PROTOCOL: ALT COMPRESSION: NONE CONNECT 2400/ARQ CBBS(R) 4.0.3b 03/31/93 12:45:44 Y/N: want CBBS "1st time user" info?^U ?^U ?^U ?n;ward;christensen;odraw;;fullc;piss Logging name to disk... You are caller 229328; next msg =46180; 384 active msgs. Prev. call 03/26/93 @ 21:58, next msg was 46169 Recording logon for next time. Use FULL? to check assignments ?^U ?xxxxx "Mine" command checking for msgs TO you, ^K to >Function:?dir c:log;dir c:killed;dir summary;type-20 log,ward c;or;*;short LOG. 15 KILLED. 39 SUMMARY. 25 03/26/93,21:58:23,229291,2,WARD CHRISTENSEN,, E#46169,2 03/26/93,23:15:31,229292,2,ALEX ZELL,,4 ]Ward, yes and thanks. I recall that you did respond with the info on the "tail" -- which I used to use occasionally a couple years ago to check for the most recent Kills. Don't recall if you explained the reason, as you do this time. Ah, yes, now I remember, I had tried to use "tail-n" sted of "type-n" and wondered what had gone wrong. heh. ALEX ZELL, 03/26/93,23:36:19,229293,2,BENJAMIN COHEN,,1 03/27/93,00:49:07,229294,2,MACIEJ ZAWADZKI,Chicago/ IL,7 03/27/93,06:30:42,229295,2,MURRAY ARNOW,, E#46170,4 03/27/93,08:40:59,229296,2,PETE JONES,,1 03/27/93,10:37:08,229297,2,KEN STOX,,1 03/27/93,10:40:42,229298,2,DAVID HAGEN,,2 03/27/93,10:52:40,229299,2,AL HIGGINS,, E#46171,21 03/27/93,13:19:10,229300,2,JOE VEDEGES,, 03/27/93,14:17:35,229301,2,DAVID GIBBS,,3 03/27/93,16:25:00,229302,2,TOM DEBOTH,,6 03/27/93,16:30:50,229303,2,TOM DEBOTH,, E#46172,10 03/27/93,20:21:21,229304,2,STEVE MALACHINSKI,CHICAGO /IL,4 03/27/93,20:44:29,229305,2,BORIS KUKSO,,5 03/27/93,22:03:50,229306,2,DENNY BERINGER,Chicagah/ IL,5 03/27/93,22:59:46,229307,2,RICK SULLIVAN,,2 03/28/93,01:55:54,229308,2,BILL MATTSON,,1 03/28/93,09:15:16,229309,2,TOM FISHER,Chicago/ IL,7 03/28/93,10:34:49,229310,2,CYRUS PATEL,,3 03/28/93,12:44:02,229311,2,KEN STOX,,2 03/28/93,14:32:00,229312,2,ALEX ZELL,, 03/28/93,17:22:47,229313,2,MICHAEL SHARTIAG,,2 03/28/93,19:18:26,229314,2,EDWARD MARSH,, E#46173,12 03/28/93,19:53:18,229315,2,DAVID JOHNSON,, E#46174,6 03/28/93,21:24:44,229316,2,CYRUS PATEL,,3 03/28/93,22:51:13,229317,2,ALEX ZELL,, 03/29/93,00:49:09,229318,2,BILL MATTSON,, E#46175,23 03/29/93,04:00:27,229319,2,JACK RICKARD,Lakewood/CO,10 03/29/93,07:33:00,229320,2,DENNIS STAHL,,4 03/29/93,08:37:27,229321,2,RON KRITZMAN,Buffalo Grove,9 03/29/93,11:07:54,229322,2,EMMANUEL SEMMES,,12 03/29/93,11:21:13,229323,2,DENNIS STAHL,,0 03/29/93,13:43:58,229324,2,DONNIE STUHLMAN,, E#46176, E#46177,11 03/29/93,14:51:48,229325,2,DENNIS STAHL,,2 03/29/93,15:54:51,229326,2,ROY LIPSCOMB,, E#46178, E#46179,20 03/31/93,12:40:01,229327,2,DAVID JOHNSON,,2 03/31/93,12:45:49,229328,2,WARD CHRISTENSEN,, 46169 03/26/93 WARD CHRISTENSEN => MICHAEL SHARTIAG: "R/IDE/TIMING & BIOS ERRORS" 46170 03/27/93 MURRAY ARNOW => DONNIE STUHLMAN: "R/VOICE MAIL" 46171 03/27/93 AL HIGGINS => MURRAY ARNOW: "R/VOICE MAIL" 46172X 03/27/93 TOM DEBOTH => ALL: "REAL ESTATE BBS" 46173 03/28/93 EDWARD MARSH => ALL: "68000 FRIMWARE?" 46174 03/28/93 DAVID JOHNSON => WARD CHRISTENSEN: "PCMANAGE" 46175 03/29/93 BILL MATTSON => EDWARD MARSH: "R/68000 FRIMWARE?" 46176 03/29/93 DONNIE STUHLMAN => WARD CHRISTENSEN: "R/MF COBOL" 46177 03/29/93 DONNIE STUHLMAN => DONNIE STUHLMAN: "R/VOICE MAIL" 46178 03/29/93 ROY LIPSCOMB => ALEX ZELL: "R/CBBS NOT RETIRING" 46179 03/29/93 ROY LIPSCOMB => WARD: "CBBS IN C" - End of summary - Retrieving flagged msgs: C skips, K aborts. Msg 46169 is 02 line(s) on 03/26/93 from WARD CHRISTENSEN to MICHAEL SHARTIAG re: R/IDE/TIMING & BIOS ERRORS No, sorry, that's a new one on me! I only have experience with 2 IDEs, and the slowest was in a 286. Msg 46170 is 01 line(s) on 03/27/93 from MURRAY ARNOW to DONNIE STUHLMAN re: R/VOICE MAIL Thanks, now that I've been looking, I've seen them listed in a few catalogs. Msg 46171 is 14 line(s) on 03/27/93 from AL HIGGINS to MURRAY ARNOW re: R/VOICE MAIL Watson or VIS local distributor Voice Link Evanston 708 866-0404 Ext 407 The complete communicator $299 (by PC Communicator) 1800 982-3186 Home Office by Prometheus (DOS & Windows) @ CompUSA or call Promethus at 800 477-3473 Big Mouth Talking Technologies @$299 510 522-3800 Voice Solutions (multi-line)@$695 1800 523-2320 CAM complete answer machine @$399 800 229-1753 Hope this will get you started in what you want to do. I would make ONE suggestion, before you purchase a voice board, sit down an write out your script and sub-menus. Once you have that down pat, sent it to the distributor or company and have them verify that their product will do what you want. Otherwise, you may have just purchased an expensive answering machine! Best of luck, you have just entered the world ofIVR. No msg 46172 Msg 46173 is 08 line(s) on 03/28/93 from EDWARD MARSH to ALL re: 68000 FRIMWARE? Looking for a simple monitor for a processor. I am not sure were to look for such an animal. The monitor sould be able to read an write character from a RS232 port via SIO. The monitor sould be able to get around some memory, and should be able to be able to other useful things necessary for micro development I would like to buy the source code. Code should be written in 68000 assembler. The processor being used will be a 68008. thank you. Please leave a repy on this bbs. Msg 46174 is 04 line(s) on 03/28/93 from DAVID JOHNSON to WARD CHRISTENSEN re: PCMANAGE Sorry to hear that the program isn't quite up to what you need. When I'd gotten it, I'd played with it for a bit, then tucked it away. The concept is a good one.too bad the execution isn't as great. Does the search continue? :-) Msg 46175 is 13 line(s) on 03/29/93 from BILL MATTSON to EDWARD MARSH re: R/68000 FRIMWARE? I'll give you some frimware (sic).but seriously, folks - there is a publication entitled MACSbug 1.3 INITIALIZATION AND I/O ROUTINES, and M68KMBUD(D2), dated January 1980, second edition, which is probably where you should start. It's a facinating little tome consisting almost entirely of commemted 68000 assembler. The intro states the following: "This document provides all initialization and utility routines within MACSbug. The listing provides the user with insight into actual machine- level programming for the MC68000 microprocessor, and the various service routines used during operation of the MACSbug monitor ROM." A Motorola publication of 41 pages. P.S. that is all one title up there, the part after the 'and' appears to be some sort of document number. Hope this helps. By the way, I am the proud owner of a 6-Megahertz 68000, in a ceramic DIP, no less. still in it original little plastic box. WOW! Msg 46176 is 10 line(s) on 03/29/93 from DONNIE STUHLMAN to WARD CHRISTENSEN re: R/MF COBOL "Downsizing" seems to mean using a computer that was smaller than the one you started on. THe next question is "What does smaller mean?" MF Cobol can create any kind of screens from character based mono main frame screens to GUI based, multicolored PC based screens. THe same program can use used for both interfaces. MF COBOL is a strong tool form downsizing since the same code can be used on multiple platforms (Main frame, PC, UNIX, DEC & more). MF Cobol's strength is in it's ability to run on many computers without changing the source (except for file locations and other "local" considerations.) Msg 46177 is 04 line(s) on 03/29/93 from DONNIE STUHLMAN to DONNIE STUHLMAN re: R/VOICE MAIL In the Business section of Sunday's Trubune there was an ad that including a voice mail product. THe cost was about $164. I think it was on page 2 on the bottom half of the page about 38 cm from the left margin. Msg 46178 is 08 line(s) on 03/29/93 from ROY LIPSCOMB to ALEX ZELL re: R/CBBS NOT RETIRING Ward mentioned something in an earlier message about CBBS having become "boring," and led me to believe that he was not longer going to support it (i.e. take it down). Glad to see there probably was a misunderstanding on my part. I guess I didnt' need to remind Ward that if he didn't want to spend time maintaining CBBS, there would be plenty of others who would be glad to serve as s*ops. (Thanks for reminding me that this is a family board!) Msg 46179 is 03 line(s) on 03/29/93 from ROY LIPSCOMB to WARD re: CBBS IN C Do you have the "C"BBS project mapped out yet? And/or farmed out? I still have the phone number of the fellow who offered you some low-level routines. dup. chars. >Function:?