PROTOCOL: ALT CONNECT 2400 CBBS(R) 4.0.3b 03/11/94 06:12:05 Y/N: want CBBS "1st time user" info?^U ?^U ?^U ?n;ward;christensen;odraw;;fullc;piss Logging name to disk... You are caller 232094; next msg =46597; 377 active msgs. Prev. call 03/06/94 @ 23:17, next msg was 46592 Recording logon for next time. Use FULL? to check assignments ?^U ?xxxxx "Mine" command checking for msgs TO you, ^K to ab >Function:?dir c:log;dir c:killed;dir summary;type-20 log,ward c;or;*;short LOG. 10 KILLED. 47 SUMMARY. 25 6/94,23:17:08,232069,2,WARD CHRISTENSEN,, E#46592,10 03/06/94,23:34:29,232070,2,BENJAMIN COHEN,, E#46593,8 03/07/94,01:07:54,232071,2,PHIL SCHUMAN,,2 03/07/94,20:35:05,232072,2,MARTIN AMBUHL,Chicago/ IL,4 03/07/94,22:36:43,232073,2,MICHAEL SHARTIAG,,2 03/08/94,00:34:44,232074,2,ROY LIPSCOMB,, E#46594,4 03/08/94,01:45:23,232075,2,NORB DEMBINSKI,,2 03/08/94,07:40:59,232076,2,DAVID GIBBS,,2 03/08/94,19:46:57,232077,2,MARTY DIPPEL,,5 03/08/94,20:12:56,232078,2,ANDY SHAPIRO,,3 03/08/94,20:40:14,232079,2,DON PIVEN,,2 03/08/94,21:22:12,232080,2,MURRAY ARNOW,,1 03/08/94,23:21:12,232081,2,KEVIN HUOTARI,chicago/il, E#46595,36 ]thanks for everything KEVIN HUOTARI, 03/09/94,15:05:58,232082,2,ALEX ZELL,, 03/09/94,16:16:22,232083,2,DONN BRISKIE,,21 03/09/94,17:14:15,232084,2,HARVEY NICE,, E#46596,21 03/10/94,07:13:06,232085,2,DONN BRISKIE,,7 03/10/94,08:30:32,232086,2,DENNIS STAHL,,4 03/10/94,16:24:02,232087,2,ANDY SHAPIRO,, >Help: SYSTEM, >Help: KEYWORD,4 03/10/94,17:08:41,232088,2,ALEX ZELL,, 03/10/94,20:44:28,232089,2,TYLER GROVE,, >Help: $)OI, 03/10/94,23:53:17,232090,2,STEVE RYAN,,2 03/11/94,00:15:06,232091,2,DAVID STREETER,Naperville,27 03/11/94,00:47:52,232092,2,NORB DEMBINSKI,,1 03/11/94,03:25:55,232093,2,CYRUS PATEL,,2 03/11/94,06:12:08,232094,2,WARD CHRISTENSEN,, 46592 03/06/94 WARD CHRISTENSEN => PHIL SCHUMAN: "R/IBM MANUALS FOR 4700/4600" 46593 03/06/94 BENJAMIN COHEN => PAUL STREETER: "R/STACK.COM" 46594 03/08/94 ROY LIPSCOMB => ALL: "ALZHEIMER'S AND OLD PCS" 46595 03/08/94 KEVIN HUOTARI => WARD CHRISTENSEN: "HAMFESTS" 46596 03/09/94 HARVEY NICE => ALL: "FREE ASR-33 TTYS!" - End of summary - Retrieving flagged msgs: C skips, K aborts. Msg 46592 is 07 line(s) on 03/06/94 from WARD CHRISTENSEN to PHIL SCHUMAN re: R/IBM MANUALS FOR 4700/4600 Boy, I have NO idea. Since I became a "product" (PC) marketing specialist, I haven't even ordered any manuals for myself. We DO have a look-up system ("BOIS" - Branch Office Information System), but I have NO idea where you go to actually ORDER manuals. I'll bet this is a question the main IBM operators get all the time - you might just call 245-2000 and see if they know. I'll be out at customers. Msg 46593 is 11 line(s) on 03/06/94 from BENJAMIN COHEN to PAUL STREETER re: R/STACK.COM Dunno much about STACK.COM, but 4DOS (a version of which comes with Norto Utilities under the name NDOS) includes a better command line history than DOSKEY. It has sophisticated command line completion so that if you enter DIR and press up arrow it will bring backe the last command line that began with DIR. 4DOS has dozens of other useful features, including multiple commands on a single line, batch-to=memory files that are read into memory all at once instead of one line at a time, multiple arguments for most dos commands (copy this that andother b: copies all three specified files to b:), aliases, and echoes the names of deleted files (I can't believe that we're at DOS 6 - and Novell DOS 7 - and neither of them echoes the names of deleted files!). Go for it! Msg 46594 is 19 line(s) on 03/08/94 from ROY LIPSCOMB to ALL re: ALZHEIMER'S AND OLD PCS Jim Coates wrote about aging CMOS batteries last Sunday in the Tribune. Here's a note I emailed to him in response: /R I saw your article (about aging CMOS batteries) in the Chicago TRIBUNE, Another problem with very old PCs that is starting to appear is hard-disk demagnetization. A few months ago, my PC began to act strange. It would pause during the access of a certain file on the hard disk; make a long, slow seek (evidentally to the diagnostic cylinder); then slowly seek back and continue reading the file. Two days ago, I noticed the same symptom on a friend's computer. In both cases, a check of the FAT map showed that there were no clusters near the hub for either of the files in question. Both our machines are about nine or ten years old. I completely cured the problem on my machine by simply running SPINRITE, and I hope to do the same for my friend's machine very soon. Thanks for bringing the CMOS battery problem to our attention. Msg 46595 is 16 line(s) on 03/08/94 from KEVIN HUOTARI to WARD CHRISTENSEN re: HAMFESTS hi ward. it's been a long time since i logged on, but my wife rememebered the exchange and i remembered the number. this was the first bbs we logged in to and it's a great pleasure to drop in again. i think that was about the time you all started up, and i want to extend my thanks for all the good work you've provided for us over the years. it was a pretty good idea back then and i'm so happy to have been a part of it. i'm looking at my calendar now, and i see grey's lake on march 27th. that's always been a pretty good hamfest, so i think we'll head up there to see what's available, junkwise and for weird small parts. are you on packet? i moved back downtown recently, and haven't gotten a IP station up cuz the rf links are questionable, but that's the plan. we'll see what capra comes up with. again, thanks for everything. it's been great, and we all owe you all so much. so let's see if i remember the cbbs command for sending a message. kevin h & marie sarapata . no that's not it. Msg 46596 is 06 line(s) on 03/09/94 from HARVEY NICE to ALL re: FREE ASR-33 TTYS! I will give away to the first takers 2 ASR-33 Teletypes which were working when last used 2 or 3 years ago. They must be picked up in Lake Forest-I cannot ship! Possibly some manuals also. Here is a chance to acquire a piece of history-the price is right! Call 708-234-3000 Ext. 371 and leave message. dup. chars. >Function:?