09,12/07/92,ANDY SHAPIRO,MICHAEL SHARTIAG R/AT HOME LAPTOP UPDATES, Have you considered disk compression software? If you can put a 40 Meg disk in there, then you could use SuperStore (sp?) or something like that to gain a lot more space (of course, 20 will get you 40, too...). If things go right, you'd be able to load the software above 640, and you'd be set. Note that, since most processors run PDQ, there's really no operations penalty -- it's faster to decompress stuff than it is to load it off the disk! I've been using DRDOS (with built-in SUPERSTOR) for most of the past year, and I've had no apparent slowdown... 45939,04,12/07/92,WARD CHRISTENSEN,MICHAEL SHARTIAG R/HP LASERJET4 & TRUETYPE, I'm not that up on True Type, but ATM is not a "font" when it gets to the printer, just a bit-stream. The fonts are scaled, filled in, and rastorized to the printer. Thus I think Tru-Type would be the same - which if true would result in the answer you got - that "no, trutype is not downloadable". 46038,03,01/19/93,WARD CHRISTENSEN,BOB SULLIVAN R/VISUAL TECH INC?, I've got a HUGE list of a BUNCH of companies - not maybe like the CD-ROM one, but all I've got is Visual Business Systems,(404) 956-0325,Voice and - heh heh - THEY might have heard of the OTHER "visual", but probably not. 46039,02,01/20/93,BENJAMIN COHEN,WARD CHRISTENSEN R/SPEECH INPUT?, I've heard good thinngs about Dragon Dictate, but it's a bit expensive still!