PROTOCOL: ALT COMPRESSION: NONE CONNECT 2400/ARQ CBBS(R) 4.0.3b 05/12/93 23:20:23 Y/N: want CBBS "1st time user" info?^U ?^U ?^U ?n;ward;christensen;odraw;;fullc;piss Logging name to disk... You are caller 229680; next msg =46242; 377 active msgs. Prev. call 05/08/93 @ 00:18, next msg was 46234 Recording logon for next time. Use FULL? to check assignments ?^U ?xxxxx "Mine" command checking for msgs TO you, ^K to >Function:?dir c:log;dir c:killed;dir summary;type-20 log,ward c;or;*;short LOG. 5 KILLED. 7 SUMMARY. 25 05/08/93,00:19:01,229639,2,WARD CHRISTENSEN,, E#46234, E#46235,7 05/08/93,00:45:12,229640,2,RANDY IMAGEN,,2 05/08/93,07:17:56,229641,2,MURRAY ARNOW,,4 05/08/93,11:59:21,229642,2,MURRAY ARNOW,,0 05/08/93,15:14:35,229643,2,ARNOLD BOYD,,1 05/08/93,15:58:34,229644,2,TONY JEAN,,1 05/08/93,19:56:46,229645,2,BILL MATTSON,,1 05/08/93,20:59:56,229646,2,JOE MAILLE,San Jose/ CA,5 05/08/93,23:01:16,229647,2,JOE SEROCKI,,0 05/08/93,23:38:18,229648,2,MICHAEL SHARTIAG,,1 05/09/93,00:29:13,229649,2,NORB DEMBINSKI,,6 05/09/93,09:11:46,229650,2,AL HIGGINS,,12 05/09/93,11:26:26,229651,2,STEVE AIDIKONIS,,0 05/09/93,15:36:26,229652,2,ROBERT KAUFMAN,, 05/09/93,18:13:48,229653,2,GENE SEGALIS,chicago,6 ]GENE SEGALIS, 05/09/93,19:12:13,229654,2,RICH FOSTER,,1 05/09/93,21:19:18,229655,2,ANDY SHAPIRO,,1 05/09/93,21:47:47,229656,2,DON PIVEN,,2 05/10/93,00:36:55,229657,2,BILL MATTSON,, E#46236,5 05/10/93,08:51:55,229658,2,BILL FISCHER,,1 05/10/93,20:08:34,229659,2,RICH FOSTER,,1 05/10/93,20:40:31,229660,2,BILL PRECHT,,1 05/10/93,22:47:17,229661,2,JEFF MARTIN,,2 05/11/93,06:15:39,229662,2,MURRAY ARNOW,,1 05/11/93,10:28:36,229663,2,ANDY SHAPIRO,, E#46237, E#46238,15 05/11/93,12:27:38,229664,2,PAUL BRAMEL,,16 05/11/93,14:23:37,229665,2,DONN BRISKIE,jackson/michigan, >Help: FIND ALFREDO LOPEZ,10 05/11/93,16:09:07,229666,2,ROY LIPSCOMB,, E#46239,1 05/11/93,19:45:38,229667,2,ANDY SHAPIRO,, E#46240,4 05/11/93,21:15:53,229668,2,MURRAY ARNOW,,1 05/12/93,00:47:13,229669,2,ROY LIPSCOMB,,0 05/12/93,06:31:45,229670,2,AL TANTILLO,Elmhurst,6 05/12/93,10:06:59,229671,2,BOB BINDER,,2 05/12/93,10:09:48,229672,2,ROBERT BINDER,,1 05/12/93,12:32:30,229673,2,STEVE AIDIKONIS,,1 05/12/93,14:44:33,229674,2,PETE CANTELE,,3 05/12/93,16:38:23,229675,2,RICHARD HINTON,, E#46241,2 05/12/93,20:56:17,229676,2,BILL PRECHT,,1 05/12/93,21:10:56,229677,2,GERALD PINE,,2 05/12/93,21:29:04,229678,2,CHRIS GEORGAKIS,Chicago/ IL,1 05/12/93,23:04:46,229679,2,BILL MATTSON,,1 05/12/93,23:20:27,229680,2,WARD CHRISTENSEN,, 46234 05/08/93 WARD CHRISTENSEN => FERNANDO VALDERRAMA: "XMODEM IN C" 46235 05/08/93 WARD CHRISTENSEN => JEFF ROSTON: "SCROLLING" 46236 05/10/93 BILL MATTSON => EDWARD MARSH: "R/68000 FRIMWARE?" 46237 05/11/93 ANDY SHAPIRO => ALL: "SHADOW RAM - TEST RESULTS" 46238 05/11/93 ANDY SHAPIRO => ALL: "FAN CLUB :-)" 46239 05/11/93 ROY LIPSCOMB => ALL: "QQ: KEY SCAN CODE?" 46240 05/11/93 ANDY SHAPIRO => ROY LIPSCOMB: "R/QQ: KEY SCAN CODE?" 46241 05/12/93 RICHARD HINTON => ALL: "70NS SIMMS." - End of summary - Retrieving flagged msgs: C skips, K aborts. Msg 46234 is 13 line(s) on 05/08/93 from WARD CHRISTENSEN to FERNANDO VALDERRAMA re: XMODEM IN C Sorry, I don't know. I think it would be easy to find - I'd try Compuserve, BIX, or perhaps Gene Plantz' system - those are the three biggest systems I know. But I've never looked for it. I did the original in assembler. The "Ward Board" at 708-849-1132 has some C for the CRC routines in the low #'d msgs like 4-5-6-7 somewhere, but not the entire protocol. Randy (Co-inventor of CBBS) has source on his Unix system, but I don't think he's accepting new users right now - maybe out of disk space. If you can get in it is in /src somewhere - rzsz (Zmodem stuff, with X and Y modem as subsets) is in /src/unix/rzsz (but this is for a unix system). Chinet is at (312) 283-0559 for guest access, I think, but the logon tonight said "no guest access" -has for about 2 days. Folks are trying to find why. Maybe he's just in a bad mood, I dunno. Msg 46235 is 05 line(s) on 05/08/93 from WARD CHRISTENSEN to JEFF ROSTON re: SCROLLING Traditional ASCII ^S to stop, and ^Q to