PROTOCOL: ALT COMPRESSION: NONE CONNECT 2400/ARQ CBBS(R) 4.0.3b 02/15/93 23:04:12 Y/N: want CBBS "1st time user" info?^U ?^U ?^U ?n;ward;christensen;odraw;;fullc;piss Logging name to disk... You are caller 228882; next msg =46076; 377 active msgs. Prev. call 02/14/93 @ 10:49, next msg was 46073 Recording logon for next time. Use FULL? to check assignments ?^U ?xxxxx "Mine" command checking for msgs TO you, ^K to a >Function:?dir c:log;dir c:killed;dir summary;type-20 log,ward c;or;*;short LOG. 11 KILLED. 17 SUMMARY. 25 02/14/93,01:38:54,228857,2,WARD CHRISTENSEN,, E#46072,3 ]Alex: It must have been the modem cable - That's what changed when Randy fiddled around. WARD CHRISTENSEN, 02/14/93,02:01:15,228858,2,WARD CHRISTENSEN,, 02/14/93,10:49:57,228859,2,WARD CHRISTENSEN,, 02/14/93,10:56:29,228860,X,WARD CHRISTENSEN,, 02/14/93,11:13:49,228861,2,BERNARD GOLDLUST,, 02/14/93,12:39:25,228862,1,RICH FOSTER,st. charles/ illinois,7 02/14/93,13:34:12,228863,2,TOM DEBOTH,, E#46073,7 02/14/93,14:09:54,228864,3,STEVE FARMILANT,,3 02/14/93,14:26:29,228865,2,LYNN ANDERSON,, E#46074,9 02/14/93,16:04:30,228866,2,GAYLAND BLOETHE,,10 02/14/93,20:31:06,228867,1,RICH FOSTER,,5 02/14/93,22:12:37,228868,1,MICHAEL SHARTIAG,,10 02/15/93,01:14:44,228869,2,PAUL PATTERSON,,6 02/15/93,01:26:20,228870,2,BILL MATTSON,, 02/15/93,05:56:30,228871,2,ALEX ZELL,,6 ]I think just turning it off and on again did the trick. Or mebbe it was when the photo was removed. heh ALEX ZELL, 02/15/93,06:08:19,228872,2,ALEX ZELL,, 02/15/93,06:13:26,228873,2,ALEX ZELL,,1 ]Called the number provided in #46073, real estate data. No response. ALEX ZELL, 02/15/93,11:15:28,228874,2,DON ROSENBAUM,CHICAGO, 02/15/93,11:39:46,228875,2,ALEX ZELL,,1 ]Called again just now. Responds and asks a zillion "a few simple" questions after prelim logon -- usual: name, address, zip, phone, pulled the plug when it wanted birthdate. Figured it would be endless. Mebbe when I have more time. ALEX ZELL, 02/15/93,11:45:38,228876,2,LYNN ANDERSON,,1 02/15/93,14:25:31,228877,2,LARRY GLASSMAN,,1 02/15/93,18:40:42,228878,2,ANDY SHAPIRO,,2 02/15/93,19:48:30,228879,2,BERNARD GOLDLUST,,1 02/15/93,21:47:46,228880,2,PHILLIP HELLER,OIl City/PA, E#46075,7 02/15/93,22:36:12,228881,1,ROY LIPSCOMB,,3 02/15/93,23:04:17,228882,2,WARD CHRISTENSEN,, 46073 02/14/93 TOM DEBOTH => ALL: "REAL ESTATE BBS" 46074 02/14/93 LYNN ANDERSON => ALL: "ALL 2400 MODEMS EQUAL?" 46075 02/15/93 PHILLIP HELLER => SYSOP: "GOOD JOB & CONGRATULATIONS" - End of summary - Retrieving flagged msgs: C skips, K aborts. Msg 46073 is 04 line(s) on 02/14/93 from TOM DEBOTH to ALL re: REAL ESTATE BBS mmis real estate bbs-view actual pictures of homes on-line,see the current list of hud homes for sale in illinois,current interest rates, and a data base of hundreds of homes for sale, finanacial articles, usa today and thousands of programs. 708-834-1450 or call tom at 708-515-5500 Msg 46074 is 03 line(s) on 02/14/93 from LYNN ANDERSON to ALL re: ALL 2400 MODEMS EQUAL? I have two 2400 modems, 1 ext and 1 int, the ext is much faster. Can anyone tell me of a program to test the speed of these. I suspect the int modem is not really going 2400. Msg 46075 is 04 line(s) on 02/15/93 from PHILLIP HELLER to SYSOP re: GOOD JOB & CONGRATULATIONS Hello Ward, I just thought I would give the first and best bbs a call, and I Would like to congratulate you on a job well done, keep up the good work! Your BBSing Friend, Phillip Heller dup. chars. >Function:?