45630,05,04/29/92,ALEX ZELL,BOB LUND MSG RETENTION,NONO You ask how long messages are retained here. They remain until they are removed by the original author, the addressee, or Ward or an assistant operator, who take them off the top when the active message base approaches its limit. If you do r;1 you will see that at this time the messages go back to Oct 1991. 45631,05,04/30/92,BILL WOLFF,ALEX ZELL R/MSG RETENTION, I did a R;1 command and it told me that message 1 wasn't found. I typed the plus key to scan for the next 10. Still nothing. I pressed the plus key about 5 more times and I finally gave up and typed S;1 and it reported the first message number was 45169. So to make an already long story short... just type R;45169 to see the first message. ;-) 45731,05,09/16/92,MARTY DIPPEL,WARD CONGRATS!, Glad you brought it back up again! I've really missed CBBS while it was down; seems like seeing an old friend after a long time. Antique or not, CBBS has a definite place, rest assured! Not only is it the world's first, but the "compact" (terse) message style suits me better than the constant drivel found on so many other boards. Thanks!! -Marty. 45830,13,10/22/92,PETE CANTELE,ALL INFO ON SCSI CTLR.,TTTT Does anyone have any info pro/con on a SCSI controller manufactured by CE Infosys? (Model C5610) I purchased and installed one based on what the distributor told me and it seemed like such a piece of cake. (I used it in conjunction with a Seagate st14766n (663M) hd. for a client.) I tried it installed as the boot drive and also with the driver as a second drive, (after an IDE boot drive), and it appeared to work positively super. In the handbook it talked about connecting CD roms and other devices. The price was <$100 which is cheaper than most I've seen. I am asking the question because I've never heard of this controller in any of the magazines, computer shopper, etc. Any comments? 45831,04,10/23/92,ROY LIPSCOMB,WARD R/386DX "FEATURE", Thanks for your response. My main concern was whether this "feature" made the early 386DX to some small extent incompatible with 8086 machine code. (For instance, setting STD as the default instead of CLD, or some such arcanum.) 45930,04,12/03/92,WARD CHRISTENSEN,MICHAEL SHARTIAG/ALL MNP BACK ON CBBS, Randy got the modem "zapped" to support MNP - I got "CONNECT 2400/ARQ" tonight, so it seems to work fine. Should help the folks getting some line noise, such as you, Michael... Let me know how it works. 45931,16,12/04/92,AL HIGGINS,STEVE AIDIKONIS R/TELCO QUESTION, yes they can..... It's one of thoese thecnological advances years ago, the equipment to support TT was cheaper than rotary, also there was so many rotary phones out there it wasn't worth their while to try and charge people for TT service. The local operating telephone company normally catches people when they move, they ask you if the phoenes your taking with you are TT. For those of us who haven't moved for a while...... they don't know. IL Bell started a campain s ago to boos ago to boost their profit my asking their entire customer base if they using TT or rotary phones. They call up our house and asked my kids when they answered the phone, and guess what, next month was a charge for TT service. If you tell then you don't use TT service they "may" just turn the your service down to accept rotary only. After I complained about the charge, they dropped the charge, AND REVERTED my service to rotary. Doesn't make any difference to me as that line is used for incoming only! So be prepaired... 46030,04,01/16/93,WARD CHRISTENSEN,ROY LIPSCOMB PIZZA PARTY LIST, What do you think I should do - should I check with the current CACHE officers to see if they "OK" using the old list? Do you want to take part of the list? Actually, I may have one on 8" disk, and by moving some hardware around I might be able to actually read it! 46031,09,01/17/93,ROY LIPSCOMB,WARD PIZZA PARTY LIST, I imagine they would not object to your using the list for that purpose. I also have a feeling that it would be at least courteous to get such permission, since the list actually is the property of CACHE. But my original thoughts were that CACHE might run a note in their newsletter, for the old timers or for anyone, as you deem best; and that perhaps CACHE would provide an updated list for those old timers who are still around. For my part, I guess I was offering to call a subset of old timers on the list; but maybe postcards would be less work. What do you think?