Msg 46113 is 04 line(s) on 03/01/93 from WARD CHRISTENSEN to CHAD FLETCHER re: BBS LISTS Used to have one here, but sorry, don't have it any longer. I went into Magellan to search on "bbs list msg" and found a hig: "call Stillwaters BBS (708-403-2826)" They have the list we used to carry. Msg 46259 is 24 line(s) on 05/17/93 from PAUL CHARTRAW to WARD CHRISTENSEN re: THE CBBSLIST Ward- First of all, allow me to introduce myself. My name is Paul Chartraw, and I have been editor of the CBBSList/Stillwaters List for the past year and a half, and have offered it a 'home' since the beginning of this year. I have meant to contact you since November or so, but as you know, things always seem to get in the way of doing what you WANT to do. I dearly hope that there is no ill will towards my usage of the CBBS moniker, I understand you 'own' it, and granted it's use as the filename in the Stillwaters List-era, and hope that you do not have a problem with it's use as the NAME as well as the filename. The reason I chose to rename the list to The CBBSList is that simply it was no longer housed at Colby's system, and he asked me to differentiate it somehow so that he would not continue to be overrun by the callers, and it seemed simplest to me to keep the familiar, etc, etc. Feel free to contact me voice at 708-748-6816 evenings after 6pm, or via my system, The Hideaway BBS, at 708-748-1911. Paul M. Chartraw PS - Ya know, if it wasn't for you, I'd NEVER have had this much fun. ('Course, my phone bills'd be cheaper, I'd have more time on my hands, I'd stil have most my hair.HMMMM) Msg 46263 is 19 line(s) on 05/20/93 from WARD CHRISTENSEN to PAUL CHARTRAW re: R/THE CBBSLIST Hmmm, I did furrow my brow when I saw the name "CBBS" - it IS the name of THIS system, AND an officially registered name, at that. Other than that we carried it as a service for a while (difficult, since we have no file xfer and I had to mash it into some messages with an editor), there was no tie-in to CBBS. Hmmm again. I granted the use of its name? Hmmm, I guess like the guy who said I promised him a million dollars yesterday, you could BOTH be right, I DO have a bad memory, but this DOES come as a complete surprise to me. (Then again, one day I asked Chuck Forsberg where he came up with the idea of the name "Ymodem". He said "You suggested it". Embarassed, I went through my old Compuserve captured messages, and found the one I SENT HIM suggesting the name, because "YAM" was his commo program, and "Y" was one more than "X", etc) CBBSLIST seems as inappropriate (people might come here asking about it- and do ask "in general" about BBS Lists) just as being the Stillwaters BBS list they went to him and he wants it stopped. Gee, credit where due: Call it the Hideaway Chicago Area BBS list, and in the front of it credit Stilwaters/Colby for all the effort perhaps. CBBS in the name just seems confusing and IS misleading.