45620,02,04/24/92,BILL WOLFF,ALL DEBUG, Does anybody know what the command set for DEBUG is for MS-DOS? If your going to ask what version of MS-DOS, I'll say 3.21. 45621,15,04/26/92,ALEX ZELL,ERIC BOHLMAN COPH,NONO The following is part of a note I have received from a friend in New York. I recall that you wrote just such a program for Hadley School, must be at least 7 or 8 years ago. ] A friend, Marie Kessel, has developed a problem with vision. She ] wants to make her computer talk to her. Can anyone suggest good ] software? ] Marie runs halfway houses; one of the problems that comes up is ] dyslexia. She feels that a talking computer could be useful there ] also. ] Her home computer is Macintosh, but the halfway houses are using ] IBM machines. Software for either platform would be interesting. BTW, I have lost track of COPH bbs since its move to the southwest side. Is it still in operation? 45820,14,10/20/92,WARD CHRISTENSEN,BILL MATTSON R/OS2 BETA TESTERS, Mike Warot just got one, and he calls here occasionally (mebbe better to drop him a line on the Ward Board). I have attempted to download it at work, trying to make a "copying machine" - but it filled the hard disk, darn it! The distribution diskettes are already compressed (like, but perhaps not exactly, as if they contained only ZIP files), so they don't compress. I have the C-set/2 and plan to work on that; I'm not interested in the idea of a total reformat of my disk for the new version - wondering how I'd integrate my current OS/2 functions, restore the desktop, etc. I DO wish they'd say just what it conflicts with - I was told that you couldn't install previous beta tests over old OS/2, but did so AFTER zapping all files and cleaning up all the extended attribute pointers with Norton Utilities (wrote my own DOS program to SHOW which files have extended attr pointers). 45821,04,10/20/92,NORB DEMBINSKI,WARD CHRISTENSEN 4079 PRINTER, Do you have any info as to when the 4079 color printer will be available or any paper info on same? Norb Dembinski 45920,18,12/02/92,WARD CHRISTENSEN,MICHAEL SHARTIAG R/CACHE.., OK, got to figure some way to get folks aware of it - I think I'll find a listing - lets see, should be '77 to be 15 years ago - or mebbe just about anyone who wants to come, from then or more recent. As to your questions about line noise, no, sorry, I'm not in that area, I'm 30 miles south of CBBS. What I did one day when I had that problem, was to talk to Randy Suess, and we got the little clicks on our voice line, so I just left the phone off the hook while going to another phone line to call the phone company. Actually, I'd arranged it in advance - i.e. said I had a problem, they said to call back if I ever isolated it. Well, I did, and they took a while, but traced it down to a faulty multiplexor and took it out of service pending repair. Dunno if Randy's gotten this modem changed over, but it seems it wasn't going MNP. And tonight when I called at 2400, I got garbage then a disconnect, then noticed it said "connect 1200". Hmmm. I KNOW I set the speed to 2400 when I do the ATA. Anyway, I switched to 1200, called back, and got in. Hopefully I'll have time to get the HST repaired, then we can go MNP again. 45921,10,12/02/92,ERIC BOHLMAN,WARD MODEM SIGNALS, Actually, CTS has become more important than ever, since it's how a modem tells the computer "hold on and let me catch my breath" when you're running the computer-to-modem link faster than the modem-to-modem link. I've never met a modem that didn't use DSR, though I've also never met one that used it for anything other than to inform the computer that the modem was powered up. It's possible that some DIP-switch or NVRAM setting was causing the modem not to generate those signals (I've explained to people more times than I care to remember why it's necessary to configure a modem to have DCD follow the state of the connection, rather than stay on all the time, in order to use most terminal programs' dialing directories). 46020,10,01/12/93,AL HIGGINS,MICHAEL SHARTIAG R/HEARD OF ASC SYSTEMS, I haven't heard of that particular company, but it sounds like you may have a multi-line voice response unit. There were a lot of companies that developed that type of technology in the 80's and a good majority of them are no longer in business. Tahe a look at the boards with the RJ11 connectors and see if there is a vendor name, ie.. Dialogic, Periphonics, If your really intrested in finding out who made the system, find a library that carries: Speech Technology, Inbound/Outbound (now called Call Center Manager). These magazines normally list MFGs who mave voice type cards for PCs and other products. Suggest you go back 3-5 yrs and start from there. Good Luck.... 46021,10,01/13/93,DAVID JOHNSON,WARD CHRISTENSEN R/DISK CLEANUP, I found the file for PCMANAGE. As for the TSR overhead, I don't know what it is specifically, but the program that is loaded as a TSR is about 28k. The way the program keeps track of the last access date of the files is by creating a file in each directory called INDEX.CMP. The program can handle 100 directories/files per directory/and child directories, and allows you to specify any files (up to 100) that you don't want to be touched by the program (config.sys, command.com, etc). It also notes that you shouldn't compress any OS/2 files (system ones, I believe). The archive is fairly small, about 36k zipped. I'll upload it to your directory on Chinet.