PROTOCOL: ALT CONNECT 2400 CBBS(R) 4.0.3b 04/20/94 23:07:14 Y/N: want CBBS "1st time user" info?^U ?^U ?^U ?n;ward;christensen;odraw;;fullc;piss Logging name to disk... You are caller 232370; next msg =46635; 369 active msgs. Prev. call 04/18/94 @ 21:53, next msg was 46634 Recording logon for next time. Use FULL? to check assignments ?^U ?xxxxx "Mine" command checking for msgs TO you, ^K to abo >Function:?dir c:log;dir c:killed;dir summary;type-20 log,ward c;or;*;short LOG. 2 KILLED. 8 SUMMARY. 25 04/18/94,22:15:04,232351,X,WARD CHRISTENSEN,,4 04/18/94,22:33:57,232352,2,MICHAEL SHARTIAG,,1 04/19/94,07:48:19,232353,2,DENNIS STAHL,,1 04/19/94,12:58:41,232354,2,STEVE AIDIKONIS,,1 04/19/94,14:39:56,232355,2,GARY MCCOY,,10 04/19/94,15:15:18,232356,2,STEVE LANGE,Chicago/ IL,2 04/19/94,17:16:51,232357,2,PAUL STREETER,, E#46634,15 04/19/94,18:28:41,232358,2,ROY LIPSCOMB,,2 04/19/94,21:50:00,232359,2,MURRAY ARNOW,,2 04/19/94,21:56:06,232360,2,DONNIE STUHLMAN,,3 04/20/94,01:55:42,232361,2,STEVE RYAN,,7 04/20/94,03:07:29,232362,2,DAVE WOODS,chicago/ IL, 04/20/94,07:46:27,232363,2,DENNIS STAHL,,1 04/20/94,11:28:09,232364,2,JOHN HOLLY,northbrook/il, 04/20/94,11:32:52,232365,2,GGCGCGCF FCGCGCJHGV,,1 04/20/94,13:52:53,232366,2,HARVEY NICE,,4 04/20/94,15:06:03,232367,2,ALEX ZELL,, 04/20/94,16:16:11,232368,2,FRANCISCO ALVARO,DEERFIELD,4 04/20/94,20:56:22,232369,2,ED LARSON,ma, 04/20/94,23:07:18,232370,2,WARD CHRISTENSEN,, 46634 04/19/94 PAUL STREETER => ALL: "VIRUS" - End of summary - Retrieving flagged msgs: C skips, K aborts. Msg 46634 is 17 line(s) on 04/19/94 from PAUL STREETER to ALL re: VIRUS Has anyone heard of a virus that apparently gets into the master boot record of the hard disk and then does little damage except make the computer act as though the A: drive is seriously in need of replacement. Two machines in my office have been infected by it, one of them twice. They are COMPAQ Prol's and it was COMPAQ customer support that suspected it was a virus and talked me through the diagnosis and fix. The MICROSOFT antivirus did not find anything. The diagnosis confirmation was to do CHKDSK and observe that the line near the bottom that should say "655360 bytes total memory" instead had a figure about 2K lower than that. The fix was to boot from a (write protected) floppy and then run FDISK /MBR also from the floppy. /MBR means write a new master boot record on the C: drive. This works, but COMPAQ does not know the source of the virus and I have become curious, especially since a few people in my office don't believe it is a virus. Little damage is perhaps an under assessment of the results. The "bad" drive messes up the FAT of any floppy it writes on. NORTON can fix it if you are quick and lucky. dup. chars. >Function:?