45704,03,06/07/92,GERRY SWANSON,ROGER PENROSE R/QUERY ABOUT BBS'S, I joined Temporal Insanity. I've been on for only about four days I already have a message base. My handles Dirk Gently whats yours? I had trouble calling the others. 45705,03,06/07/92,BILL MATTSON,ALL 32-BIT C COMPILERS, Anybody have any experience with/own a 32-bit C compiler? Done any significant research or reading about available products for OS2??? Interested........would like to hear from you! 45804,06,10/15/92,BOB SULLIVAN,ALL LIMITING SOFTWARE APPLICATIONS,OGEN This month's Scientific America carries an article about limiting software applications in some situations because of the possiblity of bugs. The mathematical proof of the impossible situation of eliminating all bugs other than by trial and error was proved earlier this century by Godel. I hope this is of interest to some. 45805,01,10/16/92,BILL CLOHERTY,WARD CHRISTENSEN R/CRC-32 (CCITT), PKZIP. The fast algorithm is known but not the slow algorithm. 45904,14,11/24/92,WARD CHRISTENSEN,ALL CBBS DOWN & BACK UP,NONE Well, sorry for our un-reliability again! This time the HST power supply died, and CBBS was too specific to that modem to work with others. We're now on a Practical Peripherals 2400, with MNP capability, but it does not seem to be going MNP. Randy sez that CBBS should be "generic" so any modem can be hung on it - i.e. he'll init the modem with a terminal or terminal program, then CBBS should just "connect". I think the default must not be MNP. He'll check further, and I'll do what programming is necessary. CBBS has to at least hang in there long enough to get ot its 15th anniversary celebration next February! Lets see, Saturday the 13th of Feb should be the Sat closest to the 16th if I guestimated right... for Pizza at Barnaby's on Touhy near California, 2:00 PM. (but call back for particulars in early Feb). Thanks for calling CBBS - we enjoy having you. 45905,08,11/24/92,WARD CHRISTENSEN,ALL MODEM SIGNALS, Curious about something - our modem drivers for sending chars checked if the transmit holding register was empty, then looped making sure clear to send and data set ready were there, then send the char. When the HST modem died, (power supply problems) and we tried other modems, they would "hang". Is it normal these days for modems to not assert these signals? Thanks! P.S. a change in the drivers to ignore CTS/DSR was what got it going again... 46004,05,01/04/93,MICHAEL SHARTIAG,BENJAMIN COHEN R/LASERJET 4M, Around Thanksgiving time there were NO IV-M's to be found anywhere. They have begun to ship units now, but they seem to be moving slowly. Distributors seem to be getting several at a time. Eventually supply will catch up, but it seems that with the 'hold' demand grew while the printers were waiting for the upgrade. 46005,07,01/04/93,MICHAEL SHARTIAG,ALL HEARD OF ASC SYSTEMS, I came across an XT box that consists of 5 mono cards and 256K on the motherboard. There are 3 ROMS (1 is BIOS) There also is a DTMF decoder card with 5 RJ-11 jacks in. When booting up each screen says SCREEN(1-5) depending on the card. I have not been able to find the company, ASC Systems to find out if this thing does anything useful. ANy info would be appreciated. ity, but it does not seem to be going MNP. Randy sez that CBBS should be "generic" so any modem can be hung