45626,01,04/28/92,BILL WOLFF,TONY ANTONUCCI R/OS/2 ON D:, Oh...oh... doesn't look good Tony! 45627,06,04/29/92,ALEX ZELL,BILL WOLFF RE/TALKING PRGM,NONO Thanks for the info. Sent it on to the inquirer via an awful system called "unison" or "parti" or both. I changed the address to Bklyn NY to maintain parity with its zip code. NYC postoffice is very rigid about borough separation. 45727,10,09/15/92,WARD CHRISTENSEN,ALEX ZELL RING NO ANSWER, Rats, sorry to hear that! I'll have to ask randy to keep an eye on CBBS, until such time as it can be made more solid - a rewrite for chinet, perhaps? Also, I felt REALLY BAD about your forgetting the password on the Ward Board - seems I was forgetting to check the log for a while, so it seemed your pleas fell on deaf ears! Again, my apologies! It means a lot to me to see you back here! Also can't believe we had 4 new-user calls in a row! MD, Chi, Naperville, Park Ridge. CBBS's number must be published around a bit. NOW, we need some good message threads! (using the terms loosely). 45826,03,10/22/92,MURRAY ARNOW,JERRY OLSEN R/CD ROMS, It so happens that I just read that Gateway 2000 is offering Sony CD ROMs for $225. You and Ward helped me to decide to go that route. Thanks for the help. 45827,01,10/22/92,WARD CHRISTENSEN,MURRAY ARNOW R/CD ROMS, Do you have a Gateway? I think their offer is only for their customers. 45926,10,12/02/92,WARD CHRISTENSEN,STEVE AIDIKONIS R/TELCO QUESTION, Yep, the telco sure can take away your ability to use touch tone. What happened, was that in the early days of touch tone, the switching equipment wasn't very sophisticated, so they just slapped touch-tone receivers on EVERY line. NOW, your switching office proably has put in newer highly-computerized switches, and it can do things like individually reject touch tones - probably a bit in memory somewhere. You'll have to start paying... Gee, it just dawned on me - CBBS's line probably shouldn't be having touch-tone on it! It annoys me to have to pay $13/month for an "incoming" line! (Talking CBBS/The Ward Board - I dunno about CBBS/Chicago). 45927,02,12/03/92,ANGELA ALLEN,ALL AS00, I have a test coming up next Thursday on working on the AS/400. Sure could use some help. Will check back 12/06 for clues! -Angela 46026,10,01/14/93,WARD CHRISTENSEN,BENJAMIN COHEN R/FOR SALE, All I can think of the problem you had entering your message is that you put one too many fields in the input line. The syntax for expert users is l;whoto;subject;password but if you stuck in one too many "fields", as I did in this by putting in "whatever", you are then putting the subject into the password field. You gave me the clue when you said "> 4 long" because that's the length (4) of the password field: >Function:?e;all;whatever;for sale Msg 46026 ++LINE > 4 LONG - truncated, return to ACCEPT, ^U to RE-ENTER: FOR^U 46027,07,01/15/93,BOB SULLIVAN,ALL REQUEST HELP - VISUAL 102,DESU I am trying to get a VISUAL 102 TERMINAL to send data out to an OKIDATA printer. Does anybody know of: where I can get hold of a VISUAL 102 Manual with port specs, or does anybody locally still use Visual 102 ( I already tried IIT ), or does anybody know if the company still exists and where it is? Any help will be aprreciated.