PROTOCOL: ALT CONNECT 2400 CBBS(R) 4.0.3b 03/14/94 22:41:38 Y/N: want CBBS "1st time user" info?^U ?^U ?^U ?n;ward;christensen;odraw;;fullc;piss Logging name to disk... You are caller 232128; next msg =46602; 368 active msgs. Prev. call 03/11/94 @ 06:12, next msg was 46597 Recording logon for next time. Use FULL? to check assignments ?^U ?xxxxx "Mine" command checking for msgs TO you, ^K to abo >Function:?dir c:log;dir c:killed;dir summary;type-20 log,ward c;or;*;short LOG. 11 KILLED. 70 SUMMARY. 25 :12:08,232094,2,WARD CHRISTENSEN,, E#46597, E#46598,17 03/11/94,11:22:47,232095,2,GARY ELFRING,,17 03/11/94,14:54:37,232096,2,MURRAY ARNOW,,1 03/11/94,15:02:13,232097,2,MURRAY ARNOW,,0 03/11/94,15:11:39,232098,2,BILL TRESNAK,bartlett/il,21 ]thanks for stillwaters phone# BILL TRESNAK, 03/11/94,17:06:27,232099,2,WILLIAM BERGMAN,Roselle/Il,11 03/11/94,20:22:39,232100,2,MURRAY ARNOW,,0 03/11/94,21:08:07,232101,2,ICARUS BARABUS,chicago,9 03/12/94,00:42:46,232102,2,NORB DEMBINSKI,,1 03/12/94,15:27:18,232103,2,DERRICK MARTIN,chicago/ il,4 03/12/94,15:32:34,232104,2,PETE CANTELE,,3 03/12/94,15:37:42,232105,2,ANDY SHAPIRO,,1 03/12/94,16:13:43,232106,2,ALEX ZELL,, 03/12/94,17:13:19,232107,2,JIM THALE,,2 03/12/94,18:52:48,232108,2,NORB DEMBINSKI,,1 03/12/94,19:10:03,232109,2,EDWARD MARSH,, >Help: HELP NEW MESSAGES, >Help: A, E#46599,23 03/12/94,20:10:00,232110,2,MARTY DIPPEL,,2 03/12/94,20:29:42,232111,2,ED FOSTER,,2 03/12/94,22:41:40,232112,2,MURRAY ARNOW,,1 03/12/94,23:37:53,232113,2,EDWARD KEEGAN,Chicago,14 03/13/94,00:20:03,232114,2,ERIC BOHLMAN,,4 03/13/94,14:18:07,232115,2,BILL MATTSON,,2 03/13/94,15:48:43,232116,2,JIM THALE,,1 03/13/94,16:27:31,232117,2,CYRUS PATEL,,0 03/13/94,21:43:59,232118,2,MURRAY ARNOW,,1 03/13/94,22:38:12,232119,2,DAVID JOHNSON,,5 03/13/94,23:42:47,232120,2,MURRAY ARNOW,,1 03/14/94,01:42:12,232121,2,NORB DEMBINSKI,,1 03/14/94,03:30:33,232122,2,PHIL SCHUMAN,,2 03/14/94,03:33:26,232123,2,DENNIS SLADEK,,2 03/14/94,09:49:06,232124,2,MURRAY ARNOW,,0 03/14/94,16:46:30,232125,2,PAUL STREETER,, 03/14/94,18:22:04,232126,2,LARRY GLASSMAN,,1 03/14/94,21:17:59,232127,2,ROY LIPSCOMB,, E#46600, E#46601,9 03/14/94,22:41:42,232128,2,WARD CHRISTENSEN,, 46597 03/11/94 WARD CHRISTENSEN => KEVIN HUOTARI: "R/HAMFESTS" 46598 03/11/94 WARD CHRISTENSEN => ROY LIPSCOMB: "R/ALZHEIMER'S AND OLD PCS" 46599 03/12/94 EDWARD MARSH => ALL: "JAPAN PART CROSS REF'S" 46600 03/14/94 ROY LIPSCOMB => WARD/ALL: "ALZHEIMER'S AND OLD PCS" 46601 03/14/94 ROY LIPSCOMB => ALL: "(I'M NOT MAKING THIS UP)" - End of summary - Retrieving flagged msgs: C skips, K aborts. Msg 46597 is 05 line(s) on 03/11/94 from WARD CHRISTENSEN to KEVIN HUOTARI re: R/HAMFESTS Thanks, nice to hear from you again. Grays Lake Hamfest, is that the one up near the Wisconsin border? I recall going to that one about a year ago. Thanks for all the kind words! Heh, no, '.' isn't how you get out of input mode on CBBS - it is just a blank line. Msg 46598 is 25 line(s) on 03/11/94 from WARD CHRISTENSEN to ROY LIPSCOMB re: R/ALZHEIMER'S AND OLD PCS Thanks for the msg, Roy. That "long seek" you found was NOT to the diagnostic cylinder - if it was a slow kind of "grinding" or "buzzing" sort of sound - if I'm guessing right, that was a "recalibrate". That is a function the drive contains, for figuring out "where it is". When the drive seeks, it does a read to see what cylinder it is on. If the cylinder isn't the