PROTOCOL: ALT CONNECT 2400 CBBS(R) 4.0.3b 07/18/93 22:52:57 Y/N: want CBBS "1st time user" info?^U ?^U ?^U ?n;ward;christensen;odraw;;fullc;piss Logging name to disk... You are caller 230241; next msg =46363; 374 active msgs. Prev. call 07/17/93 @ 22:17, next msg was 46359 Recording logon for next time. Use FULL? to check assignments ?^U ?xxxxx "Mine" command checking for msgs TO you, ^K to abor >Function:?dir c:log;dir c:killed;dir summary;type-20 log,ward c;or;*;short LOG. 4 KILLED. 10 SUMMARY. 25 07/17/93,08:54:01,230221,2,WARD CHRISTENSEN,, E#46356, E#46357,5 07/17/93,10:56:39,230222,2,BERNIE KRATZ,,2 07/17/93,11:51:56,230223,2,ANDY SHAPIRO,, E#46358,4 07/17/93,16:58:14,230224,2,NORB DEMBINSKI,,0 07/17/93,17:12:28,230225,2,MURRAY ARNOW,,2 07/17/93,18:35:10,230226,2,ALEX ZELL,, 07/17/93,21:56:28,230227,2,JERRY HASLETT,,2 07/17/93,22:02:32,230228,2,MARTIN MILLER,,7 07/17/93,22:18:01,230229,2,WARD CHRISTENSEN,, E#46359,3 07/18/93,00:26:58,230230,2,BILL COLEMAN,,4 07/18/93,02:02:17,230231,2,BILL MATTSON,,2 07/18/93,07:31:40,230232,2,JUAN AQUINO,Chicago,10 07/18/93,10:50:09,230233,2,DON GUMINGO,, >Help: SSS,20 07/18/93,14:05:00,230234,2,RANDY IMAGEN,,14 07/18/93,14:25:36,230235,2,STEVE RYAN,, 07/18/93,15:36:24,230236,2,ALEX ZELL,, 07/18/93,17:12:19,230237,2,ERIC BOHLMAN,,0 07/18/93,20:29:37,230238,2,NEIL RUSH,{zVcynthiana,3 07/18/93,21:40:23,230239,2,BENJAMIN COHEN,, E#46360, E#46361,13 07/18/93,22:31:23,230240,2,MICHAEL SHARTIAG,, E#46362,8 07/18/93,22:53:01,230241,2,WARD CHRISTENSEN,, 46359 07/17/93 WARD CHRISTENSEN => ANDY SHAPIRO: "R/GENEVA" 46360 07/18/93 BENJAMIN COHEN => ANDY SHAPIRO: "R/PS" 46361 07/18/93 BENJAMIN COHEN => WARD CHRISTENSEN: "R/GENEVA" 46362 07/18/93 MICHAEL SHARTIAG => ALL: "FAX CLASS 1 VS 2" - End of summary - Retrieving flagged msgs: C skips, K aborts. Msg 46359 is 06 line(s) on 07/17/93 from WARD CHRISTENSEN to ANDY SHAPIRO re: R/GENEVA Does the Geneva execute a basic? i.e. does it come with one? I might be interested - it WAS a system I had considered at one point. Besides, my 10-year-old-laptop died! (Epson HX-20 - GREAT early machine - tape, printer, screen, BASIC, etc. Problem with it, was that it could have been a great "hackers" machine but they refused to release the internals documentation until it was a dead product. Msg 46360 is 14 line(s) on 07/18/93 from BENJAMIN COHEN to ANDY SHAPIRO re: R/PS I was fiddling around with the program that works with Filink on the Geneva, and for some reason or other it wouldn't work consistently. Since there's still an Osborne Exec about arm's length from here, I never bothered to fiddle with other stuff. That connection works reliably. Most of the time the stuff that I'm doing can be quickly edited on the Exec and then printed and that's all I need from it! Actually, for that kind of work the machine is still quite good - 8 MHz CPU and 385K RAM disk make for plenty fast editing and it has DSDD drives and can copy the finished work to an IBM-compatible format disk. It's simply a matter of having a method that works well and not having the energy to figure out a substitute. The Exec isn't going away and it's still quite good for writing letters and stuff. It's even "green" (uses a lot less energy than my 486!). Msg 46361 is 09 line(s) on 07/18/93 from BENJAMIN COHEN to WARD CHRISTENSEN re: R/GENEVA Sure, it has BASIC in ROM. The base machine is 64K, of which about 24K can be configured as a RAM disk. You can add on a "wedge" under the base machine. It may be (a) a 300 baud modem, (b) a 120K RAM disk, or (c) a "multi" unit, with 64K RAM disk, 300 baud modem, and an additional ROM slot. The base machine has two ROM slots. There's a utilities ROM,e WordStar, Portable Calc, BASIC, and some other stuff. Parallel port, serial port, etc. I dunno what Randy has, but I have a spare 300 baud modem wedge just waiting for the first hungry buyer! Oh, yes, there is a tape drive, as well. Msg 46362 is 14 line(s) on 07/18/93 from MICHAEL SHARTIAG to ALL re: FAX CLASS 1 VS 2 I have been 'excercisng' my new fax mode. It is 14.4K fax & data. I have had problems connecting with serveral standard fax machines as well as other fax/ modems. The majority of the problems went away when I changed from a Class 2 fax to a Class 1 fax although the software documentation said to use class 2. The modem users guide and the software did not give even a 1 line explaination of the different classes. I have also checked one other manual. Can someone enlighten me? IN order to operate under Windows properly I had to use a new COMM driver in system.ini, ortherwise it would not keep up. I was able to send dta to this standard fax machine, but could not receive a fax from it. It is about 2 years old, and is a G3 fax machine (a small unit) Any idea as to why this is happening? dup. chars. >Function:?