PROTOCOL: ALT CONNECT 2400 CBBS(R) 4.0.3b 01/08/94 10:04:57 Welcome updated 09/12/92; CBBS(R)/Chicago (312) 545-8086 YOU CAN SKIP TO LOGON by hitting ctl-K - view WELCOME later with W command! ** WELCOME TO WARD AND RANDY'S CBBS(R) ** (COMPUTERIZED BULLETIN BOARD SYSTEM Y/N: want CBBS "1st time user" info? Y/N: want CBBS "1st time user" info?^U ?^U ?^U ?ward;christensen;odraw;;fullc;piss ++LINE > 9 LONG - truncated, return to ACCEPT, ^U to RE-ENTER: CHRISTENS^U ?n;ward;christensen;odraw;;fullc;piss Logging name to disk... You are caller 231608; next msg =46553; 382 active msgs. Prev. call 01/04/94 @ 22:58, next msg was 46545 Recording logon for next time. Use FULL? to check assignments ?^U ?xxxxx "Mine" command checking for msgs TO you, ^K to ab >Function:?dir c:log;dir c:killed;dir summary;type-20 log,ward c;or;*;short LOG. 4 KILLED. 1 SUMMARY. 25 2,WARD CHRISTENSEN,, E#46545, ]R,PIZZA.MAP, E#46546, ]S,MESSAGE.X46, 01/05/94,00:17:13,231586,2,ROY LIPSCOMB,,2 01/05/94,07:26:51,231587,2,JIMMY WU,chi,2 01/05/94,07:43:05,231588,2,EARL HALL,,2 01/05/94,11:02:18,231589,2,CLIFF SHARP,, 01/05/94,11:06:42,231590,2,CLIFF SHARP,,2 01/05/94,12:03:33,231591,2,DENNIS STAHL,,1 01/05/94,13:09:28,231592,2,JOHN BAUSCHARD,,2 01/05/94,19:06:44,231593,2,D D,d, 01/05/94,23:10:27,231594,2,MICHAEL SHARTIAG,, E#46547,7 01/06/94,09:39:09,231595,2,DENNIS STAHL,,1 01/06/94,10:33:06,231596,2,CHAVALIN ARORA,,2 01/06/94,13:19:10,231597,2,STEVE AIDIKONIS,,1 01/06/94,22:16:32,231598,2,EDWARD MARSH,,3 01/06/94,23:39:37,231599,2,MURRAY ARNOW,,3 01/06/94,23:47:06,231600,2,MARK SMITHSON,Chicago/IL,3 01/07/94,02:26:25,231601,2,NICK STEWART,Chi_town, E#46548, 01/07/94,08:16:47,231602,2,DENNIS STAHL,,0 01/07/94,13:27:32,231603,2,DENNIS STAHL,,0 01/07/94,22:16:45,231604,2,PHIL SCHUMAN,, E#46549, E#46550, 01/07/94,23:20:54,231605,2,ROY LIPSCOMB,,2 01/07/94,23:49:43,231606,2,MELVIN LEWIS,, E#46551, E#46552,35 01/08/94,08:56:21,231607,2,MURRAY ARNOW,,3 01/08/94,10:05:20,231608,2,WARD CHRISTENSEN,, 46545 01/04/94 WARD CHRISTENSEN => ANDY SHAPIRO: "R/16 YEARS!" 46546 01/04/94 WARD CHRISTENSEN => ALL: "CBBS 16TH ANNIV PARTY 2/19" 46547 01/05/94 MICHAEL SHARTIAG => ALL: "RECHARGABLE ALKALINES" 46548 01/07/94 NICK STEWART => ALL: "C" 46549 01/07/94 PHIL SCHUMAN => ALL: "CELLULAR PORTABLE FOR SALE" 46550 01/07/94 PHIL SCHUMAN => WARD: "DIGITAL MODEMS" 46551 01/07/94 MELVIN LEWIS => ALL: "WINDOWS & OS/2 COMMUNICATIONS" 46552 01/08/94 MELVIN LEWIS => SYSOP: "XMODEM DOCUMENTATION" - End of summary - Retrieving flagged msgs: C skips, K aborts. Msg 46545 is 09 line(s) on 01/04/94 from WARD CHRISTENSEN to ANDY SHAPIRO re: R/16 YEARS! Uh, I have some old logs - I can scan thru 'em, but I think I have the old ones offline - perhaps on unreadable 800K media, heh - back when you could buy a double-step (80-track) 5.25" low density drive, and pack 10 sectors per track, getting 800K out of it - so I'd have to check how far back I go. I did find a couple logins from Jan '89 including your trying to help someone with a TRS 4P hoping to get some DOS stuff going, you told 'em to find a new home for it and buy another machine. heh. Thanks for the congrats - hope you can make the party. Msg 46546 is 01 line(s) on 01/04/94 from WARD CHRISTENSEN to ALL re: CBBS 16TH ANNIV PARTY 2/19 Blank Msg 46547 is 05 line(s) on 01/05/94 from MICHAEL SHARTIAG to ALL re: RECHARGABLE ALKALINES From the little I have read about them, they are new, specially designed or formulated battries. You have to get the batteries and the special recharger. While only assuming, if it were a special circuit in the charger alone, they would market it to the world for use with standard alkaline battries. Msg 46548 is 00 line(s) on 01/07/94 from NICK STEWART to ALL re: C Msg 