43000,nn,01/06/90,WARD CHRISTENSEN,ALL CBBS 12TH BIRTHDAY PARTY!,NONE Come join us! Celebrate the 12th anniversary of CBBS. Randy went "on" to make Chinet, an excellent public-access Unix system, so chinetters will be joining us, too. Map to chinet / CBBS-12th-Birthday, Pizza party. Barnabies Pizza, 2832 W. Touhy (near California) (312) 973-4550; 2:00 PM, Saturday the 17th of February To Wis. | | Barnabies--. |E| ######### \_ | | /| |\T O U H Y (7200N)|_| |C| =====================|D|=======================|=|===(Splash) \| |/<---- 2.3 mi ------> |A| D E V O N (6400N) |E| ^ | | =======================| |==|====================|L|===(Splash) |N| | | | to O'Hare | | | |I| -----------. |S| ~ 3 miles | | ---------._ '-. | | | |F| '-. '-. (I94) | K '-. '-. | | | E '-. '\| | V N '-. \ N '-. '-. E '-. '-. D '-. '-. IRVING PARK Y '-. '-. =============|C|================\. \==== | | \. \. |I| I-94->\. \. | | \. \. |C| \. \. | | ADDISON (3600?N) \. \. Addison ========= E ============================\. \=== Exit | | \. \| | |R| \. | | | -BELMONT- \. \. O Kennedy to Downtown Chicago ---> (C) Copywrong 1990, Ward's Cartography. 45700,03,06/03/92,GERRY SWANSON,WARD CHRISTENSEN R/MANDELBROT, I don't have VGA, my computer isn't very good and Fractint pobably wouldn't work. I am getting a new computer though with VGA, but now I pretty much want to do it myself. Thanks. 45701,03,06/04/92,JOHN STAPLES,MARTY DIPPEL R/CHINET LOGIN, Happy Birthday! I intend to try Chinet again, thanks. Is the plural for modem modi? John and I got tired of reading publications yesterday, so we amused ourselves by doing computer administration. 45800,11,10/15/92,WARD CHRISTENSEN,ALL PARTICIPATE!, C'mon, folks, good old historical CBBS is back up - but we need some message traffic to keep things going. What's pulling your chain these days - palmtops? Deskjet 550C (The new one with simultaneous mounting of the black & the C/Y/M cartridge, vs the 500C which "made up black" by mixing C/Y/M). How about laptops? What do people have/do? I'm happy with my Toshiba T1000XE - old technology - only a 10MHz 80C86, but it does find with Kedit, Grandview, Quattro Pro, FoxBase, etc. Anyone else interested in those 20M floptical disks? They're magnetic, but use an optical servo for precise positioning. I think you can get a drive for as little as $299, but the media is about $1/M ($20 ea). Tape is obviously much cheaper, BUT it is of course not quickly random access! 45801,08,10/15/92,WARD CHRISTENSEN,HARVEY NICE THANKS!, Thanks for the kind words on CBBS being back up again. What are you up to these days, computer hobby wise? What new modem 'ya checkin out? (I see it was 1200 baud...). In case anyone didn't realize, CBBS is running a gift (from USR) HST, which COULD have been a dual standard, except for their screwey policy of not allowing credit cards or credit- when it was in for minor service, they required a MONEY ORDER or CASHIER'S CHECK to have it upgraded to the dual standard! So I said "screw it, just fix it and send it back". 45900,07,11/12/92,AL HIGGINS,WARD CHRISTENSEN VOICE RESPONSE,DEVO In reguards to the application yes, according to the product description literature, this application could be handled by several of the products I refered to. The problem is there isn't many people out there as end users that have used those cards, nor are there many articles on the subject So far I've found 1. Anyhow, thanks for the information. I have school tonight, will try and get in touch with you this weekend! Regards! 45901,15,11/13/92,ANDY SHAPIRO,WARD DESKJET, Well, I went and bought one, so... It's a nice critter. It's hard to believe that, running on 20 watts, this thing can rival the ouput of a LaserJet that takes the juice of an air conditioner! Also -- have you noticed? -- it prints graphics a LOT faste than the LJ. At least with PCPaintbrush and AEASYAS! And, as you said, almost no banding. Have you got a setup utility for the DJ500? I haven't been able to find one on Internet (simtel20, etc), and I thought you might have such a beasty. If not, I'll probably just write a 4DOS BTM to do the job. I think I want an 'envelope window' anyway (that's one nice feature -- my old printer had a narrow carriage that wouldn't accept envelopes, so it was always a paint...). 46000,04,01/03/93,WARD CHRISTENSEN,TONY ANTONUCCI R/TOYS, If things go as planned, I'll have a 486 COLRO laptop at the 'fest. It will be FROM IBM so it will be running OS/2, I'm sure. I don't know if they are going to come fully outfitted, or if I get to install what I want... 46001,09,01/03/93,WARD CHRISTENSEN,ALL HOME DESIGN PROG?, Is there a program that would allow me to take the plans for my brother's home, and do some renderings of scenes from it? I have "virtual reality studio", but this is, while interesting, a poorly- implemented program that just won't do the job. I'm aware that Autocad has some sort of 3D package, but I'm talking significantly less than $1k for my budget... I DO have Design Cad 3D, and I think that can do some things... but not sure it could do the 256 color mode 640 x 480 stuff. Also I'd want to be able to print on my Color DeskJet. s application could be handled by seve