45706,04,06/07/92,ROBERT FULTON,ALL SITUATION WANTED, Any lines on a job for an engineer/engineering manager with ten years' data-comm experience would be appreciated. Please reply to me here....THANKS, Robert Fulton 45707,09,06/07/92,WARD CHRISTENSEN,BILL MATTSON R/32-BIT C COMPILERS, I demonstrated the IBM C-set/2 Workframe at the PS/2-OS/2 forum a few weeks ago - looks like a pretty respectable product. The thing is only $295 from 1-800-3-IBMOS2 (soft-copy documentation only). The many sample programs included in the toolkit are valuable - how to do multi-threading, how to integrate 16-bit and 32-bit applications (speaking if which, the internal call to call from 32-bit to 16-bit is called "THUNK"). I don't know of any others. I've heard of only one problem with the C-set, which had a disappointing "working as designed" answer instead of a fix. 45806,10,10/17/92,WARD CHRISTENSEN,MURRAY ARNOW R/CD ROMS, This isn't going to be all that practical an answer, but I'll mention a few things: 1. you might want to consider whether you want to use a SCSI adapter for other things, too - such as hard drive, or whether a dedicated CD-only adapter will do the job; 2. Consider whether audio is necessary; whether you need internal or external; whether it needs to work under OS/2; whether you're going to use it with multi-media applications (may require a relatively fast drive) or just with "software"... A few things to think about, anyway. 45807,01,10/17/92,WARD CHRISTENSEN,BOB SULLIVAN R/LIMITING SOFTWARE APPLICATIO, When did your Sci Am arrive? Mine hasn't shown up yet. 45906,27,11/25/92,WARD CHRISTENSEN,ANDREI SCHEINKMAN REPLIES RE: CBBS, Ya, CBBS has been "sick" for a week or so - bad modem, finally changed software to be more "generic" and allow other modems to work - but now we seem to have lost MNP (error correction). How old were we? Not sure of the relevance of that! But "about" 33. Why create CBBS? Well, there's a long story, but the short one was (1) that I had an extra computer (I'd been doing some talks and bought one to take with me); (2) Hayes had come up with the computer-controllable internal modem; (3) I had a phone line - for club recordings about next meeting, etc; (4) there was this terrible snow storm on Jan 16, 1978, that kept me from going to work, so Randy and I got together by phone and dreamed up the idea. I thought of it being for the club, Randy said that just we two should do it - "committee" projects just don't go anywhere. So we just did it. I patterned the software after the "cork board and push-pins type of bulletin board", and coined the term "BBS" for it. The future of BBSs? more specialized, more commercial, more lines, but also a lot of people just getting into it for the fun of it. Multi- media, graphics (talked to a guy with A HUNDRED SEVENTY THOUSAND graphic images online, today - over TWENTY GIGS of disk...). Roll of BBSs in mass media? Well, there will be limited exposure - things like library BBSs or perhaps a city's or village's council BBS or something - but still not something of general appeal - just not a high enough percentage of people with modems yet. Sorry you had trouble uploading your comment. HEY, in the future, how about putting them in a MESSAGE instead of only-I-can-see-'em comments? (Well, some assistant operators can also see 'em). Where are you doing this article for? Pardon if you already said, and I've forgotten. 45907,05,11/28/92,ROSEMARY MCGUIRE,SYSOP CHINET BBS,TESS e [A the hang of this system. Am investigating for article for cgo comp soc. Can you somehow leave me any info? or call 312-951-5606 & tell me? All I get when I dial it is gibberish....nothing else. Thanx. 46007,07,01/06/93,WARD CHRISTENSEN,ALL POCKET MEMOS, I have a Sharp 5200, which I'm very pleased with, but which is full. I understand that TODAY, Sharp came out with a YO-610, which is like an 8600, minus the card slot, minus some function - expense, I think. It is 128K. THE BIG NEWS IS THAT it is as small as the 5200! (Well, 4mm bigger in one direction, 5mm in another). Curious what pocket memos others have, and if you have a PC (or MAC, etc) link. I have the PC link for my 5200. t meeting, etc; (4) there was this