45618,04,04/24/92,BILL WOLFF,ALL QDOS & XTREE, Does anybody use utilities like QDOS v2.0 and Xtree v2.0 anymore, or am I not moving with the times fast enough and they have better directory and subdirectory utilities out there? What are the latest versions of QDOS and Xtree anyway? 45619,14,04/24/92,AL HIGGINS,BILL MATTSON R/OS2 UTILITIES, continued to look into the issue of defrag. of the disk. In my case, our applications were written in FAT file format. We've talked to Norton twice this week and it looks like we can use Norton 6.0 as long as we boot DOS, run Norton use the utili and then boot to OS2. If this works.... this will solve my biggest problem disk defragmentation... As for other Norton utilities, I don't k on OS2.k on If I can get a spare system, or clean up the hard disk, I will try to add DOS in PM and see if I can go from OS2 to DOS and run norton. The problem I have had in the past is our application requires that we have DOSSWAP OFF. Looks as if I'll have to play for a while and see what we can get to work or not work.... 45718,04,09/13/92,BILL MATTSON,WARD CHRISTENSEN R/32-BIT DEVELOPMENT, Ward, Ill let you know when I get my Workset/2. I guess now that you've got me curious, I'll have to weigh it when it gets here...and I thought MSC++7.0 & the SDK was a lot of docs. (I'm working my way back up to long message lines (:-}...) Bye 45719,01,09/14/92,ROY LIPSCOMB,RANDY SUESS THANKS, Thanks for resuscitating the world's first! 45818,10,10/20/92,WARD CHRISTENSEN,ANDY SHAPIRO R/PRINTER SHARING, Randy Suess recommends the Buffalo printer-sharing box. He uses one at home to share a laserjet between several machines - even though he also has a Novell Netware LAN. I believe the thing could handle a combo of serial and parallel, with - I think - each port being either in or out - rather flexible. I don't think it cost all that much. You MIGHT have to switch to serial with its better distance capability. I found by putting a "Y" cable on my printer port, one going to lap-link to my lap-top, the other to a switch box and on to the printer, so the printer is "cut out" of the picture when I lap-link, well, it doesn't work, I have to UNPLUG the cable to the printer (even though it was NOT attached to the printer). 45819,04,10/20/92,WARD CHRISTENSEN,MURRAY ARNOW R/CD ROMS, Oh, the CD-ROM formats are all standard - MSCDEX is the Microsoft CD Rom Extensions that everyone writes to. I've not seen one that doesn't follow that. It allows the drive to just be another drive letter, so you can run programs right off the CD, copy files from it, etc. 45918,11,12/01/92,LARRY GLASSMAN,WARD CHRISTENSEN UNIX WORKSTATIONS AND SOUND,ASDF What flavor of X-windows are you working with? If I remember correctly RS-6000's use Motif. I've done alot of work using OpenLook, although this project is using IXI/Motif for the GUI. Have you done any work with the Interface Builders for X ? I'm currently working on Sun Workstations, using a SPARC IPX. I've also done some work on NeXT machines recently. I'll let you know about the sound card as soon as I get it. Should be towards the end of this week. It would be nice to store old vinyl discs on my computer, but they have to first come up with a compression system. Audio files still seem to take up alot of space. I'm already looking forward to the pizza party! 45919,07,12/01/92,MICHAEL SHARTIAG,WARD CHRISTENSEN CACHE.., Ward, Yep!!! I remember going to the gas company on was it SHrmer road ??? I think I may even be able to dig up a couple of old newsletters if anyone would be interested.. ( I think I saw a small file of CACHE stuff when I moved)? As for the re-union, I think it sounds great. I already marked it in my book. 46018,05,01/11/93,WARD CHRISTENSEN,ROY LIPSCOMB R/CBBS 15TH *PARTY*, I have already contacted a cache member to tell them about the 15th anniversary. I DO have a mailing list. I should get going on it! Should I upload a VERY large message with all the names? I'm not going to put the phone #'s in a public message...out of courtesy to folks - and of course in 15 years probably about 70% of folks have moved. 46019,05,01/11/93,DAVID JOHNSON,WARD CHRISTENSEN R/DISK CLEANUP, Off hand, I don't remember what the overhead is, but I believe it's fairly small. As for the date checking, I'll have to dig up the archive and check both that and the overhead. Will get to it quickly and post the answers next time I logon. You're quite welcome!