one it expected, which can be due to failing seek mechanism, or due to loss of magnetism (can't read the required header info once the seek is done) then it does a "recal" which is a process like "Oops, I can't figure where I am, so I'd better very slowly and carefully seek back out to track 0 (at which point a special sensor says 'OK, you've gotten to track 0') at which time I can again seek quickly to various cylinders". Actually the drive has NO idea of "absolute seeks" - it can NOT seek say to track 123, but what it does is say "OK, lets see, I'm on track 83, so I have to step in 40 tracks to get to track 123", i.e. it always seeks RELATIVE to its past position. Thus, if it ever gets lost, it could have done a seek to 123 but arrive at 122 due to a hardware glitch, so it has to slowly (since for all it knows, something could have gone wrong and it could ACTUALLY be on track 2!) seek back until it finds itself at 0, THEN quickly issue 123 "step in" commands. Spinrite helped because of reading a track's worth of data, then low level formatting that track, then writing the info back. Backing up, doing a low-level format, and restoring, would have done the job, too. Spinrite is nice in that you don't "have" to back up and restore, though you SHOULD have a backup "just in case". Msg 46599 is 15 line(s) on 03/12/94 from EDWARD MARSH to ALL re: JAPAN PART CROSS REF'S I have a few parts that I am trying to cross reference from a japanese product. I called Tri-state and found that no cross matches could be found under the part numbers I gave. I have no idea how to find such information and would like it if anyone out there knows of such a reference. I have the following parts: D571: transistor I think? C3457: Power MOS fet?, Regulator?, D1805: tansistor? The D571 & D1805 are three terimal devices, and are in packages that I have never seen. (not a TO-226). The case is more square that round. The C3457 is in a TO-220 case (same as the 78xx regulator series case). Any info anyone can offer would be appreciated. Thank you! Msg 46600 is 09 line(s) on 03/14/94 from ROY LIPSCOMB to WARD/ALL re: ALZHEIMER'S AND OLD PCS Thanks, Ward, for your clarification on what was going on in the hard drives. SPINRITE has one advantage over the low-level reformating done by other utilities: SPINRITE can also adjust the sector interleave. Mine was already set to optimum (2:1), but my friend's old ATT 6300 was reset to 7:1 (from 5:1) by SPINRITE, and the throughput was increased to 112,000 bps (from 27,000 bps). The improvement is quite noticeable. "Just because there's snow on the roof, don't think there isn't fire in the furnace!" (For those whippersnappers among us, "snow" refers to "white hair.") Msg 46601 is 10 line(s) on 03/14/94 from ROY LIPSCOMB to ALL re: "(I'M NOT MAKING THIS UP)" From the Chicago TRIBUNE, March 6, 1994, Section 4, p. 3: "Some people who have bought computers, bedazzled with reports about their possibilities, can't even get started. One computer manufacturer told the Wall Street Jounal its help line gets 8,000 calls a day. A customer complained, for example, that her computer wouldn't work even though she kept pushing her foot on the pedal. She had to be told that you don't step on a mouse. "A man couldn't get his computer to fax a letter even though he held it in front of the screen and repeatedly pushed the 'send' button." dup. chars. >Function:?