45708,03,06/07/92,WARD CHRISTENSEN,ROBERT FULTON R/SITUATION WANTED, Sorry to hear you're looking! Is USR suffering from the general worsening of the economy? (My office is working to get down 22% by the end of the year!) 45709,07,06/07/92,ROBERT FULTON,WARD CHRISTENSEN R/SITUATION WANTED, Ward, No, USR is doing well, but a management reorganization has left me redundant. There seems to be a management reverse corollary to the Not Invented Here syndrome, which says that training in a company is not applicable when the company reaches a different status.... I still really like USR, and would recommend anyone to work there, it's just not a great place for me any more... 45808,11,10/17/92,CYRUS PATEL,ALL TAPE BACKUP,OPRF I'm looking for an external tape backup for my PC's (8088 through 80486's) and I was looking at the CMS (Colorado Memory Systems) Jumbo Trakker (sp?) 250 meg tape backup unit. That's the one that connects through the parallel port on the PC, and was wondering if anyone has any experience with one. I also understand that Irwin makes one (I believe that Elek-Tec sells it). I am looking at the externals with the parallel port connection, cuz, I don't want to have to buy extra boards or hook it up to the floppy/hard drive cable... Are there any other's available out there? Any info would be appreciated... 45809,24,10/18/92,ANDY SHAPIRO,ALL PRINTER SHARING, OK, Ward, here's some traffice for you: I work in a small academic department, out here in the Eastern Wastelands. Recently, a new department member was moved to a tenure track position, and, as part of the package, was given a nice new PC (his pick -- he got a 33MHz 386DX). Everyone else in the office cheered, because they figgered this meant that Mr. X would no longer hog the Zenith 386sx that's driving the local HP LaserJet III. But nooooooooooooo. He put an ancient 8086 in his office, moved the PC to HOME, and now sits on the Zenith as before, because it's more convenient (his term). SO. I need to come up with a CHEAP way to share that printer out. He hardly ever prints on it, so it won't bother him, but there are six of us who need access fairly regularly (seven, if we count the Zenith). The printer is no more than 50' away from any of the PCs in question. What's the best CHEAP way to do this? Speed is a little bit of a question, but printer buffers are cheap, and they could sit in between the sharing unit and the PCs without much trouble. The main thing is to make this CHEAP (again) and TRANSPARENT (ideally, no software should be involved -- just a box hanging off the parallel port. SO -- short of doing in Mr. X, what's the best way to deal with this problem? (The department has ruled out doing him in as too expensive). 45908,07,11/29/92,WARD CHRISTENSEN,ROSEMARY MCGUIRE R/CHINET BBS, What number were you dialing? I think the guest line is (312) 283-0559, but not sure. If it isn't the guest line, then it should tell you what one is the guest line. As to the "gibberish", it could be it isn't at your speed - you have to send a BREAK to get many Unix systems to change baud rates. It is old technology, but saves having to write a custom module for each different modem that is peculiar in some way. 45909,19,11/29/92,WARD CHRISTENSEN,ANDREI SCHEINKMAN REPLY RE: CBBS, FIrst, please stop using the comments for messages to me! Make 'em public! And don't forget to wait a bit before each line when uploading... > When I mentioned CBBS was for a "club", No, I mentioned that I THOUGHT that would be a good use - for CACHE, the Chicago Area Computer Hobbyist's Exchange. Randy suggested that doing it with the club would be by "committee" and would take too long and maybe never get done, so we just did it on our own. > How about in the future when most people will have modems (Won't they)? I'm sorry, but I guess working in the big city, I come to think of street people, and people in housing projects, as "people", and don't feel the "modem revolution" will touch these people. Actually, I'll just have to ask: what IS "Mass Media"? Do you mean things like TV, newspapers, etc? I don't see BBSs as "mass media". They aren't "delivered" like TV or newepaper - you have to "go out and do it", and have to for example tie up your phone line for a while while doing so. Perhaps it WOULD become mass media if say some apartment complex were to install keyboards and video monitors in every apartment, linked to a central BBS, that was linked to other apartment owners "or something". But until such time, I don't feel it will go toward "mass media". 46008,07,01/06/93,ROY LIPSCOMB,WARD R/DISK CLEANUP TIP, There's a program that logs the use of programs on your computer, recording the date, time, and length of use for each invocation of a program. I don't recall the name of this logging program--maybe something like "LOG" or "HISTORY." Sorting the log produced by such a program after a month or two of usage should give you a pretty decent culling of the sheep from the goats. Did you consider and reject such an "automated" approach to disk cleanup? 46009,07,01/06/93,ROY LIPSCOMB,WARD R/CBBS 15TH *PARTY*, Are you attempting to contact people on that membership list? What do you think of contacting the current CACHE board and seeing if they would assist in contacting old members? How about some of the callers here volunteering to contact members they are still in touch with, and leaving a message here so others won't have to contact them? Etc. You may wish to coordinate (rather than perform) the task of contacting old timers; I--and I'm sure others--will be glad to help. t doing it with the club would be by "committee" and would take too long and maybe never get done, so we just did it on ou