45632,04,04/30/92,BILL WOLFF,JIM POLOUS R/HARD DISKS, Oh great... now I read your message 45632 about Conner 20 Meg HD. I just bought one a few weeks back and the darn thing died on me. The logic curcuits appear to be okay, it's just that the drive won't spin when requested to do so... what a rip... $300 I paid for it too. 45732,05,09/17/92,WARD CHRISTENSEN,ALL CACHE REUNION?, Anyone think it would be interesting to try to get together folks from the OLD CACHE organization - say late 70's, early 80's? It could be a 15-year reunion maybe based upon old lists. Lets see, Roy Lipscomb, Gerry Swetsky, Bill Precht, Rob't Swartz, Lloyd Smith, Bill B.. (The NI Gas Guy), etc? Wonder how successful it would be. 45733,01,09/17/92,GEORGE LIMBERG,WARD CHRISTENSEN R/MNP TECHNICAL DATA, Thanks for your help on this. I really appreciate it. 45832,10,10/23/92,BILL MATTSON,WARD CHRISTENSEN CD-ROM, Ward...not to interject where not wanted, but I seem to remember OS2 only supports two CD-ROM drives. There is a ZIP file available with a replacement CD-ROM driver for OS2 that is supposed to support more drives than the 2 IBM likes. Available on C'Serve, and I also have it if you like...can't remember it's name but can dig it out. Where can one get info on the IBM Developer's CD-ROM you mentioned in your message? I've also heard something about a beta test of developer's something-or-other. Any info on such??? P.S. I'm referring to 2 CD-ROM drive manufacturers, maybe one was Toshiba, would have to look in the above-mentioned ZIP file. ...Regards 45833,12,10/24/92,WARD CHRISTENSEN,BILL MATTSON R/CD-ROM, Ya, IBM & Toshiba were the only 2 supported - but there are rumors of being able to patch others in - you patch in the name of the drive in the driver so when the drive ID's itself the driver sez "OK". I hadn't heard of the zip file you're referring to. Still quite up in the air as to what direction to go. I don't know what the deal was on the developers CD-rom. I think the guy who said he was getting me one didn't, for I've seen him several times and he never mentioned it (and I didn't think of it). The only beta test I know of is for C++, but don't know if it is external or not. There is something like a "developer's Assistance Program" (DAP) but not sure how you'd enroll in it. I think the general IBM 800 # is 1-800-IBM-3333, they might know. 45932,08,12/04/92,AL HIGGINS,ALL HP DJ500C CARTRIDGES,DEVO Over the past year I have collected a number of printer cartridges. I've refilled them with other colors other than black and thats worked fine. The problem I'm having is keeping the ink jet end from drying up between uses... There was a nice little container for storing the cartridges that came with the machine. Has anyone seen an after market device that will hold 3-5 cartridges?????? Also, has anyone seen kits for filling the tri-colored cartridge? Has anyone been successful in filling one of those cartridges?? 45933,11,12/04/92,MICHAEL SHARTIAG,WARD/ALL PHONE NOISE, Ward, I had that connect 1200 happen also. If the burst of noise comes while the modem is cheking the 2400 speed they miss 'handshaking' and it skips down ( it seems that what happened) I'll try complaining about a multiplexer to Ma Bell. I have called repair 4 times now and they keep saying there is no problem, yet I continue to get noise calling here and one other location in the same switch. I also had a client with the same problem in Buffalo Grove to libertyville call, and again Bell said no problem was found, but the problem also went away after they tested it. I don't think MNP will help this severe of a noise problem, there are actual clicks and pops in the line. 46032,07,01/18/93,WARD CHRISTENSEN,ROY LIPSCOMB R/PIZZA PARTY LIST, I ran into a current cache member on America Online, and I wrote a little piece for him to do - either just bringing up in the meeting, or put in the newsletter, so we're at least somewhat "covered" in that area. Dunno about post cards vs calling...I guess selfishly I'd like to contact the folks I REMEMBER - but I'll bet there would be familiar faces whose name I'd not associated with it... 46033,01,01/18/93,ROY LIPSCOMB,WARD R/PIZZA PARTY LIST, At roughly what year does your memory fade?