PROTOCOL: ALT CONNECT 2400 CBBS(R) 4.0.3b 10/03/93 20:54:43 Y/N: want CBBS "1st time user" info?^U ?^U ?^U ?n;ward;christensen;odraw;;fullc;piss Logging name to disk... You are caller 230950; next msg =46483; 368 active msgs. Prev. call 10/02/93 @ 09:45, next msg was 46479 Recording logon for next time. Use FULL? to check assignments ?^U ?xxxxx "Mine" command checking for msgs TO you, ^K to ab >Function:?dir c:log;dir c:killed;dir summary;type-20 log,ward c;or;*;short LOG. 3 KILLED. 97 SUMMARY. 24 3,09:45:56,230935,2,WARD CHRISTENSEN,, E#46479, E#46480, 10/02/93,09:59:02,230936,X,WARD CHRISTENSEN,,2 10/02/93,10:19:51,230937,2,MURRAY ARNOW,,5 10/02/93,10:28:29,230938,2,ABU BAKAR,Selangor/ W.Malaysia, E#46481,5 10/02/93,15:22:10,230939,2,JERRY HASLETT,,3 10/02/93,16:18:26,230940,2,JIM THALE,, E#46482,6 10/02/93,17:46:18,230941,2,DAVID JOHNSON,, 10/02/93,17:57:34,230942,2,DAVID JOHNSON,,5 10/02/93,18:23:07,230943,2,ALEX ZELL,, 10/02/93,21:49:07,230944,2,BILL MATTSON,,1 10/02/93,22:26:05,230945,2,CARY MEDNICK,forest park/il,4 10/03/93,06:55:41,230946,2,BILL FISCHER,,19 10/03/93,08:23:32,230947,2,ANDREW WOHRLEY,,3 10/03/93,10:58:23,230948,2,ALEX ZELL,,1 ]Randy said chinet would be down Saturday, didn't say Sunday also. The msg 46482 is sort of legible so I let it stay. heh. ALEX ZELL, 10/03/93,19:58:45,230949,2,DEAN FERRANTE,,2 10/03/93,20:54:47,230950,2,WARD CHRISTENSEN,, 46479 10/02/93 WARD CHRISTENSEN => MICHAEL SHARTIAG: "R/CYRIX 486/40 ??" 46480 10/02/93 WARD CHRISTENSEN => STAN BROHN: "CBBS" 46481 10/02/93 ABU BAKAR => SYSOP: "PAY RESPECT" 46482 10/02/93 JIM THALE => ALL: "OLD TERMINALS" - End of summary - Retrieving flagged msgs: C skips, K aborts. Msg 46479 is 08 line(s) on 10/02/93 from WARD CHRISTENSEN to MICHAEL SHARTIAG re: R/CYRIX 486/40 ?? Oh, this whole non-Intel chip thing is CONFUSING! IBM comes along with "Blue Lightning" which I thought was a 33-100 chip, possibly without a math-co, and possibly a 16MB-addressing machine. Cyrix had 386-pin-compatible 486s, I think - and also other products. This one you talked about with the piggy-back math-co sounds strange! One of the bennies of Intel is the internal 64-bit path to the math-co, wonder if that is true with Cyrix? Have you or anyone seen any reviews of the Cyrix chips? Msg 46480 is 05 line(s) on 10/02/93 from WARD CHRISTENSEN to STAN BROHN re: CBBS No, CBBS hasn't been available for quite a while. Maybe nearly 10? I don't know. It is running here on a highly modified PC running a CP/M emulator and V20 chip! I really SHOULD write it in C if I want it to go on "forever", heh. What was the 1:3800 in your phone number? Never saw that! Msg 46481 is 03 line(s) on 10/02/93 from ABU BAKAR to SYSOP re: PAY RESPECT Hi! I know it's the first BBS in the world, just got my modem and wanna pay my my respect. Say, u got a simple machine to run the bbs. Don't carry any files . Will call back again. I might be the first one from Malaysia to ccall huh!? Msg 46482 is 11 line(s) on 10/02/93 from JIM THALE to ALL re: OLD TERMINALS I have some real oldies someone might be interested in. . FOR SALE (cheap!) e got an oldie. Infoton (GTC) I-100 w/amber screen. f historical note- it's the terminal that CROSSTALK was ritten on. It's big though, if you can haul it away t's yours. two WYSE 75's. non-working, but with schematics. robably need new Electrolytics & I don't have time aul them and they're yours too. you're interested leave a message to SYSOP on the OZO Board (708) 948-5754 (8N1-24hrs/7days) dup. chars. >Function:?r;