45714,14,09/12/92,WARD CHRISTENSEN,ALL CBBS BACK UP, Thanks to Randy being willing to support the "old beast", CBBS is back up. Norb Dembinski even beat me in on the first call - minutes after CBBS went on the phone line! Please pass the word about CBBS(*). I know, it is old, but it like a ride thru history, and I AM working on re-writing it in a way that can still be compatible with the "old interface" - perhaps message threading is the most important. (*) meaning, I'd appreciate it if you sent a note to your favorite BBS saying something like "CBBS/Chicago, the worlds first, is back online after an outage since June. If you want to see a bit of history, call (312) 545-8086. HST to 9600. Operator Ward Christensen" (or something like that). Thanks! AND, please call CBBS - lets see if a bit of history can still live in this day and age. 45814,06,10/19/92,DENNIS STAHL,WARD CHRISTENSEN R/DATA ON FM SUBCARRIER?, Data was (is ?) available on some FM subcarriers. About two years ago financial market information was transmitted to handheld units. The cost of the service was in the 200 to 1000 dollar/month range. I believe Lotus even sold a "board" for the PC bus to receive the data and software to get it into the spreadsheet. Believe it even ran in background. ... about all I recall. 45914,09,11/30/92,WARD CHRISTENSEN,ALL CBBS 15TH ANNIVERSARY, Mark your calendars - Saturday the 13th of Feb '93. CBBS & Chinet will have a pizza-fest, probably again at Barnaby's, Touhy and California, 2:00 PM. BUT watch for a more "final" message, probably posted in mid-Jan or perhaps late Jan. P.S. these have become "bring your toys" kind of get-togethers. Last year, we had a remote control blimp, a hover-craft, a laser, home-made chain-mail (medieval armor), a great "suction cup dart gun" but made from PVC that shot a toilet plunger, etc. If you can't afford the pizza, come anyway, someone will buy for you. 45915,15,11/30/92,LARRY GLASSMAN,WARD CHRISTENSEN AUTHORS AND HISTORY,ASDF I was actually searching for the number of Chinet. I was calling in from another system that did not have my dialing directory. What have I been upto. Unix lately. Quite a bit of work out there doing X-windows and client/server SQL. Keeps me pretty busy. Calling in now and then? I've pretty much been calling in since you started the system 'lo these many years ago! If I remember, you`ve been using your PC for audio/midi. I am going to pick up an audio card for my PC this week. I have been looking at the Sound Blaster Pro, and another card from MediaVision. Anybody have any experience with either of these cards? Audio technology has reached an interesting point on PC's. I was over at a friends house this weekend and saw an INCREDIBLE demonstration of sound in a Shareware program, Castle Wolfensteif 3/D. Convinced me to run out and get a board. Nice to hear from you Ward! 46014,06,01/09/93,DAVID JOHNSON,WARD CHRISTENSEN DISK CLEANUP, Don't know if this is along the lines of what you're looking for, but there's a program called PC-MANAGE (I believe it was put out by PC-Magazine or such), that will PKZIP files that haven't been used after a specified time automatically. When a file is called that has been zipped, it will be automatically uncompressed. I haven't seen it around lately, but I do have a copy of it somewhere and can dig it up if you're interested. 46015,02,01/10/93,TOM DEBOTH,ALL NEW REAL ESTATE BBS, new real estate bbs call 708-834-1450 on-line pictures of homes for sale,hud listings,hundreds of homes in a data y posted in mid-Jan or perhaps late Jan. P.S. these h