45634,06,04/30/92,WARD CHRISTENSEN,BOB LUND MESSAGE RETENTION, The other msg saying to r;1 was wrong - a summary command is how you'd find the oldest msg: When I did it tonight (o;100) I got this: 45169 10/15/91 WARD CHRISTENSEN => ALL: "THANKS TO RANDY SUESS" SO messages stay around here how ever long it takes to keep the # of msgs pruned down to the high 300s. Right now it is for example, about 6 months. 45635,04,04/30/92,WARD CHRISTENSEN,ALEX ZELL R/COPH, IBM operates a clearing house of software and hardware ideas to help the handicapped - I don't have the # handy, but 1-800-IBM-2468 (the "main IBM number") should help - ask for the "NSCPD" - I think it is "National Solution Center for the Physically Disabled". 45734,08,09/18/92,AL HIGGINS,ALL PC MAINTENANCE PRICING,DEVO I have the responsibility for putting PCs under national maint. agreements for the firm I work for. Is there anyone out there who has the same type of responsibility, and can tell me what firms they are using for maintaining their PCs?? We are not toooo happy with the company we are using, and are thinking of changing providing we can find someone who is cost competitive, and can support PCs in ALL 50 states on a four hour response. Any comments would be appreciated!!!!!! 45834,01,10/24/92,MURRAY ARNOW,WARD CHRISTENSEN R/CD ROMS, Yes, I have a Gateway. You're right about their offer for customers only. 45835,08,10/27/92,ROY LIPSCOMB,ALL CHANGING AT&T PC63000 BATTERY?, A friend has an AT&T PC6300 (IBM-PC compatible). The clock/calendar battery seems dead. Can anyone tell me if the battery is replaceable? (And where it is located?) Thanks. By the way, there is a file called ATT1991.ZIP that describes how to correct the PC6300 so that it will accept years in the range 1992-1999 (vs. the original range of 1984-1991). If you're interested but can't locate it, leave a message here. 45934,06,12/06/92,WARD CHRISTENSEN,AL HIGGINS R/HP DJ500C CARTRIDGES, The trick to storing the DJ cart's seems to be preventing them from drying out, without actually touching the nozzle. I'd be inclined to see about maybe some kind of humidity-supplying container if the "real thing" can't be found or made... Yes, I "think" I've seen the color recharge kits, but I don't recall the details. I'll try to check my stored deskjet threads from Compuserve. 45935,13,12/06/92,MICHAEL SHARTIAG,ALL AT HOME LAPTOP UPDATES, I have been playing with ways of making a Toshiba 1600 with 1 meg ram and a 20 meg hard drive usable i todays software world. Toshiba only offered a 20 or 40 with this particular machine. I have also noticed that almost all manufacturers do not load the drive type tables in the BIOS and do not allow a user definable selecttion. This particular machine has a 20 meg conner in it (IDE 3020 I believe) I should be able to put any IDE drive in to the space provided and if nothing else, get the first 20 meg. Now, if one would use ontrack disk software ( sort of outdated with dos 4.0 , 5.0), you can set up any physical drive to be accessed via the table setting in BOIS. While toshiba was of no help, Ontrack said that I should be able to pull this off, at least via software. Has anyone else tried this, or heard of doing this ??? 46034,07,01/18/93,ANDY SHAPIRO,BOB SULLIVAN R/REQUEST HELP - VISUAL 102, Most terminals have SERIAL hookups for printers, so, unless you have an unusual Okidata (most are parallel) yer outa luck. If you DO have a serial printer, I'd try seeing if there is a SETUP (usually activated by pressing a SETUP key and possibly a shift key) that turns the printer on. This terminal PROBABLY emulates a VT-102, so a Digital Equipment manual might be useful -- also, VAXen can print to a printer-equipped terminal with the PVT command. Sorry this isn't more help... 46035,12,01/19/93,ROY LIPSCOMB,ALL PROBLEM WITH MATCHBOOK MODEM, I've got a problem with a Practical Peripherals "matchbook"-sized modem. When I start Procomm 2.4.3, the modem plays dead either 1) until I quit Procomm and then reinvoke Procomm, or else 2) until I press Alt-H ("Hang up"). I tried all sorts of other kludges: Diddling with Procomm's modem initialization string; creating a control-string file that is TYPEd to COM1 before Procomm is called; and entering strings by hand within Procomm. Among the strings I tried was the string used by Procomm to go on-hook (~~~+++~~~ATH0). None of them work. I'd like Procomm to start and run without all this pussy-footing. Anyone have any ideas on what the problem is?