start, work fine here. Actually, I turn any chars typed while CBBS is scrolling, into control chars, so actually just an "S" or "s" would work. And for simplicity (and for tradition since CP/M worked this way) another S will start it again. Sorry for the problems. Msg 46236 is 04 line(s) on 05/10/93 from BILL MATTSON to EDWARD MARSH re: R/68000 FRIMWARE? Ed.If the wife is to be trusted, the document will go in the U.S. Mail Monday morning. I copied the entire text and covers so that nothing is missing. Let me know when you get it. Sorry about the length of time, but other stuff got in the way. Regards. Msg 46237 is 28 line(s) on 05/11/93 from ANDY SHAPIRO to ALL re: SHADOW RAM - TEST RESULTS You always think things are snake oil until. I have an 'obsolete' computer, a CompuAdd 386sx running at 25 MHz. I've hacked around with the software about as much as I was going to, and then I remembered the BIOS - by default, my machine uses 'shadow' RAM, and relocates system and video BIOS to RAM. In theory, this should speed things up. In reality, I was dubious. So I decided to run the following test.bat file: @echo off superpck/f timer cls d \bin\util d \bin\util d \bin\util d \bin\util d \bin\util cls timer (This is running under DR-DOS 6.0/4DOS, but it's basically generic). I start out by flushing the cache and turning on a timer, then clearing the screen and running 5 iterations of a DIR command (aliased to D) that gives me a sorted list of approximately 91 files. Then I clear the screen again and display the timer results. Without Shadow RAM, it took around 9.7 seconds timer to timer. With Shadow RAM enabled, just under 7.0 seconds for the same thing. So - sometimes these things they sell you really work! I should note that I run with BREAK OFF - putting BREAK ON added about .2 seconds to the time. So, if it's speed you need, THE SHADOW (really!) KNOWS! Msg 46238 is 24 line(s) on 05/11/93 from ANDY SHAPIRO to ALL re: FAN CLUB :-) OK. I have an obsolete machine, on which I don't want to spend that much more money (except, perhaps, for RAM, which has no bearing here). It's a 386sx running @ 25MHz, and all is well and good, except for the fan. The fan is loud enough, and has always been loud enough, to be just a little distracting (I used to use a CP/M machine with a RAM disk, no fan, so I'm picky about noise). Now, I have noticed that the air blowing out of the case is room temperature, and there are no hot spots on the case (and none when I run it case off, and touch chips to check). My stupid question is - given this information, would it be reasonable for me to disconnect the fan from its power source, and run the machine without it? Or, alternatively, does anyone know of a thermostat that could be installed to switch the fan on/off? I know there are power supplies with 'variable speed fans' out there, but fitting one into my case would cost >$100 plus labor. Am I thinking of doing something stupid, or could I expect the machine to continue living without a fan? I note that Radio Shack sells, or used to sell, a machine without a fan - anyone heard anything bad on that one? Msg 46239 is 05 line(s) on 05/11/93 from ROY LIPSCOMB to ALL re: QQ: KEY SCAN CODE? Can anyone tell me the keyboard scan code for the key? (This is the single key that acts like the control-numlock key combination.) I'm writing an TSR in which I have to fake a press of the key. (The environment I'm serving seems to ignore the "ctr-numlock" bit at 40:18.) Thanks. Msg 46240 is 05 line(s) on 05/11/93 from ANDY SHAPIRO to ROY LIPSCOMB re: R/QQ: KEY SCAN CODE? Hmm. Neither my 4DOS help nor the SCANCODE program show anything there, but my GUESS would be that it's right around 70. 70 is the scancode (decimal) for the SCROLL LOCK key, another of those weird ones, and they do seem to follow keyboard layout, so - that's what I'd try. See what values nearly either side of 70 getcha. Msg 46241 is 03 line(s) on 05/12/93 from RICHARD HINTON to ALL re: 70NS SIMMS. I am looking for about 8 meg of 70ns Simms. Anyone know of a place that sells SIMMS cheap? Richard Hinton dup. chars. >Function:?