PROTOCOL: ALT COMPRESSION: NONE CONNECT 2400/ARQ CBBS(R) 4.0.3b 10/22/92 22:25:20 Y/N: want CBBS "1st time user" info?^U ?^U ?^U ?n;ward;christensen;odraw;;fullc;piss Logging name to disk... You are caller 227720; next msg =45827; 376 active msgs. Prev. call 10/20/92 @ 21:51, next msg was 45821 Recording logon for next time. Use FULL? to check assignments ?^U ?xxxxx "Mine" command checking for msgs TO you, ^K t >Function:?dir c:log;dir c:killed;dir summary;type-10 log,ward c;or;*;short LOG. 2 KILLED. 53 SUMMARY. 25 10/22/92,22:25:24,227720,2,WARD CHRISTENSEN,, 45821 10/20/92 NORB DEMBINSKI => WARD CHRISTENSEN: "4079 PRINTER" 45822 10/21/92 JERRY OLSEN => MURRAY ARNOW: "R/CD ROMS" 45823 10/21/92 BOB SULLIVAN => WARD CHRISTENSEN: "R/LIMITING SOFTWARE APPLICATIO" 45824 10/22/92 ROY LIPSCOMB => ALL: "386DX "FEATURE"?" 45825 10/22/92 MURRAY ARNOW => WARD CHRISTENSEN: "R/CD ROMS" 45826 10/22/92 MURRAY ARNOW => JERRY OLSEN: "R/CD ROMS" - End of summary - Retrieving flagged msgs: C skips, K aborts. Msg 45821 is 04 line(s) on 10/20/92 from NORB DEMBINSKI to WARD CHRISTENSEN re: 4079 PRINTER Do you have any info as to when the 4079 color printer will be available or any paper info on same? Norb Dembinski Msg 45822 is 25 line(s) on 10/21/92 from JERRY OLSEN to MURRAY ARNOW re: R/CD ROMS Like most things, you must match what you purchase with your intended uses. But for starters, you should look for three things: access speed; whether the MS CD-ROM Extensions file Ward mentioned in fact is supplied; and whether the interface is supplied in the base price. A few of the VERY lowest-end products file to provide the .EXE file. Many charge extra (as much as $100) for the interface). Access speed is a more complex subject and directly relates to your current and future plans. If you simply want to read files from the drive, anything around 340ms access time is fine. But for technical reasons, if you plan to do such things as use reference-book CDs which demand random access of index files, you may want something much faster. With careful shopping, the lower end of decent products can now be had in the U.S. for under $350; higher-end products double or triple that. The shortest answer for users who don't need a lot of searching capability (or who are willing to wait for the delays) is simply to look for a product with the MPC (Multimedia PC Council) compliance logo. BTW, the cheapest of the CDs with solid specs has been the Sony CDU-535. After eval-ing various alternatives for an article, that's the one I personally settled on.which is about the best endorsement I probably can make. FWIW, if you want a detailed expansion of the above plus a survey of a couple of dozen shareware CD disks, one version of my article will appear in Shareware Magazine, whose Nov/Dec issue should show up at news outlets and computer stores any day now. Good luck. Msg 45823 is 05 line(s) on 10/21/92 from BOB SULLIVAN to WARD CHRISTENSEN re: R/LIMITING SOFTWARE APPLICATIO My Sci America arrived on the day that I posted the message. It is the Nov 92 issue with a picture of an ant holding a micro-gear. The article title is "Software 'glitches' that endanger public safety." I have come to the tentative conclusion that even software needs the wisdom gained from actual experience. Msg 45824 is 09 line(s) on 10/22/92 from ROY LIPSCOMB to ALL re: 386DX "FEATURE"? Here's an interesting quote from DATAMATION, September 15, 1992, p. 19: "One problem already turned up in the early prerelease beta version of NT: incompatibility with early 'b1' runs of Intel's 386DX microprocessor, hundreds of thousands of which have mid- and high-end machines." The "incompatibility" evidentally was some function that differed from that on later versions of that chip. Anyone know what it was? Anyone know of other functional differences (in 386/486 chips) that affect execution of 8086 machine code? Msg 45825 is 02 line(s) on 10/22/92 from MURRAY ARNOW to WARD CHRISTENSEN re: R/CD ROMS Thanks, that was the info I needed. Msg 45826 is 03 line(s) on 10/22/92 from MURRAY ARNOW to JERRY OLSEN re: R/CD ROMS It so happens that I just read that Gateway 2000 is offering Sony CD ROMs for $225. You and Ward helped me to decide to go that route. Thanks for the help. dup. chars. >Function:?