46549 is 11 line(s) on 01/07/94 from PHIL SCHUMAN to ALL re: CELLULAR PORTABLE FOR SALE I have 2 Motorola Ultra Classic Alpha's for sale. These are the thin tall portable with 100 memory locations, and each supports alphanumeric entries. These would be a good deal for anyone just wanting to keep their number and swapping into a portable - as the carriers usually rebate the dealers for all NEW number activations with $200-$250 to offset the cost of a NEW phone for a NEW customer. Existing customers wanting to change have to bite the bullet. I also have an older thicker Motorola portable 8000 that is numeric only, and has 16 memory locations. all are working and in service as I type. Msg 46550 is 13 line(s) on 01/07/94 from PHIL SCHUMAN to WARD re: DIGITAL MODEMS is you think X.25 is a little scary. try 'digital modems' this is the technology used by some credit card verification systems that have the card swipe read and transmitted via originating modem to a 'digital' device the looks at the T-1 bit stream (on one of the 24 or more channels) and decodes the bit stream directly into data without converting to analog and then passing the analog stream into a modem. Another Digital Signal Processing technique is used to combine FAX data - which of course is just V.29 9600 bps data streams into a mux for remote office connections. Instead of chewing up 64kbs of a analog voice channel, the mux merely carves out 9600 for the real fax data, and another 32kbs for the compressed voice (or 16kbs, or even 8kbps) and leave the rest for any kind of data. so on a single 56k line, you get FAX, voice line, and data . neat huh ?? Msg 46551 is 18 line(s) on 01/07/94 from MELVIN LEWIS to ALL re: WINDOWS & OS/2 COMMUNICATIONS I am currently writing a Windows 3.0/3.1 communications program which was initially to be used on my job (microwave radio tech) to communicate with our HP1000 CP/M (LARSCAN 1000) alarm system. After successfuly completing this portion of the program I decided to implement file xfer capabilities in the program so that I could use it for all of my communications needs. I have since been able to include XMODEM(Checksum)/(CRC) with excellent results. I would be interested in any specific C or assembly examples of ANY and ALL other transfer protocols. I may be reached via Compuserve Mail through my user ID 72700,3275. Also, I would be interested in any information or examples of Windows code implementing serial or parallel communications. I have the terminal example written by Brian Woodruff of Microsoft, but this example does not include any mention of file xfer protocols or switching between 7E1-8N1-7E1.The particular problem that I am having in this respect is that after the file is transferred successfuly and I switch back to 7E1 I can transmit from my keyboard to the remote system but I can't recieve from the remote system. I would appreciate any input from anyone on this problem or the above mentined protocol examples. Thanks, M. Glenn Lewis, Las Vegas, NV Msg 46552 is 08 line(s) on 01/08/94 from MELVIN LEWIS to SYSOP re: XMODEM DOCUMENTATION I have an old copy of XYMODEM.DOC which I recieved from Compuserve and I was able to implement the protocol in a Windows comm program (see message to ALL) but I wanted to find out if there have been any "official" enhancements or additions to this document since 1989. If so I may be reached via Compuserve USER ID 72700,3275 if you have the time or maybe you could leave me a note on this system directing me to the source of such information. I don't want to take up any more of your time than neccessary so I'll cut it short with a Thank You, M. Glenn Lewis, Automated Microwave West, Las Vegas, NV. Bye. dup. chars. >Function:? >Function:?