45712,04,09/12/92,NORB DEMBINSKI,ALL MODEM PURCHASE,FROG Anyone know were I can get a good deal on the latest models of the US Robotics Dual Standard modes cheap? Norb Dembinski 45713,06,09/12/92,NORB DEMBINSKI,ALL TELEBIT QBLAZER MODEM,FROG Anyone have any comments as to the Telebit QBlazer modem? Mainly as to how the modem performs, reliability, and value. Telebit has a direct marketing program on and is asking $299.00 for the . The modem is V.32 compliant, etc. Norb Dembinski 45812,06,10/18/92,MURRAY ARNOW,WARD CHRISTENSEN R/CD ROMS, The major reason for my interest in CD ROMs is that it appears that they are going to become a mode (maybe dominant) of software distribution. Borland is now offering their software on CD ROM. My concern for the moment is what will become the standard format. Can CD players read different formats through software changes, or will the formats be integrated into the hardware? 45813,05,10/18/92,BILL MATTSON,ALL OS2 BETA TESTERS, Any OS2 32-Bit Graphics Engine beta testers out there? I'm one. Are you one, too? If you are...'fess up, and we can trade lies and share the thrills of reformatting large disk volumes for the sake of the jolly blue giant, and personal curiosity, too, of course. Or, if you're not, I'll still talk (sic) to you, anyhow. 45912,04,11/30/92,WARD CHRISTENSEN,JEAN BARBER HOWDY!, Long time no see! You still active in CACHE? I keep getting msgs encouraging me to go, but just not enough time, and a bit too far away. (I've settled on the club, (APCU) that meets at the U of Chicago, as that is more "down in my area". 45913,06,11/30/92,WARD CHRISTENSEN,LARRY GLASSMAN AUTHOR?, See you were looking for the keyword "Author" and "Authors" in the help text. What were you looking for? Who wrote CBBS? I did. It is kind of - no - VERY - ancient. Sort of a look into history. What 'you up to? See 'ya call now and then - would appreciate all the ACTIVE participation on various PC, language, hardware, etc related topics. Trying to keep CBBS "Viable". 46013,04,01/08/93,KEN STOX,WARD CHRISTENSEN R/MODEM, Hey (( light bulb lights )), I got an idea. I noticed the other day on USENET that AT&T Paradyne was running a "sysop" program. I wonder if they woudl be "interested" in "donating" a new modem to the world's first BBS?? nly as to how the modem performs, reliability, and value.