45636,04,04/30/92,WARD CHRISTENSEN,TONY ANTONUCCI R/OS/2 ON D:, The good news is: you can have OS/2 even BOOT from D: The bad news is that you can only do so if you go under BOOT MANAGER, which requires you to completely re-partition your hard disk - the boot manager becomes a small partition, then you could have C: and D:, etc. 45736,07,09/19/92,ALEX ZELL,WARD RING/PWORD,NONO Nah, no problem. I let Randy know right away when it happened and he fixed it. Hasn't occurred again since. As for p-word, I should have recalled it since it is based on something important to me. I think chaz has not been calling here recently, and I know he no longer calls chinet. I know where he hangs out and will let him know thru email that we are back up. Message threads? Betcha they will be developed by the callers "as the spirit moves them." Fer sure. 45737,03,09/19/92,DAVID JOHNSON,WARD CHRISTENSEN GOOD TO SEE YOU BACK!, It's good to see CBBS back up. I've been following it's progress on Chinet and was afraid that it wasn't going to be resurrected any time soon. Welcome back! 45836,16,10/27/92,ROY LIPSCOMB,ALL IDIOSYNCRASY IN TANDON DOS?, If anyone has a recent Tandon PC running DOS 5.0, I would appreciate you're running the two test programs given below. The purpose is to determine what value is in the CX register at the start of a .COM program. (No, it's not the program length; that's true only if you load the .COM file under DEBUG. The normal value actually is 00FF. I need to know if the Tandon has 0000 instead.) Test program one: Test program two: org 100h mov dl,ch Same as test program one, add dl,40 except change second line mov ah,2 to read "mov dl,cl" int 21h mov ah,4ch int 21h Each program will print one character on the console. Please report what each of those characters are. Thanks much. 45837,04,10/27/92,ANDY SHAPIRO,ROY LIPSCOMB R/CHANGING AT&T PC63000 BATTER, I think the battery is located in a holder on the bottom of the machine. I had to chnage one years ago...the motherboard is upside down, and you remove the BOTTOM cover of the case to get to it (I think!). 45936,09,12/06/92,MICHAEL SHARTIAG,ALL HP LASERJET4 & TRUETYPE, I have been looking at the LJ4 and have called HP in an attempt to get a handle on the truetype world. First as I see it, truetype basically pr provides a subset of the functionality of postscript, being scalable fonts only. No graphic processing is set it in. I asked HP if additional truetype fonts could be downloaded into the printer. Their response was 'no', that truetype was not downloadable, and that I could either add cartridges with the fonts, or use something like ATM to convert from truetype to bit mapped graphic data and print that. Can someone seperate fact from fiction here ???? 45937,08,12/07/92,ROY LIPSCOMB,WARD/ANDY R?DJ500 PROBLEM (!), The cable is an off-the-shelf one I got from Elektek at the same time I bought my DJ500 there. Because I was able print so many pages before the problem sprung up, I thought maybe static was the problem. All those pages rubbing on the platten, maybe. (The cable mentioned above is a six-foot parallel.) Since the DJ works fine with the serial port, I'm not sure I want to risk having anyone monkey with it even though it's under warranty. ("If you're not sure it's broke, you're not sure you should fix it," as they say.) 46036,03,01/19/93,BOB SULLIVAN,ALL VISUAL TECH INC?, Does anybody know the location of Visual Technology Inc. There were located in Andover, MA at one time. They made the Visual 102. Or maybe they have gone out of business? 46037,03,01/19/93,KEN STOX,ROY LIPSCOMB RE: MODEM PROBLEM, Is the modem "really" playing dead? or is Procomm not sending data because it thinks that the modem is not "ready" ? Try changing the modems setup for line control (eg. AT&C1 )