45716,05,09/13/92,WARD CHRISTENSEN,ALL COLORADO TAPE DRIVES, Anyone have experience with these drives? Specifically, I went from a 120 to a 250, and I'm getting way too many errors on the 250M tapes- on the order of 300, to as many as 1400. I just bought a new 3M 2120 tape, and will format it to see how it does. Thanks for any ideas. 45717,04,09/13/92,WARD CHRISTENSEN,BILL MATTSON 32-BIT DEVELOPMENT, I have now sent off my order for the IBM workframe and Cset/2 compiler. Got the books - WHEW! 47 pounds! Actually a friend (Mike Warot) liked 'em so well he bought 'em off of me and I ordered another set of 'em. 45816,30,10/20/92,WARD CHRISTENSEN,GAYLAND BLOETHE CBBS, No, heh heh, no multi-tasking here. Curious what you observed that made you think that... Scrolling too fast? I thoughts about that have to do with comm packages: most have a capture buffer with scroll-back capability - for example I receive my entire CBBS "session" then scroll back to see what people said - I can scroll back even when entering a msg (like now). The lack of screen pauses are to encourage quick reading - perhaps even capturing and calling back... Nevertheless, while I don't like the stop-every-screen idea (control-S works very nicely - at least if I'm in that mode I'd rat er it stop when I want it to, instead of stopping in the middle of a sentence, etc), THERE ARE SOME SOLUTIONS: -- If you want to read every msg since you last called, use the r command and give a msg * which will read the first new msg since your last call. Only one message. Many/most will fit on one screen, or you can ^S to stop to read. Once the header has scrolled by, if you want to skip it, hit ^C. Then when you want to read the next msg, just type "." - "." goes ahead one message, "," goes back one. If you have one you want to reply to, type REPLY instead of . or , - that's. it. -- If you'd rather flag messages, just hit enter at any time, and CBBS will ask you for "msg # or #;#;#" and you can type in the msg # you want to retrieve, or several msg #'s separated by semicolons; and you don't have to repeat the leading digits: 45816;7;21 would get 45816, 45817, 45821. When CBBS says "A pause to flag last message" you can hit enter, and CBBS will ask for this list of msg #'s, and you can sit as long as you want (Well, CBBS will bug you in a minute or two to please go on) and type the msg #'s. The main thing that is missing is the ability to continue reading the next message after using the REPLY command. Hope this helps! Thanks for your comments. 45916,12,11/30/92,WARD CHRISTENSEN,LARRY GLASSMAN R/AUTHORS AND HISTORY, Wow! Small world! I'm doing X-windows programming, too! Though "not really" - there are some more experienced people than I, so I'm just doing more routine "C" and they're doing the X-menus, etc. Audio cards: I'm interested to know if one can record real-time stereo to hard disk, and could edit out the "pops" inherent in my old vinyl discs. (grin). Wolfenstein: I bought it, but I don't have a sound board. It is really nice, eh? The program is pretty nice. Nice hearin' from you. When I said you "call in now and then", I didn't mean "infrequently". I guess I was more thinking of the few and far-between msgs from you ;-) P.S. what Unix systems are you on? I'm on an IBM Risc System 6000. 45917,05,11/30/92,WARD CHRISTENSEN,MICHAEL SHARTIAG CACHE, Were you in CACHE way back when? Think there would be an interest in getting some of the "old timers" together for a 15th year CACHE reunion? Actually, maybe I should consolidate CBBS's 15th anniversary party (Barnaby's on Touhy, 2:00 PM, Sat Feb 13) with a CACHE reunion! Hope you can join us. 46016,03,01/11/93,WARD CHRISTENSEN,DAVID JOHNSON R/DISK CLEANUP, Any idea what the TSR overhead is - and how they keep track of the last usage date of a file? Thanks! 46017,07,01/11/93,WARD CHRISTENSEN,KEN STOX R/MODEM, hehe, could be! Actually I have an HST that is merely in need of having the power cord fixed, it shouldn't be that big a job. I think they use a standard DIN, so I can "finish the Chop Job Randy started" and cut the cord completely and see what wires go where - even with one loose wire, 4 should be OK and 1 not, so I can figure what goes where. I'll make a note to at least put that on my to-do list! Actually, a V-32 would be nice, too!  on) and